Part 8
Sorry, still nothing much of interest today. In fact, it's pretty much exactly the same as yesterday. Tomorrow, though, interesting things will happen. I promise.

This is the sidiest of side areas. It's totally optional.

I guess this guy has some sort of attack but as soon as I shot him he runs like hell. They have lots of health but give lots of EXP. I think it's 160, to be exact.

Pretty good.

Here's the last side-trip for Cenktrich. After this, every level is required. Well... both. Both levels will be required.

Even though this is just a grinding level, it's nice that they try to use different enemies in each one. These guys lob grenades or something at you from afar.

Bullshit. Your bombs are barely strong enough for Wanzers.

Commencing attack!
This is basically exactly the same as the previous facility.

Useful, seeing as how I'm too cheap to buy many of these. It repairs your Wanzer, you see.

This must be causing ungodly amounts of damage to the top of Albert's Wanzer.

Son of a bitch! I JUST bought one of those.

The mark on the ground is from the enemy shooting just at my feet a bunch of times. I assume he was shouting "dance, varmint!" while doing it.

I'm heading inside.
That's where you use the ID card.

Same as last time, except these guys. They have an armour level of 2, so they take a while to kill.

Well, no sign of a command center or production facility. Their main base must be elsewhere.
Oh now this is just getting stupid. Who is dropping all these ID cards? I hope they've been fired, at least.

That EXP is just enough for that wonderful thing...

Oh yes, this is sweet. The decoy draws enemy fire, and the Wireless Gunpod is a little option that shoots at nearby enemies. The Stinger is a new Wanzer body, which is sweet. Sadly, I can't buy it until after this operation, but it has two slots for special weapons instead of just one. Anyone have a preference for seeing one of the weapons mentioned thus far? If not, I'm getting the Bazooka or Homing Missiles or something with fire power.

An alternate route to the shop opened, which is pretty nice.

Only one left, join me next time when things get interesting again. It's the end of Cenktrich!
First, though, I want to ask a few things.
1) Should I keep showing all the nonessential areas in the same capacity as now? Would you like to see me skip covering them? Or is what I'm doing now fine?
2) Can anyone find anything about this supposed 2-player code? I haven't been able to get it to work or find any mention of it, but we might need an actual second character to get it to work.
Sorry this was short, but I want to make sure tomorrow doesn't run really long.