Part 13: Sins of the Fathers 13: Snakes. Why'd it have to be snakes?
Part 13: Snakes. Why'd it have to be snakes?Karupin posted:
I am still sad at what's really at the corner of Bourbon and Dumaine.
Oh, whys that? Guess Ill hit up Google and .oh. Oh dear. Ahem. MOVING ON!
Okay, first things first, lets read the letter Uncle Wolfgang sent:
Dear Gabriel: Please read the enclosed journal carefully. It might help you understand your familys special obligations and our current predicament. God be with you, Uncle Wolfgang.
Ok, better check out that journal then.

Yeah, Gabe, the, uh, apple didnt exactly fall far from the family tree I think.

I think I speak for the entire viewership here Gabe when I say: QUIT FUCKING THE OBVIOUS VILLAIN. I mean, Christ, just before you started sleeping with her, you attended a lecture where you found out her last name is the name of a Voodoo death god you jackass.

Hookay, Ill ride your damn plot railroad I guess. To Hartridge, so we can get the inside skinny on that veve!

Yep, the cult got im. Another protip, Gabe: STOP DISCUSSING STUFF IN FRONT OF A VERY OBVIOUS SPY. Anyway, theres nothing on his corpse that we can do, so were spared more corpse molestation. But we do snag his notes on the veve from his desk:

Clear as mud. And of course, we abandon the crime scene before the cops haul Gabriels ass in for questioning.

However, Gabriel is good enough to do at least that. And we still cant call Wolfgang. However, what we can do is ask Grace to research Rada drums for us and considering theyre being used to send coded messages, this is a good plan. Ok, next plan of attack, maybe Dr. John can tell us more about Damballah, Ogoun Badagris, and the rest?

BAD IDEA!!! Luckily, we hit the air conditioning switch, and the shock of the cold air makes the snake take off .and then Dr. John enters.

Returning back yet again to St. Georges, Grace immediately notices something wrong with Gabe, saying he looks a little pale green around the gills.

Grace puts the whatever it is in an ashtray on the desk, which begins the hardest task yet: trying to pick it up. Every time, its taken me at least 5 minutes to hit the hotspot with the tweezers.

Yep, another scale.

So, yeah, if you didnt realize it before: Where would the cops go for information on a series of Voodoo-related murders? Why to a local museum where the proprietor is an expert on the subject. An expert who sent a researcher to a local nutjob, and told the cops that the Voodoo was completely faked. Dr. Johns a very, very bad Klingon, and a filthy ptakh to boot.
Anyway, seeing as Dr. John just tried to kill us with the cult snake, we better go file a complaint with the cops and

Oh, thats not good. Anyway, I guess we better show Mosely some evidence. Lets start with the completed veve.

Hah, shows what you know, Mosely. Next, Hartridges notes:

Okay, Mosely, what do you think of my scales?

And Mosely accepts that as a lead. Nice. Okay, now to prove that theyre a threat. Hey, Mosely, what if I told you that the cults been active since the last century?

And thus did Gabriel Knight achieve a subquest successfully! Huzzah! And next time, we may solve another mystery: WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO MAKE THIS GUY CALL LONG DISTANCE?!?!?