Part 36


Incoming cruise missiles!
Huh. That's an interesting coincidence.

Well, this is it. The moment of truth.

No missiles, no explosion, and the Sakata Shield was blinking off on that frame. Yep, I'd say this shot fails on every level.

Aha! Just as the data suggested... it's flawless! Ehhh? You again?
I bet Sakata is the once launching these missiles at everyone who walks by just so he can test his shield.

Yeah, it's us. We need a favor from you.

A favor? Nonono. Busy. No time to waste on your silly little war games.

It's just that we've run into this incredible beam cannon...

Wh... what?

...powerful enough to destroy a fleet in a single blast...


...and need the help of a skilled shield engineer.
Like, super skilled. Logic-ignoring skilled.

......Guess there's no way around it. Take me there!

You'll come with us?

Of course! I MUST find out if my Sakata Shield is effective against this cannon of yours.
Of course, if it isn't he'll get blow up, but Sakata doesn't care. He's just that dedicated.


Let's gooooooo!
Some pacifist he is.

weapons await! Russia, here we come!

Even though Sakata's Wanzer is custom-made, you can buy it at the shop. I don't know, either.

"Know thy enemy and know thyself, and you will not be defeated in 100 battles."
What if the enemy also knows himself and you? Dies it end in a draw? Sun Tzu!
Sakata is completely invincible from enemy attacks while the shield is on, but it old has a limited amount of... battery power, I guess. The point is you can't have it on all the time.

...oh, but where are my manners? I should be thanking you! You and your friend Reginef have been an integral part of the
Jormungand project's success!

So Red Shark was just a front after all?

Took you long enough to figure it out.
He actually had it figured out from the beginning, which goes to show just how obvious it was.

Then you're...

Part and parcel of the Society. Not just any old part, either! No, sir! We're the Society's weapons development team. Your Red Shark was nothing more than a convenient ruse for our weapons testing!
Let's see what they tested.
-A bunch of ordinary Wanzers
-Some bombs
-A big tank thing that they got into the sewers somehow. How they were going to get it out I have no idea
-A big laser
Great track record.

You see, I already used my obligatory Metal Gear reference the last time I was in Russia, so I have refrained from the obvious.

People DIED just so you could see if the damn beam worked?

Oh, cheer up! You'll be joining them soon enough.

"I don't wanna!"

Bad enough that you killed the Colonel, but to meddle in our research is... unforgiveable!

All those deaths... Mother... Father... Leros... All for THIS?
Remember Leros? Had around three lines before dying? Still has more character art than Clark?

Why so angry! You've got a shot at immortality here! Generations to come will remember you as the first official victim of the fully-operational Jormungand Beam Wanzer! Now! Give me a nice smile...
It looks like Sakata jumped up to block the cannon, but he actually just did it because the AI was being dumb.

Is that it? ...Beautiful! It's beautiful!

This isn't the time to start gawking! Can you take it?

Hmm. Judging from this data,

we seem to have a microwave beam on our hands.
Let that one sink in a bit before continuing. Microwave beam.

A what?

An electromagnetic wave, technically. It LOOKS like a beam because particles in the air are converted into raw plasma as the waves move through them. Never fear! My Sakata Shield should deflect 95% of its power!
The power of magic rainbow particles.

Enough with the science already! Cover me!

Sakata Shield on!
This is an unusual battle. The three of you are always moving forward, which actually doesn't make much difference. Sakata jumps between the three levels a lot, so you need to be behind him when the beam comes. I shouldn't need to tell you that if that beam so much as brushes your little toe you will die.
Between shots, the boss exposes his glowing orange weak points. I assume he's letting off heat or something.
Shivaltz must pay a fortune in new walls.

Tell me!

Where's the fun in that? I'm afraid you'll have to find out for yourself... Sorry!

He never knew when to shut up.
That seems to be a problem at all parts of your organization.

Felder! I thought I'd find you here...

You're not going to leave us alone, are you?




Alright, I made those last two up.


Get out of that damn cult! This is the last time I'm warning you!
Is this a bad time to ask how you got BEHIND Shivaltz?

Forget it! With this microwave cannon finally complete...
Uhhh...In case you didn't notice...

You really think you can change the world by force?

You're as involved in this as I am. It's too late now!
And then she escapes because plot devices never die.

Damn it! If she won't go...

...Commander Felder is your sister? What are you after?

This has nothing to do with you.
I feel insulted.

They're just part and parcel of an organization called the Society. They were using a weapon called a...

Microwave beam!

...right. What we saw was a demonstration of an experimental weapon.

The Society's behind this?

What's wrong? Have you heard of them before?

No, it's nothing...

Please... if you know anything at all...

It was before Red Shark arrived... there were rumors that a clandestine group made some demands of the former President... and he refused them. Soon after that...

He died!
"What? No! He legalized marijuana."

They were saying it was a protracted illness on the news.

Officially, anyway. Nobody was to know he was assassinated...
Well, cat's out of the bag now.

Sounds like the Society's handiwork, all right. And the demands?

Invade another country... and start a war.

That's terrible!

You're not alone, sir. Other countries are in the exact same situation.

You're in over your heads... this isn't an issue a handful of mercenaries can resolve. Please, stay out of it!

I wish I could, but... I'm already in too deep. If I stop now, I'll never know what the Society's planning. And if it turns out that they're truly intent on spreading war and misery... I'll crush them myself!

It'll be dangerous. But if anyone can do it, it's you!

The pleasure was all mine, believe me!

What were you doing out here in the first place?

Better than spending all day cooped up in some stuffy lab, I say.
Instead, he's cooped up in a stuffy Wanzer in the middle of the desert.

Any objections if I join you for awhile?

None whatsoever. Just be aware that we've gotten into pretty hot soup as of late.

Fine by me! I can take care of myself! Besides! You mercs are a regular goldmine of data.
To be fair, we killed most of them. Our team members typically suffer from debilitating stupidity, more than anything else.

Who'd have known...

What DO you know, Richard? All you do is throw us into battle and wait for the bodybag to come back! Live or die... as long as the money's good, it's all the same to you, isn't it?

You knew the risks when you signed on.

Those risks get higher all the time. The deeper I get into the Society's plans, the harder they'll try to put an end to my investigations...
Ya think?

You're quitting?

No, sir. As long as I'm with Kernelight, I've got a chance to draw them out... and find out what they're up to.

Using yourself as bait, huh? ...Let's discuss your next job, then.


Hey! Cool it! What's the matter with you?
"You're punctuating all over the place!"

With me?

The Brenda I know'd never blow her stack like this. You used to be a lot cooler under pressure, girl.

I still am!

Sure don't look like it...

In Machu Picchu. Shouldn't be too difficult for you.


A little gratitude wouldn't hurt, girl. After I went through all the trouble of finding you a job near a resort...


Yep! Our client owns a holiday spot in Machu Picchu. How 'bout it? Nice easy job capped off with a relaxing vacation...

Well, I HAVE been wanting a break for a while now...

Forget it! Let somebody else handle it.

No can do, son. Our man specifically requested YOU for the job.
So, you didn't actually put much effort into finding them a job near a resort, then.

Come on! It'll be a nice change from having to bust our asses all the time.

...All right. Don't get sloppy, though. If these guys are connected to the Society, we may have a fight on our hands.

'Course not!

Good luck!
Let's call it One-death boss Theatre.
EDIT: I'm really quiet in this. Am I always this quiet or did something happen?