Part 6

I'm going here first because I think it makes more sense, plotwise. The only person who said otherwise withdrew, so I'll just feel free.

"Oh boy, investigating!"

Randolph suggests, the guerillas are bound to show up.
I'm trying to figure out if I missed a screenshot or something there. Seems like she just says OK for no reason.
So.. the definition of forest is pretty broad in Cenktrich. There's not exactly a high density of trees here.

He can tell this just from looking at the unlabeled nondescript capsule-things. That's either impressive or suspicious.

What the fuck? Hey!

After a plane crash, even.
I can SEE that!
Thus begins the funfun pod babysitting mission. Luckily, you don't actually have to save them to win, it just gets you more cash at the end of the mission.

This is what Brenda can do for you. 10 times per map, you can call her in the bomb enemies. It only works outdoors, but can be quite powerful. It's nice for now, but I'm looking forward to some of our future pals.
For your reference, any one of those missiles would instantly kill those enemies, while the laser would take a few seconds of concentrated fire.

One of them managed to carry a pod way over to the right before I got him. I figured the other one was gone, but I got lucky and the mission ended right after.

You can see that protecting the pods is worth big bonuses.

Well, they were in a transport when they were shot down...
Keep this up, and you'll make Clark show some sort of emotion or facial expression!

A few new levels opened up, but I'm finishing this job, first.

I can see a few people outside now.
Look at that. This place is more of a forest than the forest.

He's very easily startled.

Yeah, I saw 'em skulking around the woods. Looks like they were moving some kinda capsule.
What is WRONG with his eyes?

hidden in the forest... scary!
No, no. Manufacturing plants are very friendly once you get to know them.

out of our homes.

They need to hurry up and put an end to those creeps!
But you... but I... just met... how?

Gah! You, too!
That is NOT the kind of "What?" I expect from you, Albert. I'm very disappointed.

Well, it's not so much a stone as it is a pod of nerve gas, but you know.

"Oh shit everyone! Get out of town fast!"

ruse like that? Tell your guerilla buddies to keep trying!
Alright, then. Ignore the giant purple death cloud. See if I care.

I could fight them out here, but that's not a very cool backdrop.

Much better. Note that he is using a shield. I don't care because if I must use the laser then I should at least take advantage of its special power.

Did you...
Yeah, I saw three of you die while I was running. What's up with that?
I got 630 monies and 84 EXP for that. I'm posting the shots for a good reason that you will see in a moment.

You had a close call.

One new mission has opened up. First, though, I went back to the Alpine Forest and did enough killing you level up.

I gained 252 EXP for that, resulting in...

The Repair Field makes a healing area for you. The Flamethrower is... well, a flamethrower. The Armour Plate takes up the special weapon slot, but increases your max HP.