Part 5: The Baal Museum
Just a heads-up, the NPC Chatter update is going on the Test Poster for now, to avoid clogging up this page any more than it already is. You can find it
here. Fair warning: it's freaking huge.
Welcome back! Last time, we picked up some junk from around the city, and ran off to avoid being yelled at.
And it's still a faster opening than Xenosaga.
Hmm... let's go exploring before we talk to that person there. There's a few things to see before we proceed.

: Oh, that's right! Her shopping list! Funny place for Mom to put it.
Huh. That's pretty nifty.

: Granddad was the adventurer that Dad respected the most. He always said that before bed.
Including Puffy!

: When I become a full-fledged adventurer, I'm gonna put my picture next to Dad's.

: No, Sue. New Parm is over here.

: Oh, right. New Parm is over here, huh? Pretty far away....
I am sure this will never be relevant. Nope.
Let's look upstairs.

: This one's even cooler than the statue in the museum. But I bet the curator'd say it's a fake. Someday, I'll discover the Angelou Civilization myself! I'll prove that Dad's right!

: I kept some money hidden here. I'm glad Mom didn't see this. She's always saying "waste not, want not".
And for our efforts we get 100 G. Not too shabby.

: But why does my money always run out so fast?

: An adventurer can't be forgetting such an important thing.
And we get a first-aid kit, which heals the whole party at once. Helpful!

: Right, got it.

: I've got my Poison Antidote. Um, did I forget anything else?
Poison Antidotes, fittingly enough, cure poison. Now, why Justin would hide that of all things in his bed...
All right, enough procrastinating. Back downstairs.
Okay, a
little more procrastinating.
As we enter the kitchen, the woman walks towards us.
Meeting Lilly (Polsy)
Skip down to "cutscene ends" to skip the transcription.

: HEY! Justin!
I'm just going to pause for a moment and admire the spritework here.

: OUCH! Mom! What did I do?!

: How many times do I have to tell you? No dirty shoes in the kitchen!
Fun fact: Justin can't equip Sue's shoes, and you don't pick any up until later.
He can, however, equip Sue's dress.

: Even so, you don't have to hit me with your tray!

: You know the rules of the Seagull Restaurant... "Always Keep the Kitchen Clean"! Come on, I have work to do. Out you go!
Lilly ushers us out of the kitchen.

: Hello, Aunt Lilly. If you keep whacking Justin's head, he's gonna get stupid.

: Tee hee hee he! Don't worry, Sue. Justin's brain can't get any worse than it already is!

: Mom! I'm hurt. How could you say such things about your only darling son!

: Ha ha. Well, why don't you just be good, so I don't have to, hmm, Justin?

: Ugh, I've been gettin' in trouble all day today!
And with that, the cutscne ends. As does Lilly's voice.
Well, we've talked to Lilly. Should be good to leave now, right?

: Getting... in trouble?

: Listen, Justin. I won't get mad, so tell me the truth!

: Yeah you will! Even if I tell the truth, you still get mad. All the time!

: Don't give me that! Have you ever really told me the truth?
... Yeah, that first option seems like the way to go.

Mom. Getting mad gives you wrinkles.

: That's none of your business!

I've been busy since morning. All day. I had a lot of things to do. So I didn't have any time to do any of the things you're worried about, Mom!

: Hmmm.... If you were so busy, what were you doing?

: Well, um, um, well... I forgot, it's been so long.

: You forgot? It was just today!

I can smell colors...
Of course, the correct choice is the last one.

I wasn't doing anything! Ask Sue! Even I can't get into mischief every day, right?

: Is that right, Sue?

: That's right, Aunt Lilly! Justin didn't do anything bad today. Y-y-you gotta believe me!

: ... Really?

: Y-yeah....
Jesus, Sue looks freaking terrified here.

: Well, he wasn't nearly as bad as the day before yesterday!

: I just can't believe this kid. You listening? I don't know what you did, but don't get into mischief that gets other people angry!

: But is it OK eating here every day?

: Both of you, come upstairs.
Lilly has two different winking portraits, one for each eye. Either that or she smiles during her wink portrait and winks during her smile.
Anyway, we now see one of the game's more well-known mechanics:
Dinner scenes.

: Today, the curator of the museum came to have lunch here. Funny, he always brings a sack lunch. Oh, yeah, he asked me to tell you something. He wants you to go over to the museum tomorrow. He said he wants to return something that you left with him.
So, a brief explanation about how dinner works.
At its most basic, you select a party member to have a conversation with, and select Justin to end the meal.
The conversations change based on where you are in the plot, as well as where you are in other, concurrent conversations. Making it very very easy to accidentally miss entire plot threads.
Thankfully, the game has a tendency to make you unable to quit a meal until you've heard a particular piece of info.
For example, if we try to leave this conversation early...
Let's start with Lilly.

