Part 6: Baal Museum NPC Chatter
Welcome back!
This time, we're going to begin with a few things we missed last time. First up, outside the Underground Cafe.
This signboard, to be precise.

: Huh? This sign says something. But the letters are so small. Umm, what does it say?

: Eew, yuck! What's this smell? Could it be...?

: Yes! This must be what they mean by truthful advertising!

: It's true that Miss Kirlian is beautiful, but Justin, you haven't even tasted the coffee.

: That Miss Kirlian is sure alluring. The attractiveness of an adult. Ah, yes....

: What are you saying? You don't even notice the attractiveness of the lady next to you!
Next up, House 2, where we picked up the Letter for Clara.

: Don't give me that! It's much more imporant to polish my swordsmanship! WHen a monster comes after you, this thing won't be any use at all!

: If you're not an adventurer, that's not a worry!

: Of course swordsmanship is more important. Don't you think so, Puffy?

: Puff puff?
And with that, we're done. See you nex- Oh, goddammit, fine. Fair warning: there's a shit-ton of NPC chatter in this section.
We'll start in the Seagull after dinner.

: I think you're right! Tee hee hee! ♥

: Sue, shouldn't you turn red and say "No, not at all" or something?

: But it's true!

: Being chipper is pretty much Justin's only virtue.

: Today's special is the "Surprise Mushroom Pasta".

: Coming up! One Daily Special!

: Don't worry about Puffy. He eats plenty at dinnertime, too.

: Puff, Puff Puff!

: Puffy takes quickly to anyone who feeds him.

: Hmm, I'm not really sure.

: Well, just look over the menu. Mom likes almost everything.

: Huh? If not food, then what?

: What would Mom like other than food?

: Huh? Your face is turning red.

: Well, then why don't you come to the restaurant every day!

: Sir, you really have some bad B.O.

: Everyone tells me I look like my Dad. Dashing, debonair....

: You don't hold a candle to Dad.

: I can't hold a candle to Mom in the sharp tongue area.

: Yessirree! Mom's food is just the best!

I guess I should tell the truth.

: It's flatfish boiled with pumpkin.

: Aunt Lilly takes care in selecting even the most commonplace of ingredients.

I oughta try to startle him.

: It's longhorn sea caterpillars.

Maybe I'll tease him.

: Sir, you really want to know? No regrets? Really? Know what I mean? Ready? Maybe you shouldn't ask. If you hear the ingredients, you might just lose your appetite. You still want to know?
All right, let's see upstairs.

: Maybe the cup I broke, or maybe....

: Can't imagine she'll praise you.

: Maybe I ought to be prepared for her to yell at me.
Hmm. Let's see what she has to say.

: What is it, Justin? I'm busy, so don't bother me.
"**Save Game**" does exactly what you'd expect. We'll get back to asking about dinner at the end of the update. So that leaves...

Mom, you really look beautiful today.

: Where'd you learn such sweet talk!? I'm busy, so if you're not going to help, then get out of the kitchen.
If we try again...

: Where'd you learn such sweet talk? Don't bother me, I'm busy! Go off and play outside!
Once more...

: Where'd you learn that joke? Don't bother me, I'm busy! Why don't you play outside!?

: It's only one G, but don't waste it.
And, if we try after this...

: Ah, ha, ha, ha! Flattery will get you nowhere. Nothing more for you. Go off and play somewhere else!
And with that, we're done with the Seagull for now.

: I'm Justin, J-U-S-T-I-N!

: Ah hah hah hah! I give up, Sir!

: Sir, if you call me Justin, then I just might be persuaded to go with you!

: So that's why you're running away. Rocko, don't be such a coward. Don't be afraid of the dentist. ♪

: Say, there, whatcha doin'? That a new kind of game? Show me how to play.

: Is that the waltz?

: Aah, it's a girl's dream to meet a handsome man on the ballroom floor. ♥

: Oh, really? I think adventurers are cooler than the guys who go to balls!

: Those waltzes just put me to sleep.
Not all signs have as much to say as the Baal Museum one.

: Juh? Mr. painter man, whatcha doin' here?

: But you really seem to like drawing pictures, don't you, Mr. painter man.

: Naw. Never heard that. Who told you that rumor?

: D'ya think that maybe the one becoming happy is the cleaning man?
Hmm. We haven't spoken to that kid on the right, there.

: Hey, what's up, Theo? Why are you walking around here smiling like that?

: What do you mean, a secret? Why don't you tell me?

: Hmm. A king, huh? Is there a king around here?
Over by the train station, we find a little girl.

: What's wrong, Marie? I can't understand with you crying like that. Now tell me.
Y'know what, I'm gonna be a rebel. Let's start with the bottom option!

You'll find it sooner or later.

: Don't worry, Marie! I'll help you look. ♥

: I'll help too, Marie!

Of course, leave it to me!

: Where do you think you lost it?

: Somewhere around the museum! All right, let's go look, Sue!
If we speak to her again after this...
Let's head off to the museum.

