Part 43

Anita's HP is low. And when I say low I mean that you would have to tunnel to the center of the earth to find her ma health. That's her level 3- the best Wanzer I can get for her right now. Luckily, she's a small target, but the AI likes to negate that by flying into every land mine or other trap it can find.
This will not be easy.

I thought we'd be seeing more of him here.
Too bad all your similarities are also your worst traits.
Maybe one day you'll shut up and let us get to the level.

I'm picking up an aerial warship on radar.

More of the usual. Luckily it doesn't last very long before the fun part begins.

They're beginning a bombardment!

Or I could just stand under this barrier. That should work. Dammit Anita stop running into those bombs! It's not that hard! Just float under this secure peace of scenery and-

Yes. Big surprise.

"If I didn't answer that question the last sixteen times you asked, why would I do it now?"

Woah! Anita mysteriously got replaced by Rook for the rest of the update! I simply can't explain it. Just as I can't explain Anita getting blown up repeatedly by falling bombs in this section!
Be thankful I did the Rook path. In the other version I had a MY BUSINESS joke.
P.S: Rook refuses to go through the rest of this level. It doesn't actually matter because there's very little EXP. Except this entire level is about retreating so him leaving makes no sense, especially considering he goes back to the left whereas you move to the right.

So you dash left and Genoce chases you for a while. For no reason at all, you can't actually hurt him here.

Eventually the evil god of glitchy screenshots swallows him and you can escape.

Throw it in the pile with the other ones.
If it ends up being able to teleport I will snap. I will just snap.
Why? You never presented a compelling reason to care about Lady Forehead. But anyway...

Uh... what about one?
Excellent! I can fall back on a series of "movies don't understand hacking" jokes. We'll start by downloading this virus to their mainframe! That wavelength is hacking into Air Force 1!

Generic base environment!

Hey, Tuxedo Ted! Is this the level you were talking about? Because I'm about to DESTROY IT!

This place is a shitty maze, but if you reach this room, go to the upper-right as shown. It's pretty clear sailing from there.

What now?
It's... a really tall arcade cabinet?
"B-Brenda? It... it's not working."
"What? What's wrong?"
"It's not working!"
"Well what's happening?"
"I don't know. It's not working! I think it has a virus!"
four hours later...
"Oh, I found this power cord. Should that be plugged in?"
* sound of head banging on desk *


So instead we'll pull off a delicate information raid while the building is being bombed. Hell yeah!
I love the name. It's so... festive!

Equipment purchased: Vernier 5, Dash 4, LASER 4!!!!, Armour Vest 5 for on-foot (you'll see why), upgrade for attack power in LG4, Espada 4 for Anita.
The new laser actually has really low attack power initially, but the higher number means it still does more damage due to the "armour class" factor.