Part 38
Alright, the thing I missed was in Borukta. Can you blame me? There's no clue of any sort that you can get anything new here.
Ignore the text box coming up. Pay attention to the adorable little robot.



You KNOW this machine?

Know him? I BUILT him! RD98 Kagemitsu... multi-navigational unit with enhanced radar capabilities! I had a field lab here once, y'know. But then the rebels attacked, and I lost track of the little guy...

I'm so glad you're still in one piece!


...I see.

What's it good for?
Absolutely nothing. Say it again.

His radar system automatically maps your surroundings and relays the resulting data to your Wanzer's computer. But that's not all!
Act now and receive this blender attachment absolutely free!


He's a real tonic for your nerves, too!

Well, uh... I guess he can be Team Albert's mascot or something.
Kagemitsu does level up, but the levels don't do anything. His only purpose is this:
He puts a map in a corner. It's convenient at times, but I wont be using him. Hilariously, player 2 is actually able to take control of Kagemitsu, but he can't do anything other than jump around.
Now... back to Machu Picchu!

the guerillas' main base is hidden in the ruins here. If we...

Brenda... something's not adding up. These guys don't seem like the type to attack civilians.

Think Jose's hiding something?

I'm going to see if I can't capture that big lug, Grant, or his commander. I need answers.

Ask questions first, shoot later? Too kind.
Ohoho, do you see what she did? She took a common phrase and she turned it around.
Good for them. Let's go.
Maybe... maybe they're just out for a drive. The weapons are just for emergencies.
This would be more convincing if I hadn't stuck around hunting a bunch down at the beginning of the level.
It's not really a "return" considering this is a different place.

I didn't come here to fight. I need to speak to your leader.

What kinda sad-sack ruse is this? I'm gonna have to kick your ass on principle, kid.

Grant has a new attack this time.
He launches these little things...
Which turn into raging flamethrowers for a short time. I kick his ass anyway.


Grant! Get a grip on yourself!

...You're the guerilla leader?

Leader, yes. Guerilla? No. We're members of an organization called the Guardians. I'm the district commander.


Your boss didn't tell you, did he?

Look! All we were told was that you had been attacking civilians in this area.

That's a damn lie!

Weren't you sent here by the Society?
She thinks that yet she introduced herself?

The...! Of course not! Why would you think...

Quit playin' dumb!
There's an easy joke here.

Your boss is one of the Numbers! Those bastards all but run the Society!

J...Jose is... Unbelievable!
I would actually slot that one well into the "believable" category.

You must have heard about the trouble in Al Hari and the Bergen Coup by now.
You'd think she'd have done enough research on those to have Albert come up.

What about them?

On the surface, such conflicts seem to appear almost at random. Dig deeper, however, and you'll find one group pulling the strings. The Society. Governments rise and fall on their whims. Regardless of who wins the war, the Society always profits. Always.

That's... the truth?

Looks like you still have a lot to learn.

That's why we came here.

Our organization was created to strike back against the Society... Formed by people who had sacrificed everything for home and country in wars that never should have started.

And Jose's part of it all?
Ohh! I bet he's... the janitor!

At the highest levels. As head of their weapons production team, he's managed to turn Peru into a giant armaments factory.
Crap. I was close.

Look, I want to believe you, but...

Their main production site is hidden in the Madios district, at the base of the Andes. You'll find your proof there.

All right. We'll call a cease fire for the time being.

Damn it! Anita! You don't actually TRUST this creep?

Yes, I do. Don't ask me why, but I can tell that you're no friend of the Society's, either.


What the hell is going on?

Don't worry, Albert! The Air Force will cover your attack!

I told you! I TOLD you!

This wasn't my idea!

Grant! Gather the survivors and get out of here! Retreat! All units, retreat!
And so they do.


She's too pretty to be a liar.

Jose seems on the level...

Albert... what do you think?

I've got my suspicions. But without proof... Guess we'll have to follow Anita's lead.

Speaking of our beloved employer...

A tough fight, I take it?

We had the situation under control until you carpet-bombed the place!

Why so angry? I thought you would be pleased.

It's moot now. They've scattered.

Excellent! This calls for a celebration!

A new shop has opened up. That means we can get new crap! I got some Repair Kit 4s, the Squirrel 4 for Axel, and the new Knight Master Wanzer for Albert.
This is what it looks like. That's it for now!
I'm I losing interest or what? Is it because these sections have been pretty dull? Because they are.