Part 32: Beast Within 11: I Have Come Here to Drink Heineken and Kick Ass. And Youre All Out of Heineken.
Part 11: I Have Come Here to Drink Heineken and Kick Ass. And Youre All Out of Heineken.Ok, so I had to check why I couldnt open the damn package, and it turns out Gabriel is supposed to open it in front of Harry. Also, you're supposed to use the magnifying glass icon to do it instead of clicking it on Gabriel. Go figure.

Gabriel is pissed that Grace is in Germany, I can only assume its because he holds himself responsible for her kidnapping by the Gedde cult, but Not-Tim Curry doesnt do the best job of making that clear. At any rate we can ask Harry about Ludwig and The Black Wolf now. Harry gives Gabriel the location of a couple of Ludwigs castles, and Gabriel seems to think sending Grace to them is a great idea mostly because the closest one is a 2 and a half hour drive from Munich. Unfortunately, Harry knows nothing of The Black Wolf.
On a hunch, we go back to der Kommissar, and ask him about these new items. Well, actually we cant ask about Ludwig, but we can ask about The Black Wolf.

And instead of shouting at us, Leber gets kinda disturbed. He runs over to his files and pulls out a hefty one. In 1989, a teenaged girl disappeared near the Bavarian National Forest. An old lady who lived near the woods said that a huge black wolf got the girl, and seeing as there hadnt been any wolves in those woods for half a century, Leber dismissed it out of hand.

At that point, Leber asks why Gabriel is looking into things, and Gabriel hints that hes a sort of PI, that the Hubers contacted via a friend of a friend. Leber accepts this, but tells him if he breathes a word to the press and doesnt keep him up to speed, hell seize Gabriels passport in an instant.

After which, Gabe decides to send Grace on what he thinks is a wild goose chase regarding Ludwigs castles. I have a feeling thats not going to work out the way he wants.
So on the way to mail the letter, I decide to revisit old locations that didnt work before because, well, thats how these adventure games work, right? And it turns out the clock store is now available to us!

This kindly old fellow points out a clock right on the counter for Gabriel:

Apparently it functions as an alarm clock, and all for the bargain price of 60 Deutschmarks! Surprisingly, the game lets me spend some of Gabriels money and we are now the proud owners of a woodpecker clock. No, really, it doesnt cuckoo, it knocks. Kinda defeats the purpose, doesnt it?? At any rate, nothing else new, so we drop off the letter to Grace. Wonder if the creepy

Well, the cops and press have left, so worth a shot.

Xavier says no-ones there, but hes welcome to use the club according to his instructions. But Id rather pump him for info, wouldnt you? So according to him, the current club was built in 1970 under Baron Von Glowers new vision. A new vision of less than 10 members. Actually, not including Gabriel, there are only 5 members of the Club right now .And the good Herr Doktor Klingmann only joined 2 weeks ago. Just mildly suspicious. Okay, if no-ones there, time to snoop!

Off-hand, nothing much suspicious here. Well, more suspicious than we already figured. Because these people are obviously werewolves. We can take a closer look at the chairs by the fire

And we can flip through those magazines

Except theyre in German. Idiot.

The rest of the room doesnt yield much, but there is that other door we can use .

Secret exit?

Well, no, it just happens to open on the alley were the body was discovered earlier. Ok, Gabriel, I think we can safely break out the silver bullets and go full-on They Live on this place now.
Just a short update today, gonna get a bigger one next time, promise.