Part 41
I haven't the foggiest how to pronounce this, but I got it. And a UV-4, for anyone keeping track. Also: stop keeping track.
Lesson 1: What is it good for?

All right! We're catching up!

One more thing, Rook. Why is Genoce so hell-bent on joining the Society?

...Master plans to kill Miss Royce.


He had planned to enter the Society and bring her out by force... But she's too far gone to save.


Master loves his sister dearly. But now only death can free her...

I see...

...Master saved my life on the battlefield. A lot has happened since then... But I'd still do anything in my power for him. I have no home, no family, nothing... except him. ...What can I do? He no longer needs me.

So you're just giving up on him? Is that it?

...No. You're right. I owe him that much.

Can we save "act gay for Genoce" hour for later? That bastard's getting a lead on us!
I may have taken some creative liberties with the word "story."

Get as close as you can. I'll launch when the time is right.

You'll be on your own once you leave the ship, y'know.

Don't worry! I'll be fine!
Not QUITE alone, mind you.
I've got my suddenly-infinite Vernier and my Rook.
Look at these jerks.
Hey it's like level 4 of Cybernator but sideways.
"He suddenly has infinite Vernier! What's up with that?"

You've caught up with me for the last time... Send out the Night Gaunt!
Uhh... Ok, I'll bite. What's a-
I really have to stop setting myself up for things like that.
I don't know what part of his ship's ass he was keeping that thing, but it has loads of health, homing balls, AND a giant death beam. I had to tell Rook to leave before he became too high-maintenance.
Screenshots cannot accurately portray how much special weapon ammo I used on this thing.
Eat shit.

What are you waiting for? Open fire!

Stop wasting your time! Ditch the plane while you still can!

Ha! Quit whining and watch this!
This is just a huge fuck-you after I took out that nightmarish boss, isn't it?
Wow. Three whole turrets on different parts of the ship. Real impressive.
The entire ship was somehow wired that blowing up those three guns brings the whole thing down. I blame Jose's cheap parts.
Genoce's Wanzer and a small escape craft were both housed in the cockpit. This is unusual until we remember that in the future, robots can be made extremely compact, such as finding them in tiny boxes as items.

Still, your Vernier can't last forever. Once it... Ah. Someone's here to see us.

What's with that blue Wanzer? I've never seen anything like it...
That's a pretty silly looking Wanzer. I bet this guy is some silly new villain. I don't really care because with Bishop gone I can rest easy, knowing that-

Number 5! Our sire bids me to relay thee this: "Death to the incompetent!"
... oh god no please don't make him speak like a ren-fair reject I swear I will scream if he speaks like a ren-fair reject...

WHAT? But...

Hold thy tongue, knave! Thou would babble apologies while our work here lies in ruins as consequence to thine sloth? Spare me, sirrah! Our liege hath not place nor patience for thy failings. Thus is your life duly forfeit... By his word and mine hands!

N-n-no! Wait! I can explain every-

You, sirrah! Our liege extends regards to thee. Pray join me.

As for thee... I pray ye hath sense to keep from our matters.

In that case, keep praying! I'm not about to roll over on command!

Alas! Harbored I no desire to still thy breath for respect of prowess. Thine words do yet make a mockery of my wishes. Very well! Have at thee!

Albert! Pull back! I've got him in my sights!

So thy lady would fight in thy stead? If thy resolve lacks the steel to face my challenge unaided, the battle is thine by right of forfeit. Our blades shall cross again, mark you. Fare thee well!
Neither of them even have blades. I hate this guy SO MUCH already.
Come on! Gimmie something good!

He must've been an officer under direct orders from the Society's leaders.
And the fact that he's so high up is frightening.

And Genoce went with him...

He got what he was after, then.


We've gotta figure out where the hell they're hiding.
Not in this country... or city. I don't even know any more. Let's just go.

It's Anita. I wanted to thank you for your help.

Where are you now?

At Guardian HQ. The Commander-in-Chief wants a word with you.

Really? Put him on.

You must be Albert.
"No, that's Emil. I'm over here."

Anita tells me you assisted our men in Machu Picchu.

Yeah... I've got my own scores to settle with the Society.

I know. I took the liberty of checking into your background. I've got a proposal that might interest you...

What's that?

We're in the process of launching an operation to locate the Society's main base. Would you be willing to assist?

Of course.
It's not like he has anything better to do.

Thank you, Albert. Command authorized me to accompany you for the duration of this mission.
Smells like a new support character is coming up!

...Oh, REALLY?

That's great! The ship could use a little brightening up.
So... what happened to Grant?

We're beginning our operation in Esport. I'll see you there.
And I guess Machu Picchu has no mayor now.

Understood. We're on our way!
Thought it does have some nice untold destruction where Jose's carrier crashed, I'm sure.

We're expecting great things from you, Albert.

Goodbye, Albert!

Just imagine... They must be combing the whole world to find that base!

If it was anything less than well-hidden, somebody'd have found it by now.

I sure hope we turn something up...

Yeah... me too.
Esport begins next time!
Like I said, it's a double feature! Jose's Mansion, covered previously, combined with the air field! What sort of excitement awaits?
Filefront, no matter how uncooperative it is.