Part 35

I'm picking up some kind of contact!

An installation? Out here?

No... wait a minute. It's a warship! Good thing they're still grounded...

Did we miss an entrance?

Doubt it. They must've launched beforehand.

Doesn't look like they've spotted us.

All right! Drop us off here. We'll hit them with a surprise attack!

And what a surprise it'll be...
It's okay, Clark. We know you don't have a personality. You don't have to pretend anymore.
Axel! Get the fuck down here! This is time for being sneaky.
I am sneaky like a shark.
But they see us anyway and blah blah blah...

Can you hear me, Albert? Try not to damage the carrier, all right? I've got an idea.
Ideas. Feh! Those are for thinkin' folks.

Just as I thought...


We should be able to use this ship.


Why so shocked? All she needs is a new IFF signal and we're good to go.

The only objection I can possibly think of here is the fact that you're abandoning the expensive warship that you were given as a gift, which is kind of ungrateful.

Ever hear the expression "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth"? Let's go, folks! It's moving day!

Man, they have a lot of crap to move. Everyone's Wanzers, plus the spares. All the weaponry and items I've accumulated. Luven's ego. Emil's anime DVD collection...
He's still below Albert and I think even Clark. Sibirska sucks for partners, though, so it's all you can do.

It's a pretty new model, too!

Well, damn. Never thought we'd be jackin' the bad guys' hardware!

We even managed to capture some of their weapons...

What's the verdict? Any complaints?

None here. This ship ought to make our lives a little easier.
Later, Albert would, in a fit of Baro-esqu egotism, rename the Carbonara. It is now...
..the ALBASE!

exiting from here.

Think they've got an underwater exit?

Multiple ones, from the looks of it... Just large enough for a Wanzer to slip through.
Man, they would have been so embarrassed if they'd built them any smaller.

Understood. I'll get ready to launch.

But your Wanzer wasn't designed for subsea operation!
What about all of the ones I've been doing since we got here?

Nothing a little sealant wouldn't take care of. As long as I don't go too deep...

I had a feeling you were going to say that...
Come visit lovely underwater.
Meet exciting new turrets.
Relax without the ability to shield while floating.
Get in touch with your dead side.
And of course...
Blow shit up.
That level sucks and let's never speak of it again. I most certainly did NOT get killed at any point trying to take screenshots.

We got 'em all clammed up... Time to go for the gusto!

We came out of that one in pretty good shape. Let's go!

Not so fast. We've still got to contend with whatever cooked Reginef's fleet, remember?
Yeah, good luck with that.

Just don't overdo it!

I won't.
He will.
Another base maze. Just what I always wanted.
A new type of Mortar guy. Why do the RED Sharks use BLUE Wanzers, again? Is it because Genoce has the rights to using red ones?
Get Weapon!
Uh oh. Looks like I'd better fight these ene-

That's far enough, thank you! So! Impressed by the technological might of my army? Well, then! Get ready for the crowning touch!
Way to team-kill, you stupid douche.

No. Impossible!
"This can't be!" "This can't be!" "You're finished!" "You're finished!" "You're finished!"

Ah, but you and I both know better. She may not look like much, but ol' Jormungand here took out your whole fleet by her lonesome!

One Wanzer caused THAT much damage?
You're one to talk, Albert.

Albert! You're shield's no match for that beam! Get out of there!


Relax! There's no shame in running! Gahahaaa!
Except nothing bad happens if you don't. You can hang around for a while if you like. Okay he will shoot you eventually but it takes about thirty years.
I got this on the way out.

he's got that beam on his side. Isn't there any way to fight this thing?

There might be. Remember that nutcase we met? The one with the heavily armored custom Wanzer?
Shielded, actually.

Of course! Question is, where is he now?

We might as well head back to where we first met him.

Back to Al Hari, then!
Alright! Next time: The Return of Sakata!