Part 42

Such a conveniently short flight this time.

What happens now?
I'll take a blind guess and say 'the same thing that happens everywhere else.'
That's completely wrong. As in not even close to true.
Actually I think we'd better set down somewhere. Can't get any precious EXP from the air.

Hey, she was right.

The blue one is actually supposed to be a Guardian. There were two, but they died so fast... I don't have an inhuman reaction time, alright!?

oh god my face is exploding please help me

The difficulty has stepped up considerable by now. These enemies do lots of damage and can take quite a bit in return. I really need an upgrade to keep up.

Aww... that's adorable.
"That's nice. I was talking about you, personally, though."

This isn't really all that much anymore. I'd need to do this five more times to have Albert gain a level.

for a while.
Luven, your gimmick is old and we already beat the level we needed you for. Die.
NOW he's trying to out-stupid question Albert! When will Emil's blatant plagiarism end?
With that, I have every partner in the game. I'm not using Anita just yet because she starts with a level 1 plane and I can't buy a better one until I find a shop.

Remember how you can upgrade your primary weapons but I never did because that's what buying new ones is for? Well I'm majorly outclassed in firepower right now and need every advantage I can get, so I upped the power on the LG03.

And then went here. But that's not the point.

I have to admit I'm not totally sure what the point of the radar is. I guess they get several thousand channels inside the truck or something.

Great. This shit again.

20608 experience points.

Onward! I conquer!

Standard level. Nothing to see here.

Well if it isn't my old friend Screweye!

I notice that you're pulling a cart. Does it raise your power?

He looks... sort of annoyed.

24704 EXPeriences.

Heh. I, uhh... seem to have forgotten to take a shot of this level on the map. It's called San Colte.

It's a short, easy autoscrolling level.

Get ready to unleash the Meteor Swarm!

Aren't you...?

You guys are pretty lame.

Hover Wanzers? Seriously? You ARE lame.

He's not even aware of his oncoming death. He's just about to eat a very tall sandwich.

It might have something to do with you guys being the worst mini-boss in the ENTIRE GAME.

I KNEW he was a zombie.

20864 EXP.

All of this sucks.

Finally! A

I really need to get some level 4 equipment.

Will do.