Part 4

You'll pay for your treason soon enough. Then the Colonel'll be the one calling the shots around here. Heh heh...

So, we're stuck in the world's most spacious jail cell. Let's meet our cell mate.

That voice... You're that Tadpole pilot, aren't you?

Brenda. Brenda Lockheart, remember?

I remember. What are you doing here?

They caught me snooping into Ark's files. Now I'm on trial as an enemy of the state... Same as you.

Me? An enemy of the state? ...You don't believe that, do you?
"I don't think I could live without the trust of someone that tried to kill me last time we met."

No sweat. I checked up on you. Someone should have anticipated Ark attempting this.
I'm pretty sure they did. They just ignored it. Well, they didn't specifically expect Ark, but it shouldn't have been hard.

That bastard's going to pay for this!

So... got any bright ideas?

I'm going after Ark. ...Just as soon as I figure how to break out of here.

Want to come with me? I can get us out.


They never thought to check the soles of my shoes when they brought me in. Stand back!
Brenda was apparently keeping a grenade bigger than her head in her shoe. Maybe she has those sneakers with the air pockets except instead of air it's an entire pocket dimension.

The guard's gun is still in one piece. Take it with you.

All right.

The hanger's this way.

If they're keeping my Wanzer there, we might just have a shot at this...
Yeah, according to this I should have been capitalizing "Wanzer." Dammit.

Let's move!
They took my weapons when I got in here, so those grenades I bought went to waste. For some reason I forgot about it, but no big deal. I'll buy some new ones later.
In the meantime, my handgun that shoots giant bullets is good enough.
While we're getting to the Wanzer, take note that on foot, you have a jet pack that can be used infinitely. One of my favorite games during conversations is to fly as high as I can and drop down, since you never take any fall damage. Albert just bends his knees slightly and absorbs all the impact. This is best accompanied with something like a yell of "AH! MY KNEES!"
You can also pretend to be Ryu Hayabusa and climb walls.

Leave it to me!
The only new thing to deal with on the way out is these turrets. They shoot energy balls at you. Just block them.

country. Get in!

But I...

You what? You realize there is no way you can stay here now?

Look! President Orwen is still in Ark's hands. And my parents...

Oh, God...
I like that part. You can really FEEL him realize how bad the situation is.

HELLO? Am I getting through to you? There is absolutely nothing you can do here.

... All right!
That ends the mission. I'm just going to go back to posting images unless it's a huge update.
We've reached the world map.

Why'd you help me? You'd have been safer by yourself.
I thought this was a suspicious statement, considering Albert was the one with a Wanzer, but then I realized that I don't know what other weaponry Brenda has in her shoe.

Well, truth is... There's something I wanted to ask you.


Yeah... See, merc-work is usually done by a carrier pilot and a Wanzer pilot working in tandem.
Until I was looking over the screenshots, I didn't realize how fun "merc-work" is to say.

But the rebels murdered my last partner...

And you want me to replace him?
"No, I want you to make me coffee."

I figured it'd be a good job for you since you don't really have anywhere else to go right now.

I've been a soldier all my life, Brenda. I don't know if I'm cut out to be a merc...

Have a little self-confidence! Your skill's first-rate. Besides... Are you really going to let Ark get away with this? You could use the experience.
She's right! By gaining more exp, we'll gain access to new Wanzer's and weaponry. Without it, we wouldn't be able to do significant damage to Ark's Wanzer!

It may be awhile before you get the chance to strike.

True. Guess I'm out of options here.

That's that, then. Off to New York!
On second thought, let's look at Atlas!

Finally finished, and not a soul cares.

Wasn't this thing supposed to bring and end to all wars?

Back in the day. But then miniature fusion reactors became viable, and nobody was interested in space-based solar energy any more.

So much for uniting the world.

From what I hear, a private organization stepped in with the money needed to finish construction after the rest of the world abandoned the project.

Abandoned? Bergen was still paying for it until the end...

Really? Ironic... Throwing your hopes into a symbol of peace, only to fall to a coup d'etat?


Sorry. I... didn't mean it like that.
"Back in Bergen we have this thing-" "Had." "-called tact."

It's ok. Let's just get going.
We're off to New York!

The Kernelight Association gathers soldiers from around the world and sets them to work wherever conflicts arise. They'll take anybody, regardless of nationality or background. If you've got the right skills, it's a great place to earn a dollar or two.
I think she's a shill.

It's a MEAT-MARKET, Brenda! You realize we're just here to be bought and sold?

Well, I guess that's true, but...
"It's such a great deal!"

Never mind. Whatever gets me back home and lands me another shot at Ark's fine by me.

Or were you looking for a job?

Got new talent for you, Mr. Millman. I can vouch for his ability with a Wanzer.

We'll see. Got a name, son?

Sergeant Albert-

Forget that, son. Your past doesn't matter to us. All right, hold on a sec...... Ok, you're registered.
"No last name, right?"

I'm Richard, I'll be calling the shots around here. Nice meeting you. Well then! Let's get to work!
There's a shop here, but I'm not bothering with it just yet.

I've got three jobs open at the moment. Cenktrich, at the base of the alps, the developing nation of Borukta, and the Al Hari desert. Got any preferences.

With THAT wealth of information to draw on?

Can you tell us a little more?


Your mission is to sort 'em out. Sounds like a cakewalk, really.

Word has it the rebels've got some pretty powerful weaponry. This one might be a little tougher.

'Til now, every merc we dispatched came home in a bodybag.

Encouraging. Well, I guess it's better to know exactly what you're getting into.

Try not to get in over your heads!

Where to. Albert?
I should let you guys pick which order I do them in, but if you were to vote anything other then Cenktrich I would be very upset because it gets you the best partner of the three and is the easiest. Going anywhere else would likely get me blown up pretty quickly.
However, on the subject of voting, it seems people want me to use the laser. This is your last chance to say differently, if you feel that way. Next time I'll pick up the appropriate weaponry, head to the next area and explain partners and the Tadpole V.S the truck.