: There it is! This is it! Look, Sue, this is it!

: Quick, we have to get it to Marie!
Here's something I never knew until I recorded it:
Marie's Pin actually gets added to the inventory as a key item. Let's show it to her mom!

: Ma'am, is this what you are looking for? Is this Marie's pin?

: Don't worry, Ma'am. ♪ I'll give it back to her. Marie should be really happy.

: Here! The pin you were looking for!

: He he he, it was no problem at all!
And she gives us a Wound Salve, a single-target healing item.

: Of course!

: Excuse me, sir, but is that any way to speak to someone when you're asking for a favor?

: That's better. Now I'll tell you. The best place in town is the Seagull Restaurant with the shell sign. ♥

: It's so good, you have to be careful not to eat too much. Be careful, sir. ♥

: Justin, do you know?

: No, I've never heard it. What does it mean, Sir?

: But don't forget that the adventurers made lots of discoveries, too!

: My Dad?

: Now that you mention it, didn't Leck Mines used to produce lots of coal?

: Leave it to me, Sir! But you know, I just might surpass Dad sometime!

Nope, haven't seen him today. Isn't he playing somewhere in North Parm?

: That's not right, Justin! Shouldn't you have told her? It's for Rocko's sake, too.

He has to go to the dentist?

: Hmm, he told me not to tell you, but I'll tell you anway. Rocko's over by the fountain.

: That Joule Foundation is amazing. The places with money really do have money.

: But Justin, you don't have a penny to your name.
Back at the museum, we can examine the pile of stuff out front.

: Mom says exactly the same thing.

: That's funny. Nobody at our house works at the factory but the bathtub still gets dirty.

: Tee hee. I know why. It's because you play until you're just covered in mud.

: I don't worry about it at all! Getting covered in mud is part of an adventurer's work, too!

: Visions of a beautiful woman?

: What do you think, Justin?

: The army is doing the excavation! There's gotta be something there!

: It isn't all junk! Show it to the curator of the museum and you might find out something!
And now, we head for the bridge that Gantz had blocked yesterday.

: Tell me what they are.

: Huh? Really? I don't understand girls.

: Hey, Justin, you aren't scared, are you?

: You're not scared, are you, Puffy?

: Puff puff? Puff Puff!

: Anyway, so what are the other six of the Seven Wonders? What are they?

: I know one of them! It's a wonder that this Justin was born to that beautiful Aunt Lilly!

: But that can't be it, Sue!

: What? So there are no Seven Wonders, huh?

: Wow, Sir, that's so cool that you decided so smartly by yourself. They say, "The clothes make the man!"

: But isn't it a compliment?

: But you know, I actually did use it correctly.

: WHat is this bunk?! We do that every day at the Seagull Restaurant!

: That might be, but at the Blue Marlin, it's a great deal. The bread is usually cold.

: The food is really delicious there.
Back at the plaza...

: Huh, what are you talking about?

: I may be absent-minded, but I do remember all th mischief I do!

: He said what?! You can't believe anyone from Gantz's gang!

: Even if it is a screw from the engine, there's nothing to worry about, sir.

: Hey, you talking about me?

: Ah hah ha! I don't think so, Sir!

: Hey, Bertie, good luck on your job!
Phew. With that, we've gotten everyone. Wandering outside. In South Parm. Before the musuem visit.
Thankfully, North Parm is mostly the same dialog as last time, with the obvious exception of the people talking about the treasure hunt.

: Well, I still have my Uncle and Aunt and they're so nice to me. Aunt Lilly is there for me, too. ♥

: Aren't you forgetting another person?

: Oh, that's right! Of course, Justin, you too. ♥

: No, Uncle, you got it backwards. I'm the one who is taking care of Justin.

: Ah ha ha, not quite, Uncle.

: Eh heh heh. Thank you, Sir. ♥ Bet you want to marry me, huh?
... Let's just pretend that never happened, shall we?

: What! I thought you guys started playing hide-and-seek a long time ago. Are you still playing!?
Gotta give them credit, though, keeping a game going overnight like that. We always had a rule that if it took longer than half an hour or so, the hiders could go fuck off and do what they wanted.
Telling the seeker was optional.

: Hee hee. 'Course I did!

: Well, I did go visit, but the place was filled with stuff I couldn't even guess how to use.

: That's pretty weird. Now that makes him sound like a pretty great man.

: But it does sound like him.
Well, well. Who do we have here?

: That was pretty low of you to run away and save yourself. Next time, you're gonna get yelled at by my Dad.

: Goose, sorry about that. I just didn't want to get caught by that Greg. He's pretty scary.

: Justin, it's just like you to run ayay so you were the only one who didn't get caught.

: I couldn't help it then. But you were the ones who blocked the bridge so you should get caught.

: Hey, Justin. Ya really got away good last time. Your speed at running away is about the only thing I admire.

; The fastest in Parm at running away. 'Cause Aunt Lilly is always chasing him for some reason.

; I was thinking, Justin. Between Gantz and you, which one is stronger?

