Part 23: Beast Within 2: I Don't Speak Good German
Part Two: I Don't Speak Good GermanOk, lets actually try to do something. First lets take a look at our inventory:

Left to right, we have an unfinished manuscript of Gabriels

Blake Backlash??? Oh Jesus, no wonder Gabes broke. Take away his typewriter on general principles. Next is his notepad, all clicking on it gets us is Not-Tim Curry saying My Notebook.

Riiiight. And last, but not least, we have the Talisman. So yeah, nothing too important here. So in the room proper, we can click the big ol crucifix on the wall, so lets start there.

Ok, wow, that was an important detail to include. What about this cabinet in the middle of the room, whats there?

Oh god, Phantasmagoria flashbacks are kicking in I have a sudden urge to find some corpse wine at the foot of the china cabinet is a dufflebag, which I assume is Gabriels.

Lets see, I can see a grey t-shirt and some jeans, yeah, thats his all right. We take out the Ritter Dagger, a letter from Ubergrau, a letter from Grace, and Gabriels wallet. So who or what is an Ubergrau?

Ahhh, a lawyer. And as we can see, Gabriel did put the money taken from the Tetelo Cult to good use. Out of morbid curiosity, I cant help but wonder if those names are a Three Stooges-style joke. Lets just load up Google Translate and About Grey, Hope, and Quick. Guess not. So lets see what Grace has to say:

So it seems Graces theory at the end of GK1 was correct: While the Ritters did not possess the Talisman, their fortunes dropped, but while Gabriel has it, his star is on the rise. Go figure. As for the dagger,

It looks sufficiently bad-ass.

Okay, well, theres a note to our left

Really? Theyre letting Gabriel borrow their car? No, wait, they have a car?? So what was with the funerary procession to his door?

Well, we grab the keys (with rabbits foot) .and like I said, going in blind, but why do I have a sneaking suspicion that the rabbits foot is going to be important later? Theres some papers on the table, better read those

Oh, well, the first set is actually some blank paper which Gabriel uses to write a quick letter to Grace. But the game wont let us read it at this point. Seeing as idonotlikepeas was good enough to say that Grace will show up later, Im sure well get to read it at that point. What else is on the table?


That is not a leather trenchcoat. FAIL.

Well, we can go into that door to the left of the car, so lets do that.

Or we can stand in front of them until I click it again. Thats good too.

So we have a bag of Quick-Drying cement and a bucket. Well, thatll be useful if it turns out the killer is a werecoyote instead I guess.

And we use the keys on the car to open up the map screen and

And if you thought that Desk Sargeant Frick was hard to get past, well, you aint seen nothing yet. Gabriel manages to tell this guy that he wants to see Leber, and shows him his card.

He is not impressed.

Neither am I.

NEXT TIME: I have no idea, Im just winging it.