Part 22: Beast Within 1: Shall we begin again?

Part One: Shall we begin again?
And so here we are, with Not-Tim Curry as our hero this time. And while Im sure hes a very nice gentleman, because of this game, he is forever now to be referred to as Not-Tim Curry.
So a minute difference between this LP and the last one is that I had played GK1 before. I am going in blind here, so forewarned is forearmed.
At any rate, lets Prologue this bitch!

So we open with this fellow locking a door while a wolf howls in the distance.

He throws his keys onto this leaflet, and for everyones convenience, Ive run what I can read despite the old-timey font through Google Translate, and it reads as thus:
Attention! The Beast of Ulfing
And thats all I got. If anyone can make heads or tails of the rest, feel free to chime in.

We then get a long shot of this chubby kid and who I guess is his mom staring off camera.

Not really sure if theyre staring at the fire or not.

Then this guy shows up, barks something in German, and the two of them follow him.

For some reason, the fact that theres only one person credited as working on the werewolf effects kinda tickles me. Not sure why.

Then we have a shot of a torch being shoved into a haybale, not sure whats going on there.

And then the kids face is kinda superimposed over it, making me feel even MORE lost.

Im sorry, who? Im more shocked that any Germans who were born with that last name didnt change it years ago for fear of ridicule. Unless theyre going by Office Space logic. (Why should I change it? Hes the one that sucks!)
So yeah, from that prologue, I have no fucking idea whats going on beyond werewolves, and the only reason I know that is the leaflet, and the credit specifically addressing the Werewolf Artist. Also, seeing as this is an FMV game, and well, I havent had much luck with those in previous LPs, I have a feeling that this is going to hurt bad. Brace yourselves, were going in.

Really? I have to choose to continue the game despite the fact it hasnt even started yet? Wow, I think this sets a new record for how soon it takes a game to annoy me.

This game is made of lies.

So Gabriel just keeps a statue of the Virgin Mary around now? Well, okay, that seems like a minor point to get annoyed about.

I have a sinking feeling that Not-Tim Curry was cast simply because he looks vaguely like Gabriel in the first game and owned a lot of t-shirts.

And it looks like Gabriels neighbors have already assembled a mob to run him out of town.

Looking back at Gabriel, we can see a few scars from his adventure in Nawlins have stuck around. Except for one problem: I'm assuming those scars are from where Malia cut his arm to make him drop her into the fire lake under New Orleans (And no, I'm not letting that go, it was silly.) Now, I went back and checked this, just to make sure I wasn't crazy as fuck, but...

Do you see it? I'll just tag this, but think it through. The cuts are on the wrong arm. Malia cut his left arm, and that is very clearly his right. I applaud the attempt at continuity, but how hard would it have been to double check that???

Really? So for your prop book you just recycled some of the art from the game? Laaaaaazy.

OK, I will give this game some credit here. A) Thats a pretty good reproduction of the Talisman from GK1. B) That prop really gives the thing a sense of power and weight. I mean, from the in-game depiction, you really wouldnt think it was so fucking hefty. Damn.

So Gabe is working on his next book I guess and gets frustrated, then punches his typewriter. Buddy, believe me, theres better ways of working through writers block.

So Gerde (Ok, Im assuming this is Gerde, this character isnt named in this cutscene), comes in and tells Gabriel theres a mob to see him. She then admonishes him that hes not wearing his Talisman, and as Gabe leaves, he puts it on, grumbling at how heavy the damn thing is.
And thus do we reach what Im going to assume is going to be my biggest problem with this game: Not-Tim Currys acting. Gabriel Knight in the first game was a smug, lovable asshole who owned up to his familial responsibilities and heritage as a warrior against darkness. No matter how frustrated he was at the situation, he was bold in his statements. This Gabriel Knight just mumbles and grumbles his way through the opening movie. Also, while Tim Currys Gabriel Knight had a very distinct Louisiana accent, this guy has opted for generic southern. Oh god, I was right, this game is going to fucking hurt me worse than The 7th Guest did, isnt it?
Side note, if that is Gerde, shes had some work done.

Okay, that was pretty good. The old guy on the left, Werner Huber, tells Gabriel that the couple in the middle lost their daughter recently, and they need his services as Schattenjager.

She was wandering near their house when the mother saw a wolf.

By the time she called to the child, it was too late, and the wolf killed her and carried part of her off. The mother cries at this part of the story.

Way to reassure the grieving mother. Idiot.

Oh god, this is baaaad stuff.

So Gabriel is a little confused as to why theyre coming to him. Or possibly constipated.

Uh, Jane, you do know the letter a exists in German, right? Even for Germans speaking English? Anyway, Gabe has trouble believing in werewolves despite, you know, coming face to face with the walking fucking dead previously. So the father-

So he naturally crashes on the couch after he gets there.

Next Time: Actual gameplay (I hope)!