Part 49

Thou art a model of persistence!

Get out of here!
He's trying but you keep chasing him!

Nay. Past here's no place for the likes of thee. Beyond lies the controller's... Nay, GOD'S domain!

You're insane... Every last one of you!

Insane? Insane, say ye?
"I'm not insane! I'll show all of ye!"

Ye who doth not grasp the barest mote of our sire's god-granted wisdom? That insult shall cost ye dear. Now reap the wrath of High Knight Edelritter!
I guess that's his name? Maybe his Wanzer's name? I don't know.
Albert VS Ren-fair!
Round 1!
He's exactly the same as last time, except now he has a health bar and you have more room to move around in. I usually hover as much as possible, since he can't hit you in the air.
He hits hard, so I still needed quite a bit of healing. But eventually, his HP was reduced to zero and I claimed victory.

Milord... Grant me strength!
Then he gets ANOTHER HEALTH BAR and comes after you again.
Round 2!
He also learns how to jump, and can do a swooping attack.
Get away from me and die die Die Die DIE!

Protect... our... sire...
Serves him right. Edelritter: Destroyed.

What's happening?
The hologram behind him flickers and didn't show up in most of the shots, so I had to pull some fancy image manipulation here. And by fancy I mean cut-and-paste.

We are under attack, sire! The Guardians have infiltrated the command center!

The Guardians...! Ah, yes... Those Mercenaries you... warned me about.
Well, not technically, but those other guys are so useless they might as well not exist.

No sudden moves, or...

Or what, little... soldier? Will you... kill me?
Will you... insert ellipses... randomly into your... senten...ces?

No. You're not getting off that easily. I want you to live. I want you to have to face those whose lives you destroyed. I want you to look them in the eye and tell them in the eye and have to tell them why their friends and lovers and families had to die.

Eheh heh! I fear you will... not get the revenge you desire... I can feel... the death spreading in... my body... Sentinel... my life support is... slowly dying...


But if we leave now, Milord...

No... My time is... running short.


Never fear... World war is... inevitable now. Though my life ends, the flames of hatred still burn... Oh so brightly...
I don't suppose there's any chance of an explanation of who you are or how you managed to create this ridiculous organization?

Are you NUTS?

But sire... Who will lead us in rebuilding the world after it has been purified?

My dear Royce... So very capable... Yet so very, very blind. Our new world order... The utopia born from the fires of war... In truth, I fear I couldn't care less.

You... you lied to me?
She looks more embarrassed than crushed.

Atlas... that grand symbol of unity and peace among men... Abandoned as soon as it became apparent no money could be squeezed from it. Thus we returned to... old wars... all anew. On that day I made that great realization... Mankind's future is... warfare.
If I make a video game, I'll have the hero shoot the last boss in the face when he starts doing this.

Don't you see? War is our very reason for existing!

I... I believed in you, sire. I...
Turns out he doesn't actually exist. Oops!

Didn't you feel it? The divine joy of battle and death?


The Society is gone. But my spirit... will be seed of a new conflict... Can you hear it...? The stirring of a new... battle...

Someone conveniently turned off the unnecessary hologram when he died. That was nice of them.

Sire... T...This can't be happening!

Genoce must have known all along...
Known... what, exactly?

Oh god... Brother! How could I have been blind for so long?

Royce! We don't have much time!

No. I've lost too much blood...
People in this game have blood?

And when I think back on all I've done... No. My place is here.


Take this pendant with you... Make sure Genoce gets it. He'll... know what it means.

All right. But Royce...

I only hope he can forgive... m... ......

Haven't seen that face in awhile.

This is Albert! I need a pickup, ASAP!

Roger. Genoce is already on board. You're the last one!

I copy.

Welcome back! You had us all on pins and needles!

Sorry for... worrying you.

It's OK. I'm just glad you're alright!


Is the controller dead?

Yeah. But your sister... She... went down with Sentinel.


She wanted you to have this.

That pendant... I gave that to her... back before we parted ways.

She hoped you would forgive her...

...I see. So her humanity won out in the end. ......

What are your plans now?

I'm done fighting. With Royce gone... I don't really have a reason to exist any more.

Listen. Even with Sentinel destroyed, the fight won't be over until every trace of the Society's influence is gone. We could use your help.


Anyway, let's take it easy for the time being. Let me know when you've reached a decision.

How long are you two going to stand around out here? Come on!

...All right. You coming?
I think Genoce is trying to be Golgo 13 or something.
Oh, well. Anyway, I'd like to thank everyone who read/watched and supported n-
Oh, right. Japanese RPG.
That thing was so powerful it destroyed the game's art style!

What the hell's happening?

Albert! Some kind of beam just hit northern Cenktrich!
Wow. I bet Clark's going to be so upset he might even say something.

Oh my god...

Hey! Somebody's up on the launch deck! Who's there? Come in!
Is it Clark? Maybe he-
Oh... it's just Genoce.

Genoce? What's going on?

I have unfinished business with Royce.

But your sister's...

...Goodbye, Albert.



Rook! You know him better than any of us... Any idea what's up with the guy?

...He was troubled by Miss Royce's pendant. Last time I saw Master, he was in the data room, examining it...

Really? Brenda! Check the computer banks! Whatever he was working on should still be in the data storage!
I thought Albert didn't know the first thing about computers.

On it! ...Ah, there it is! Let's see...

Aw... aw, jeeze!

What is it?

According to this, the Society was heavily involved in the development of the Atlas elevator. After the project was abandoned, they had numerous weapons installed into the unfinished elevator, set to activate under certain conditions... One of those conditions was the Controller's death.
And nobody noticed. Great.

The controller mentioned Atlas just before he died. He must've been hinting at this...

Atlas was designed to transmit solar energy from space down to earth. If that energy were to be converted into an electromagnetic wave... The impact would be utterly devastating!
Microwave beam!

Then it's all over... All our efforts were for nothing.

Not so fast! Atlas will need to replenish its energy stocks. We may still have a shot at stopping it!

Brenda, relay that data to Guardian headquarters. We're going after him!
Unsurprisingly, you get some major gains from taking down Sentinel.
We're close to the last Wanzer now. I'm going to try and get it before heading to the last levels, because the enemies in them are very, very, very strong.

Atlas powered up as soon as Sentinel crashed, just as you reported.

So that beam came from Atlas after all...
Wh...... you...... I......

That appears to be the case. We're preparing to organize an attack on the elevator. Via Blanca took a heavy toll on our forces, though... It will take us time to regroup. Go on ahead and do what you can.
In other words everything.

Understood. Albert Out.

Well, this is it. The final battle. Will you help us one last time?

Of course, sir! It's about time I showed you just how much you've taught me!

There's no way we're quittin' now. Right guys?

Of course!

Gotta keep Zambola safe!

My Sakata Shield can take that beam any day!

Let's head to Atlas, Brenda.

Yeah! We'll blow that sucker away!
Extra crap!
Since this video was over 25 minutes long and I, personally, hat long videos, I decided to ensure that at least one thing was done right by splitting it up. Part 1 is all done, and Part 2 will be up soon. I'll edit this post when it's ready.
PART 1: Google Filefront Vimeo
Highlights include: Explosions, me having no good special weapons, and a thrilling cliffhanger ending.
EDIT: Part 2: Google Filefront Vimeo
Highlights indlude: Well actually it's mostly the long cutscene. There's one part where someone came into the room and started talking to me. You can't actually hear us, but try to see if you can guess when it happened.