Part 40: Beast Within 19: Metal Gear Gabriel
Part Nineteen: Metal Gear GabrielSo we left Gabriel in his rather spartan room in the hunting lodge. I however refuse to be constrained, and I think its time to do some fucking exploring!


Von Zell has no time for your bullshit!

At least Gabriels polite enough to knock before breaking into a room.

Ok, who does this one belong to, I wonder. Preiss. Well, lets check the dresser.

Clear as mud. We have a goddamned bullwhip, some rope, and some random clothes.

Gabriel, honey, theres no werewolves under the bed, I promise.

Oh, hes actually providing the turn-down service I guess. Checking the bathroom has Gabriel say Herr Preiss is probably in there and I dont wanna know what hes doing. Next room I guess.

Oh. My. God.

Asking Von Aigner about the club results in a great little speech.
Von Aigner posted:
I love to eat, and I love to drink. I own a butchery and a brewery, which means I love people who love to eat and drink. If I could make it the national religion, I would.

Gabe then intimates he knows about Grossbergs animal smuggling, and Von Aigner cautions him against crossing Von Zell. See, Aigner was the main contact, but Von Zell got Grossbergs name from him for reasons. Von Aigner thought that Von Zell was going to branch out on his own, acknowledging that his debt to Von Zell was slashed in exchange. So. My theory is that Klingmann took the wolves out, Von Zell arranged for their illegal export, and sponsored Klingmanns entry into the club in exchange for his services.
Gabriel asking about the Black Wolf results in a curiosity. Von Aigner says that he hears wolves around the woods regularly which stuns Gabriel because wolves are extinct in Germany. So Von Aigner might be an animal smuggler, but he doesnt seem to be a werewolf. Yet. Next room oh, right, thats Von Zells and he pretty clearly locked it. Ok, next room after that.

Klingmann. Lets get him. Oh. Gabriel wont talk to him or show him the wolf tags without a bit more evidence. Fuck. Ill be back, asshole. Last room.

Of course. Von Glower tells Gabriel he should go for a walk, get to know the area. Yeah, Ill get right on that.

Downstairs, Hennemanns having a drink, so lets chat him up.
Hes a decent enough sort. For a raging homophobe. He all but confirms Preiss is gayer than the jack of hearts, and seems to think that Preiss will jump any one of them given the opportunity. He says hes pretty chummy with Klingmann though. Gabriel asks if he sponsored Klingmanns membership then?

Nein, that was Von Zell.
Excuse me a moment.

Oh that is just a darling oil lamp, we have to add it to Gabriels jacket of holding. Or his TARDIS-coat.
Ok, lets go kick Klingmanns ass.

The expression on Klingmanns face is fucking priceless

Gabriel agrees. Klingmann quickly confesses to the whole thing, that Von Zell approached him at a lecture, and made a deal: Klingmann would let Von Zell and another man (probably Grossberg) into the Zoo, the two of them would remove the wolves, and in exchange, Von Zell gets Klingmann into the club.
FUCKING BOOM! Called that shit! Gabriel says he wont tell the cops, but hell hold onto the wolves tags in the meantime.

Klingmann is a poor broken man and that was intensely satisfying. I need a smoke. Ok, one last person to check out. How to get into Von Zells room hmm, I wonder if Preiss has a window

Hey, I can see that exact same tree from my room! Except flipped the other way. Lets see, Im sure Preiss wont mind us borrowing his rope for this

Its lucky that theres an eyebolt in the window frame for just such an occasion.


No, really, Gabriel, Ive seen the fucking Kool-Aid Man enter a room more quietly than you just did. Well, lets check it out.

No, Gabriel, hes not putting his teeth under the pillows.

His closets pretty orderly, but nothing valuable for us to steal.

However in his bathroom, Von Zell apparently subscribes to the If I cant see it, it doesnt exist school of cleanliness.

Someones been a bad, bad boy in some mud we saw much earlier in the game. What else can we rifle through?

Well, weve seen that already. But not that slip of paper to the right


This summer, Gabriel Knight is CATWOMAN! And in case you thought I was being harsh with Gabriels sneaking ability, Ill just leave this here for posterity.

I did not edit that. He's like a cat, isn't he?