: You two, don't eat so fast, or you'll choke.
... Riveting. Let's hear what Sue has to say.

: That was a real adventure, huh!

: But you know, my ancestors all had much greater adventures! Look at their pictures on the wall!

: Justin, is that your Dad, the one on the end?

: Right next to Dad's picture!
That snipped unlocked Lilly's next conversation, but we'll save it for later, as it locks off the rest of Sue's.

: But you know, Justin's Dad doesn't look much like an adventurer. Don't you think so?

: That may be true, but he had incredible courage! He kept his cool in any situation!

: Kept his cool in any situation? The exact opposite of you, Justin. Tee hee....

: Ouch! But you know, I'm gonna become a great adventurer just like Dad. I'll show you!
And with that, we've wrapped up Sue's conversation. For now.

: Was it the Spirit Stone from your Dad?

: Your Dad was not the kind of man to lie.

: But you know, when I first met him, he always wore it around his neck. It was really special to him.

: Wow! Can you tell me about how you and Justin's Dad first met? Please!
And no, we never learn his real name. Right up through the end of the game, he's just "Justin's Dad".
And now, if we try to talk to Sue, she yells at us.

: Quiet, Justin. I want to hear what Aunt Lilly has to say.

: We first met on board a ship on a night with no moon or waves. It was a very quiet night.

: Did you hear that, Justin? It was a quiet night on the sea! How romantic!

: But suddenly, pirates appeared and took over your Dad's ship in the wink of an eye.

: C'mon, what happened then?

: The leader of the band of pirates got a look at the Spirit Stone that your Dad wore around his neck. The pirate drew a sword and said:

: "Gimme that Stone!"

: But your Dad obstinately refused.

: What happened then?

: Struck by the courage of your Dad, the pirate leader decided to give up being a pirate on the spot!
"Hey, man, gimme that rock."
"Fuck this, I quit. Gonna go haul coal for a living."

: The pirate that attacked Dad, what was he like? Maybe a strong "Man of the Sea" type?

: A beauty named "Lilly the Skull"!

: I've heard that name somewhere.
C'mon, Justin...

: Hmm, Lilly... Lilly...
I know you've been hit in the head six times already today, but you can do it...

: Lilly, that's you, Mom!
"Hey, man, gimme that rock."
"Fuck this, I quit. I love you, Justin's Dad-san!"

: I was pretty young then. I did a lot of things I regret.

Like that one time I hit a merchant in the head with a serving platter and broke his skull wide open! Ahh, those were the days.

: Wow, Aunt Lilly, so you aren't just a beautiful lady who's good at cooking, huh?
Dammit, Lilly. You're supposed to set a good example for the kids!

: I never knew that you were a pirate, Aunt Lilly.

: But, it makes me admire you more!

: It's embarrassing, so don't go telling all the neighbors, OK?
"Hey, man, wanna go to the Seagull for dinner?"
"The one run by the bloodthirsty pirate queen? Yeah, lemme grab my coat."
Well, there's not much to talk about after that, so let's hit the hay.

OK, can I have seconds?

: Here you go! Make sure you chew it well!
I can't help but wonder if Lilly had a bad experience choking on dinner. This is twice she's brought it up in conversation and, if you look at her eating animation, she chews very thoroughly. Maybe I'm just overthinking things.

That was delicious. I'm full!

: Say, Justin. We're going to see the curator tomorrow, right? Don't forget.
We fade out, and back in on Justin's room.
So let's head to the museum!

: Today I didn't come to play. I came to get something back that I had left with the curator.

: That's right! No one believes it, though. But I'm sure the curator'll prove that it's the real thing!

: Thanks, sir! Don't worry, it's gotta be the real thing. I know it!
Even the sign has more than the usual to say.

: Say, Justin. What's it say there? Can you read it for me?

: Hmm... It says it's the "Baal Museum".

: Who's that Baal guy? Do you know, Justin?

: I don't really know, but maybe he's some big shot?
A full half-hour of exploration and chatting later...
Interesting... Icarians and wings? Legend of the Spirit Stone?
the intro FMV posted:

The curator is standing around the exhibit hall.

: Oh, you came at just the right time. Look, Justin!

: It's a new Icarian Statue! I just finished its restoration!

