Part 51
Percentage has nothing to do with upgrades. Anyway, don't worry. I already did a practice run of the last boss and it went a hell of a lot better than Ren-fair.Tuxedo Ted posted:
Did you buy the Laser 5 upgrades before working on the percentage, by any chance? I've noticed that your laser 4 is at 120% right now because you likely bought the upgrades after reaching 100%, but I'm worried that a bug will keep your new weapon at 100% instead of the full 120 you'd get by buying the upgrades later. Same thing happened to my Vulcan 2 or 3 or something when I first played the game. I don't know if it can be fixed by buying a new one and starting over, since I could luckily just wait until the next tier arrived to start over, but the level 5 Laser is the last option for you. Or maybe there's a way to still grind the one you have up to 120% after the fact.
Any chance of fixing this, Opendork? I'm sure you wouldn't want to take on the last stages with an underpowered weapon.

It's time to start the elevator music... of warriors!

So... wait. You were building the thing and never noticed all the weaponry?
That is the worst logic I have ever heard in my entire life.
...we'll be playing Katamari Damacy. Shut up and let's shoot some things.
Elevators don't have teeth.
What are you even talking about? It's GENOCE. The guy is so experienced with running away I'm pretty sure he could escape a black hole's event horizon.

Why, yes. Going up IS the best way to climb something.

Man, when I tested this level before doing the grinding I got my ass handed to me. This time? I killed everything so fast that I couldn't get a screenshot of an enemy where they weren't exploding. It was just the jet-thingies from Sentinel Wing, thankfully.

It might have something to do with the lasers in your way.

And so he did.

The carrier can't stand up to this kind of fire. Brenda, drop me off and fall back!
For the last time, YES!
Just Al and Rook. Oh yeah.

Ker-smash! Ramming speeds!

These numbers? Completely meaningless now. Ah, the joys of level 38.

Going up!

I'll head up from the inside, taking out what I can. That should give you enough of a window to slip through.

I don't recall bringing a third along...

Welcome to Atlas. Final dungeon music; final dungeon enemies (even though the defenses are supposed to be automated so it makes no sense that Wanzers stronger than the ones guarding the Controller would be here). You get to ride lots of elevators and rush through lots of hallways. It's hard to just dash past everything like I want to because you don't have any room to go around. For the most part, we've seen most of what this level wants to throw at us before, but don't despair: the game hasn't run out of tricks just yet.

Also: DON'T waste your time getting this.

YEAH! Woosh woosh woosh Mission Complete!

I'm posting these, but I don't care about them! WOOOO!

I care very slightly about this. Very slight amount of caring.

What's it like inside?
"And manned Wanzers for some reason. I didn't question it."

Atlas is opening fire again!
Stupid Atlas and its guns.
In hindsight, that trip back to New York for supplies may have been a bad idea.
The only man bad enough to ram a mech with a truck full of fuel.

This level is essentially the same as last time.

Except for these little flying black spheres. They can shoot at you, but are overall rather harmless. At least for now.

This place is also a bit more complicated than the linear paths of 101.

The last results screens. Savour them.

Better make sure we've got everything we need... There may be no turning back once we're up there.
No less than usual. But that's not important now.

We're here.