Part 40
Time to wind this area down, I think.

Oh, seriously? Shit. You should have told me that before we stopped for coffee. Does anyone want Jose's?

We know what you're up to!
That would be anticlimactic, to say the least.
Only Albert could expect to surprise a guy by launching a series of attacks on his installations then barging into his home shouting.

You're not getting away!
He's not actually a Sergeant anymore. But... that's beside the point. Go on.

I thought you were fighting AGAINST the Society!
Oh my. It's Genoce. Did Jose do his homework AT ALL before hatching this little plan?
Genoce is more stubborn than the villain of Prince of Space.
As they are blown into gooey little bits.
Okay, let's review Jose's plan. He decided to unite his two greatest enemies, and pray they didn't decide to join forces and fight him. Great idea!

I killed those two so fast I'm pretty sure they actually died of natural causes on the way over this morning.

There's a door eventually. Trust me on this.

They've got a whole manufacturing plant set up down here!

There are some unmanned, virtually unarmoured Wanzers for you to destroy. You know, if you want to feel like a big man.

[I]The other two are a Stinger and a Silver Fang.

That never stopped you before.

More purps. Let's shard them.
I think that has something to do with WoW? I don't really know what it means.

You should have quit while you were ahead!
I'll assume you mean I should have stopped and did some training when the purple guys showed up. Because I'd agree with that.
It's hard to see Bishop in the shot. That's not my fault, the game automatically puts the camera there. You can see his shiny new Wanzer in a moment.
Albert VS The first decent attempt at a fight the Crimson Blow has come up with all game

Here's a nice shot of Bishop, as promised. He shoots some little homing bullets that you don't have to worry much about. The real threat is...

THIS! The field itself wont hurt you, but the shots that come out of it will. A lot. Despite this, you'll want to aim for Rook. He's easier to beat at this point, and Bishop stops doing this stupid thing once Rook leaves. I don't know why.

But Master... I can't abandon Master!
He's like a beaten puppy.

Now Bishop settles for occasionally exposing his weak point to shoot some blue bullets at you. Despite Axel' constant violation of Bishop's personal space (receiving repeat shots to the robo-skull for it) we triumph!

And finally, the OTHER villain with a gimmick speech pattern is gone. No offense to people with really thick cockney accents, but I mean come on. I assume you can at least type correctly. That shit got on my nerves.
As a side note, Axel really did get the last shot off. I don't think it makes a difference, though.

Waste not...

"Except the giant aircraft you have! And the fact that I never really try very hard to stop people when they run away anyhow!"
"No, seriously. I want to know. I keep getting lost in my own facility."

Wait... Rook was behind me? Why didn't I see him?
Not Wanzer power. The power to speak correctly. All the "annoy anyone who wants to type this script out" energy got transferred to him when Bishop died.

Gotta stop building these robots out of napalm.

His Wanzer blew up and yet he survives? Wait... he's going to end up joining me isn't he?

Brenda! Come in!

This might have been a bit higher, but I died on the boss and had to restart. I skipped most of the enemies on the way back.


"I want a wish, too!"
Please don't. I hate that guy.
Felder respect-o-meter: 7/10 (Would be at least 8, but she's related to Genoce.)
That's incredibly stupid, but not surprising.
Felder respect-o-meter: 6/10
Felder respect-o-meter: 0/10 (How stupid do you have to be to join an organization that exists to cause wars when your purpose is to stop wars?)
Not as cool as just another Rook, eh?
Well, the good news is that Rook is on our side. The bad news is that this area isn't over. Next time: The actual last part of Machu Picchu! Plus a double-feature video, if that's your thing.
Oh, and Glazius: Should I switch over to using Rook so he gets some levels? I figure you should decide it at this point.