: Wow. Is this a statue of an Icarian? I've never seen this type.

: Yes, when I checked with Garlyle, it seems that it was found at the Dom Ruins on the New Continent Elencia.

: The biggest ruins on the New Continent of Elencia. I'd like to go!

: I bet you would. Bet you would... Yes! It's what you look for that makes you a man, Justin.

: Stories are told of floating cities and ships that travel to the stars.

: Steam engines that run forever!

: The Spirit Sanctuary frozen in time!

: Great immortal priests who never age!

: Are you two finished yet?

: Sorry, Sue! We'll be through in a minute!

: After all, I am a very understanding woman, right?

: Yet, if we consider these utopian fantasies apart from myths, these Icarians must have been thought of as kings who possessed great power. Archeologically, that much is certain. Archeologically, these kings must have created the Spirits and the Spirit Stones in order to justify their presence.


All dat shit be fake, son.

: Awwww. That's not very interesting. Archeology has no romance.

: Hah hah hah! Sorry about that! I like dreamy stories myself. Justin, I guess you get bored when ancient myths become research.

: That's right. I can't quite get in the mood today! It might all have been true, right?

: That's right, Justin! I cannot prove that it is not all true!
"Well, I can't
disprove that dudes with wings used the power of fairies to literally perform magic that has absolutely no scientific backing, so it's probably all true."
Of course, this is a JRPG, so make of that what you will.

: Oh, no! I almost forgot. It's about the so-called "Spirit Stone" left by your Dad.

: So you examined it for me! I bet it was real!

: Ha ha ha ha. I can't tell if it is real or fake. To begin with, the Spirit Stones only exist in myths.
"Well, I can't
disprove that this rock is a mystical focus of ancient power that there is absolutely no scientific backing for..."

: I tried to do a chemical analysis of the stone, but I couldn't. It is harder than diamond, so I gave up.
"I mean, it might be orichalcum or mythril or dark matter or something!"

: Harder than diamond...

: Until I think of another way to analyze it, I'll give it back.
"Really, all I did was hit it with a hammer until my arms got sore. But I'll let you know when I get some acid to drop it in."

: If you like, why don't you try analyzing it, Justin? I'll give you some hints.
"For example: No, it will not blend."

: When you are finished looking at the statue, come to my office! I have something for you, ha, ha, ha!

: Mysteries of the ancient civilization, Justin the Adventurer'll solve 'em!
Let's take a look at the statue.

: The legendary Icarian Statue discovered at the Dom Ruins....

: Justin, I'm amazed you knew that the Dom Ruins are the largest ruins on the New Continent of Elencia.

: Of course I know! An adventurer needs to know lots of things!

: Elencia is awaiting me with mountains of exciting things. He he he, just look!

: Puff pufft! PUFF PUFF PUFF!!

: The only thing to do is fix it. C'mon Sue, help me!

: No way! It won't work! We should just be honest and apologize.

: I can't do it. You saw how happy the curator looked when he restored this statue. I can't tell him. I remember what it looked like!
We get a nifty iris fade to the next scene.
... Oh dear.

: You sure that's right? I think it looked a little different.

: Maybe... but it's about 70% right, don't you think?
Justin... Justin. No.

: On a test, that's a passing grade, right!

: That's not the point, Justin.
Oh dear. The Curator's office is across the hall.

: I was keeping it in my pocket, so I would always be ready to give it to you and see your smiling face.

: Ah hah hah ha. Mr. Curator, are you getting senile in your old age?

: Hah hah hah. You're never at a loss for words. Anyway... I just heard a loud crash. Did something happen?

: Y-You figure it out. I don't know what to do!

No. Nothing at all.

: Oh REALLY? Are you sure nothing happened?
Saying that causesthe top option to change to "Really, really, nothing happened!" Still has the same result, though.

Actually... I broke the statue.

: Hah hah hah! Justin, you ARE a joker. If you broke the statue I just finished repairing, my poor heart couldn't take it.

: COOL! What is it!?

: Hah hah hah! My present to you... is THIS!

: The Garlyle Forces are searching the Sult Ruins again. I arranged for two people to visit.

: Thank you, Mr. Curator!

: Isn't this great, Justin?♥ You kept saying that you wanted to go to the Sult Ruins!

: Puff puff

: I'm just happy to see your faces. Show this Letter of Introduction and the army will let you visit.
Whew. Now let's get out of there before he finds out about the statue.

: Maybe the curator will forgive...

: Nope. No way! If we go back now, he'll take back the Letter of Introduction for sure.

