Part 39
I know you guys are still out there. There's just not much to say at this point. But anyway...
For all I know Madios is named after a real place, too, but who cares?

Well. This is the place.

Ready when you are.

Did you make sure to give Jose the wrong destination?

No sweat! He still thinks we're headed to Cuzco.
They're building stairs steeper all the time! Oh, wait. These are ruins, so I need to turn that around. Damn technicalities.

It's a bit far out for a military base. I didn't think the army operated out here, honestly.

Then it's got to be a Society facility.

Don't jump the gun yet. For al-
Oh. A carrier. Huh. I didn't even notice it there.

A warship! They were using the same markings as the anti-government guerillas in Columbia! But why HERE?
And why didn't THOSE guerillas get a cool airship?

I'll give you ten-to-one odds that thing was built here. Time to take a look around.
The rest pretty much goes as you would expect. "Oh man it sure is great having an evil plot and Jose being evil" "Oh shit that guy was right behind us for like five minutes and we never noticed!" Seriously, it's a giant mech! It must have made some noise walking around. What is this, the Transformers movie?
Some missile guys try to kill you, too. Etc. Etc.

We've already attacked Jose's men. There's no turning back now. Let's go talk to Anita again.

Just love working for free, huh?
"I'm not in this for the money! What's YOUR problem!"
Yep. Those sure are some nondescript numbers.
Hey there Micheal! You still trying to play the hero?

Attacking a paying client's facilities?
News travels fast.

Jose fed us lies from the get-go. That rat-faced bastard can take his contract and...

You're a mercenary! You ain't being paid to worry about who's wrong or right here!
Well, he's cheerful again.

I know, but... Look. I can't fight for what I don't believe in.

Well, son... I understand. But this is the last time you'll ever work for me. You're an enemy of the Association now.

...Fine. I didn't mean to cause trouble.
For the KA, anyway.

But I'm not going to sit back and watch the Society tear the world apart! I...

Say no more. I knew that's the kind of man you were from the moment I laid eyes on you.
There are some grammar issues with that sentence. Oh god, I'm starting to nitpick, aren't I?

Just watch yourself. That's my only advice.


Let's get going. Anita and the others should be back at Cuzco by now.
Well, I'll give them a few minutes just in case they aren't.
Wait... they actually ARE purple? I...I'd forgotten, I swear. Anyway, these new guys have a lot of health, and it's getting harder for me to get by. Please come soon, weapons upgrades!

Wind attack!
The worst part about identical twins piloting matching Wanzers of different colors is that I'm not surprised.
Bluey here likes you fly around and can do an ungodly shit-ton of damage. The other guy can, too, but he's easier to dodge.
Now it's just the earth attack. Which I think might be a Pokemon move. So this guy should be weak against flying.
He may move slow, and he can't jump high, but this Wanzer's...
Blown up! Haha!
Albert I still at 26, if you weren't keeping track/looking at the little indicator on the screenshots. I know I'm not.
Revisiting areas is for sidequests and crazy women!
That's Albert for "walk right and all will be revealed."

Wait! It's me!

YOU again? I thought Jose's bootlickers were back for secon... Hey! Wait a minute!

It's not what you think.
Grant doesn't really do "think."

Jose's troops have been gunning for us ever since we discovered that weapons plant of his. Where's Anita? We need to talk.

Too late, kid. Too, too late. They rumbled us on the way back from Machu Picchu. Anita was with the front line when they surrounded 'em... Last I saw, she was being taken away in cuffs.


They got me good, too... Damn it! I can't believe I let this happen!

Aren't you going to try and rescue her?

She told us not to go after her. Anita wouldn't let us jeopardize this operation for her sake... that's just the way she is, kid.

Then I'll go.
Can we have ONE female video game character who doesn't need rescuing at some point?

You're gonna get yourself killed!

I've still got a score to settle. After what I did for Jose, freeing Anita's the least I can do to make amends.

That's a hell of a gesture, uh... I never did get your name, kid.


Thanks, Albert. We're counting on you.

He even had me goin'... Lyin' rat!

Holding a woman hostage is hardly gentlemanly behavior.
Neither is plotting the destruction of entire nations.

Let's make a house call, shall we?
Could the end of Machu Picchu be upon us already? I hope so. This place sucks.