Part 24: Beast Within 3: WHAT.
Part Three: WHAT.Ok, so going directly to the precinct got us nowhere fast. So this time, I think Gabriel will try the zoo that the wolves escaped from. So, Thalkirchen it is then.

Okay, whats this guys deal?

So he wanders into an enclosure and starts scattering seeds? What?

NO YOU IDIOT, YOURE GROWING MORE OF THEM!!! But seriously, something looks really off about that wolf. And I dont mean human eyes, I mean that its legs look waaaay out of proportion or something. Weird.

And then he leaves, and Gabriels here now. So we can check the sign in front of us.

Doctor House, do you have an opinion on this?

Thank you, Doctor. Well, lets have a look at these wolves.

Dawwww. Im having The Littlest Hobo flashbacks, and if you dont know that show, you do not have a soul. Ooh, I can click on one of them, lets see what happens .

After trying to interrogate the wolves or whatever the fuck Gabriel was trying to do, the Zoo worker comes back, which means its Interrogation Time! So unlike GK1 where there were different ways to talk to people we encounter, GK2 just pares it down to simple clicks .and Im going to be honest, I prefer the other way. Maybe some people prefer the streamlined interface, but Im not one of em.

So anyway, the workers name is Thomas, and he doesnt think the escaped wolves (Hilda and Parzival) couldve killed anyone. He does explain that they escaped during the night shift and that the worker who was in charge has been fired. He personally always found Hilda to be extremely playful, not violent at all. And then Gabriel gets a description of the wolves which baffles me to no end. At least he didnt try to make a composite sketch at least. At the end, he points us towards the head of Mammals, Doctor Klingmann, so I guess were off to see him next.

And the good Doctor sorry, Herr Doctor, as he insists upon being called, has just a mild fascination with wolves. Hes got a bigass poster behind him, numerous photos on the walls, and a wolf skull on his desk. And things get plenty weirder from there.

Gabriel asks if he can ask him a few questions, and Herr Doctor agrees. Over the course of the interrogation, he makes repeated reference to the purity of nature, and how while none of his colleagues agree with his theories, there are others who do.
GEE, I WONDER IF HES ONE OF THE BAD GUYS???? Fuck, at least Dr. John was kind of ambiguous at first. (Seriously, I thought the guy at the Drug Store was more involved. Plus, you know, 20 years of watching TNG have taught me to root for Worf.) And then, he drops this little tidbit, which while, yes, its in the video, I had to transcribe for obvious reasons because WHAT. THE. FUCK???
How does a wolf choose his victims?

No, many believed that all animals are lazy and will go after the obviously easy target. But, please, continue.

No, thats not sufficient. David Tennant, help me out.

Nope, still not enough.

*ahem* one moment ..WHAT THE FLYING BASTARD DONKEY FUCK KIND OF HALF-BAKED PSEUDO-BULLSHIT-SCIENCE WAS THAT?!? Oh god, that just made my brain and my balls hurt. Oh god. Oh dear sweet merciful god.
I cant anymore after that. I just cant. I have to go and ice my head.
Next time: Something far less stupid? Please?