Part 7

Alright, we're starting here.

This message means that this level doesn't have any special plot significance. It's just a generic point A-to-Point B map. You get the same sort of treatment if you replay previously completed maps.

Look at this guy. Isn't his little flying machine adorable? He also throws grenades occasionally. Really, these ones are barely worth fighting.

You can also come across foot soldiers wielding bazookas. I'd like to say they do a decent amount of damage, but I don't know because none of them managed to even fire before being cut down by my laser.

See? All those kills and barely any gains.

Now available on the map are the Hollen and Duerr Facilities(Hollen is the one at the top). Both of them are possible enemy bases, but before I head into them...

We DID make a promise.

This is another generic level, with a few twists. First is this new enemy, who shoots little laser beams but is otherwise unremarkable.

Second is this mini-boss. It's the lighter-coloured one.

Note that I can't see his health. Also note the 2 next to his life bar. That means he has what you could call an "armout level" of 2. My weapon is only level 1, so it's hard for me to damage him. He IS a mini-boss, after all.

He looks... not happy, but not really mad. He's... annoyed that I killed him.

That went a little better than the previous level.

Okay, I know for a fact that this is the first base you should visit.

In the gigantic facility that is easily visible from the air, yes.
WanzerS? Plural?


For the first time, the map is actually very useful. It points out paths, enemies, and item boxes (though they are not distinguishable from enemies).

New enemies: mines. You can actually shoot them for EXP. What else is there to say?

Once you reach this door, you can head inside. The other ones are all locked or something.

I question the uses of such an empty, mazelike facility. Oh who am I kidding all video game bases are like this. I miss that one monster in Ys II who complained about it.[/I]

Hey man let's arm-wrestle you and me right now.

Here are those item boxes I mentioned.

"Oh man, think of all the crap I can buy!"
The other box contained Hand grenades level 2 for Albert.

An Id card? Must be for another base.
What? Why the hell would you put the ID card for another base in this one? That doesn't make any sense at all!

I don't remember destroying it, but hey. EXP is EXP.

"Aww man it's a fake ID we can use it to buy beer!"

As you can plainly see, two more side areas and a shop opened. Here's what I did:
1) I went into the shop and restocked on fuel. I upgraded Albert's handgun and armour vest to match the hand grenades. I also purchased the Upward Vulcan.
2) I went and reached the next level.

These really are pretty obvious. Not hugely, but you can guess what they do. The mine sprinkler puts mines all around, the ground seeker blows things up that are on the ground, and the paralyzer prevents the enemies from moving a bit.