Part 19: Sins of the Fathers 19: Uncle Wolfgang
Part 19: Uncle Wolfgang
So, here we are in Africa. I expected more. Needless to say, we need to enter the mound.

Kaaaay. Apparently there are just mummified corpses all over the place as well. Nice. So lets take a look at that thing on the wall.

Prepare yourselves for what may be the most frustrating goddamned puzzle in the whole game. No joke, this took me FOREVER to figure out. There are 12 rooms we can enter, and each one either has a tile on the wall like the one above, or theres a space to put one. Two of them cannot be removed at all. We need to put all the tiles in the correct order. The two that cant be removed are tiles 7 and 12. If you want to watch me stumble around, feel free but oh my fucking God I hate this puzzle. Your best bet to solve it is to just grab all the tiles to start and circle until you reach room #7:

Once there, work your way back around until you get back to room #8 or #6.

Oh, and make sure to grab that snake-shaped rod in room #9. Were gonna need that. Once all the tiles are in place, go to room #3.

Then, SAVE YOUR GAME because this is where the shit really hits the fucking fan. Because Im not gonna lie: Youre going to get a game over here. Repeatedly. Why? Because when youre in room #3, you push the snake rod into the hole in the center of the tile and .

Ripping Gabriels heart from his chest for a snack. Yuck.

Our first official game over screen! The only way through this is to run north until you reach room #6 which has several zombies. At which point Gabriel needs to grab some hanging vines and swing into room #7.

And finally, we meet the man himself as he fucking ninja dives from the ceiling to grab that torch and swing it at the zombies.

In the now opened portal, theres another opening we can shove our snake rod into (Christ that sounds dirty), and once thats done...

our octogenarian great uncle ninja dives through the door as it closes behind us.
Uncle Wolfgang is

Once on the other side, the zombies all collapse, and we can now interrogate our elderly relative but he isnt looking so hot. And he doesnt really have anything new to add at this time, so we move onto the next screen to the right.

And here we are.

Too true. But that table is also holding the Talisman, and we need in it. Trying to just open it does nothing, so we need to use those iron bars on the wall and thread them through the lid.

That done, Gabriel and Wolfgang try to open it again, to no avail.

I just want to note that this is a really well acted scene. So we go back to the other room here

We use the Schattenjager dagger on the zombie, but

So, knowing that only a real, living heart will work, Wolfgang uses his newfound vigor from proximity to the Talisman....and rips his own heart from his chest, dropping it on the sacrificial table.

Sounds like a good place to stop for now, huh?
NEXT TIME: The dramatic confrontation begins to build up!!