Part 9

Process of elimination go!

It is night It is Dark Night, for this... is the final Cenktrich level!

This base is a bit more complex than the others, but nothing to be worry about.

This item refills special weapon ammo. It doesn't matter which one you're using. They apparently have to import these from Deus Ex: IW or something.

"Card Accepted." Here we go!
Plus it's the biggest base and it's the only one left and it so fucking huge it's practically visible from space how did nobody see it?

One-hundred percent Grade A useless. You start with one of these, for fuck's sake.

I got a shot of the grenade-throwing! Yay me!

This would be useful if I was using the Vulcan. Maybe I'll be able to pick up some laser boosters at some point?

Running away from me would be more effective if you didn't run into a wall, Mr. Guerilla.

This is it. We've found a door WITHIN the base. That can only mean one thing...
Boss Fight.

But that ends here and now!
Even Albert thinks the giant Gigatank Wanzer is a bit silly.
Factory control system? Let me guess: you hooked up every single factory system to a giant glowing computer defended by turrets and possibly shielded. At least, you would if this factory actually produced anything but frustration for the workers trying to get around in the maze-like interior.
Alright, down to business. If you want to watch a video of this fight, you can!
Google Video (If you must watch this version, you should go for original size. It looks like ass.)
Filefront (This is the version I recommend this time.)

This boss shoots slow-moving shots that bounce around the room. I can't really think of a good joke, but imagine a real tank shooting a shell like that. People are just sort of side-stepping as it goes by them. That's pretty funny.

It also drops little bombs that blow up after awhile, and has a foot-soldier annoying you. You can just shoot the soldier.

Jesus. I got less EXP from him than I did those things than ran away in that side-mission. That's sad.

Guess what? I wasn't joking: the control system is a Star Wars-style reactor defended by turrets.

I was joking about it being shielded, however.
You can see the elation on his face.
I've never heard that expression before, but whatever.

The boss may have given lame experience, but finishing the mission was very lucrative. I didn't quite level up yet, though.

We've destroyed? You didn't actually do anything, Clark. YET!
News travels fast.
You knew it was coming.
Alright, Clark, I've given you the benefit of the doubt as to who you were talking to up to this point, but BRENDA IS A WOMAN!
We're done here at this point. The only remaining thing is the fact that we can buy a Wanzer for Clark here, but not at New York. He uses the same ones as Albert, but you have to buy them in the "support" section for whatever reason. We can always head back here and train more, but it shouldn't be necessary.

Well he IS going to New York with you. I think he'd have backed down if he was just joking.

Let's head home!

Next up, we're heading to the second job. Now that Clark is on the team, it would be fun to see if that 2-player code is genuine. I admit that I don't really have the technical ability to record a long, guested video, though.
Also, there isn't much agreement on weapons, but I'll figure something out. If I don't end up using them all in the game (and maybe even if I do) I think it might be helpful to do some sort of video showing all the various weapons. A bit like the Rondo of Blood LP in that way.
Anyway, fun things will happen next time!