Part 25: Emergency Session 9: Daikou
I fail to see why this deserves a full vote. We are in need of help, and they can provide this help.
Because they are interstellar criminals. Anything we give them will doubtlessly be used to create suffering.
Cool yer heels, both a' ya. I called this meetin' so's you can't blame anyone but all y'all. So here's the deal:
Seems we came across an active cell this time. Chances are they're dug in so deep there's no sense in tryin' ta pry 'em out, so this here's a question on how much we're gonna legitimize 'em. Seems they've been makin' some pretty tough starships since just after Gibons went on his big space bender, so they can do some nifty things fer our starport if we let 'em. Problem is, we'd be fundin' a bunch a' top-tier Mafioso types ta get them ships. What's the word, folks?
Absolutely not. I don't see any way in which negotiating with known criminals could end well.
If Senator Skye's argument is not sufficient, also consider how we would lose face among our allies if we were to support such villainous sophonts.
We are already allies, are we not? It will take much more than a slight shift of philosophy for them to abandon us. Besides, moving more towards neutrality would make us more appealing to the less scrupulous species of the galaxy, and did you not want to stay on good terms with everyone?
I still believe the Drengin and Yor can be brought around-
"Rotten wood cannot be carved." The first literally feels pleasure from the pain of others, and the second has been irreversibly programmed to destroy all organic sapient species. Changing ourselves-or rather, moving the government back into alignment with our own human nature-would be a much easier task.
While I am against thieves on principle, I see no harm at all in a mutually advantageous deal. Besides, giving them a legitimate income source may push them to full legitimacy, which would clearly be a win-win for us.
I will not compromise my principles for these aliens, whatever they may offer us to save their own hides.
We are at war, and we have need of powerful spaceships. These beings, whatever their background, can make them for us. I see no need for an alternative.
I don't know, set up some secret meetings? To be honest, I'm not terribly interested in this vote.
Special note: So far as I can tell from a quick Google search, the "Starship bonus" applies to both ship offense and defense, but only for ships created on this planet. It's a marginal planet, but if we can manage to get things up and running (and we still have a Manufacturing Capital to place, hint hint), this planet will be able to make some pretty damn powerful ships. I should add that moving to Neutral isn't going to kill our relationship with our Good friends, now that we're allies.