: You're right... I feel bad about the curator, but let's come back and apologize later.
Finally, we can leave Parm and head towards our first dungeon.
... That being a small road between Parm and the Ruins.
Marna Road is a good intro to how dungeons tend to be set up in this game: Typically, if you head straight for the exit, you'll hit a few obstacles and monsters, but it'll be over before it gets interesting.
If you take your time to explore, though, you'll find plenty of treasure scattered about.
And that glowy rainbow thing is a save point. In addition to saving your game, they also fully heal the party and can offer certain hints. This one, in particular, mentions how running into enemies from behind will let you act first.
By heading east, instead of following the road north, we find a bag of 30 gold.
Continuing on eastward, we find another 10 gold, as well as an item on the other side of the river.
A brief treck north, then west past the road brings us to another 10 gold.
And south, then east back to where we started gets us this Herb, a single-target healing item.
With all the treasures in the southern area picked up, we cross the bridge to the northern section, and the level design throws its first curveball.
The path veers off to the east to circle around a giant rock.
However, if you head straight north, then bear west around the rock, you'll skip a large detour, rewarding exploration with a shortcut.
And, uh... if you haven't caught on yet, "adventure" and "exploration" are the game's central themes.
Anyway, instead of heading straight to the exit, we head north, then veer east along the north bank of the river to get this.
And a good thing we did. Instead of more gold or a weak healing item, this is actually a mace upgrade. Both Justin and Sue can make use of them, so we'll hold on to it for later.
Had we gone east immediately after crossing the river, we'd've wound up at this herb instead. Still, treasure is treasure.
And with that, we've managed to get everything here in one swoop, dodging all the enemies for now. We follow the road north...
... Back onto the world map. Now that we have more than two destinations, it's a little more exciting, as you can freely travel to any location that you've discovered that isn't greyed out.
We get a nice swooping shot around.

: Hee hee! Say that after you look at this.

: We are so passionate about studying, the Curator gave it to us.
And with that, he opens the gate, allowing us to explore.
At least until we hit
another cutscene. (polsy)
As before, skip down to "cutscene ends" to skip the transcription.
The camera slowly pans down to where these three are addressing the troops.

: Meet at the stage on level one. Call roll by regiment as soon as you arrive and stand by for orders.

: 'TenSHUN! Fall in! Right face! March!

: Don't give me that, Nana! The last time they were late, I made 'em all give me 3000 squats!
Saki here is apparently hoping one of her troops is secretly Zack.

: Oooh, Saki... You're such a muscle freak. I'd make 'em go without rations for 100 days.

: Oh, Mio! You're too kind! If it were me, I'd give 'em 5000 lashes!

: Oooh, ho, ho, ho!
So we've got a muscle freak, an anorexic, and a fucking sadist. Great showing here, Garlyle.

: That would kill 'em!

; If Herr Mullen were to get wind of that, he'd have your head.

: No problem! I'd just swear 'em to secrecy, and Herr Mullen'd never be the wiser!
Correction: Muscle freak, anorexic, and the motherfucking Joker.
Mio sighs while Nana finishes laughing.

: Come on, we need to get going too, or we'll be late for the rendezvous.

: Right, Mio. If we were to be late, it'd be harder to discipline the troops.
And with that, the cutscene ends.
Hope you like those three, because we'll be seeing a lot more of them.
A whole lot more.
Starting now, even!

: How could children be here!? How'd you get into the Sult Ruins?

: Can I see them? Take us there.
Dammit, Justin. You were told to stay out of the army's way.

And another of the game's patented "the last option is the only way to progress" choices.
If we choose to
run away...

: Just a second, Justin! We didn't do anything wrong. Why run? They'll suspect us.
All right, Sue seems to know what's going on. Let's
ask her what to do.

: Um... I hate those three. They've got bad attitudes!
... Dammit, Sue.
Fine, let's
show them the letter.
They all step forward.

: Hmm?

: I guess... it does look real.

: See? We're not suspicious at all! So take us underground with you.

: Underground... huh. All right. But first just show me that Letter of Introduction.

: Yikes!

: Oh no!

: execute them!

: But since you are children, we'll overlook this just once. Leave the Sult Ruins at once.

: Come, let's go. Saki! Mio! There's no time to be bothering with these kids.

: Anyway, Justin.... Oh well, let's go home.

: No way, Sue! An adventurer can't back down now!
So let's go enter the ruins! What horrors could await us inside?
More NPC chatter and cutscenes

: I did.... But they are so secretive, there's got to be something there.

: Oh, Justin,
Next time: Finally, a proper dungeon!