: Of course I'm stronger! Right, Sue?

: How stuuupid. Why do boys always compete with each other like that?

: Justin, who's stronger, you or Gantz? When I asked Gantz, he said that he's a lot stronger.

: That's funny, Justin says the same thing, only the opposite.
Speaking of Gantz's crew...

: That guy, he's the kind who never admits defeat.
And finally, let's check out the port.

: Aw, you think you're such a big shot. Can't you just let me in for a little?

: Huh, your children are ships!?

: A whole new unseen world. Yep, I'm gonna go.
Now we get to the houses. We'll start with Sue's, right next to the Seagull.

: I'm just playing. There's no need to thank me.

: I'm usually pretty crude, so Mom is really happy when Sue comes over. She's like a daughter to her.

: OK, I understand. ♪

: With you two, Aunt and Uncle, I'm not sad at all. Don't forget that I'm tougher than Justin.

: Don't worry about it. Sue's pretty reliable, so really she's the one taking care of me.

: How can people drink this bitter stuff?

: They say that children can't appreciate the taste of coffee. Justin, you're still a child.
JustinCurious: But Sue, why do you have coffee in your room? Sue, can you "appreciate the taste of coffee"?

: That must be my Uncle's doing! If he wants to drink behind my Aunt's back, he always uses my room!

: Oh, so it's your Uncle's coffee? I'm glad. I thought you were way ahead of me. I'm relieved.
Yep, in order to get an E rating from the ESRB, they had to replace all alcohol with coffee. And, to their credit, they did try to make the replacement make sense.

: Just leave her alone. ♥

: She's pretty carefree. Just like that Goose.

: Just when will she wake up?
Next up is the shop.
To buy items, walk up to one of these icons to open the menu for weapons, armor, or miscellaneous items.
The armor for sale is all better than the default gear, but not by enough to matter at the moment.
The weapon shop, however, has some serious upgrades for sale. The Ceramic sword, for example, has nearly twice the attack power of the wooden sword. The metal baton has exactly double the power of Justin's starting mace, and the hand darts are slightly stronger than Sue's starting bow.
They're also rather more expensive, as you can see.
The only general items for sale are wound salves and herbs, both of which heal their GP cost in HP to one ally.
Talking to the shopkeeper allows us to sell items. Key items, such as the four treasures, cannot be sold. Other items sell for half their buying price.
The Sweets and Banana items you see there start off in Sue's inventory. They heal 10 and 12 HP, respectively, to one ally.
We sell everything but the first-aid kit.
There's one more thing to examine in here.

: Hey! They've got a museum poster up. Let's see....

: This poster is so pompous. But I know what they mean. Hee hee. When I'm an adventurer and make great discoveries, I'm gonna donate them to the museum!
Ooo, another two-story house.

: Tee hee, tee hee. She's just like Justin, dreaming all the time.

: Don't worry, Ma'am! After all, your daughter is quite a beauty, just like you!
... See, it started off as card game puns, but I get lost halfway through...

: Uh, too late now. Ahaha....
We've got another conversation upstairs.

: Puff Puff! PUFF!

: Puffy's always with me! Right, Puffy? ♥

: Puff Puff Puff!

: Puffy must be saying that you are quite a beauty, too!

: You can't have Puffy. ♥
Next, the inventor's house.

: Hee hee hee. Why not? You don't have anything better to do, right?

: Don't worry, sir! I'll make sure Justin doesn't bother you!

: I bet he really wants you to look around, Tee hee.

: Isn't that a sorta FATAL drawback?

: Ugh! May-maybe next time!

: Air this hot'll just bury your hair off!

: Good luck, Mr. Inventory! I'm rooting for you!

: Telling time with food power. Isn't my "stomach clock" more extravagant?
To the train station!

: OK! Promise to let me drive it then!

: I can't believe it. That's about the worst place to meet someone.

: Maybe he's not from this town? He's much better off waiting here.

: Maybe I ought to write "I recommend you meet at the Seagull Restaurant"?

: Is he still waiting? Wonder what he ordered.

: Better come back later after I figure out how to sneak in without getting busted!
Hmm. Let's see just how bad the Blue Marlin is.

: But it's your fault you believed the chef when he said he'd give you the lobster, if you caught it.

: Now I REALLY know why he doesn't ever get cooked.

: Guess we're doing all right. It just means that Mom keeps bothering me to help out.

: Don't forget I'm help ing out by washing dishes. ♥

: Actually, I think so myself. Ee hee hee. ♥

: Let me try some, sir.

: Aren't you exaggerating a little? Bet you'd fall over backwards, if you ate at the Seagull.

: I'd be AWOL in three days.

: That would make you sick.
Back to North Parm, for the few indoor areas.

: Can you cut out the mischievous part?

: Grams, you're always so frank. I love that. ♥

: My mischief is much more adorable than Gantz's. At least I think so.

: Gram, can you tell us another story about when you were a kid? Justin said he wants to hear one.

: Well, I do want to hear a story.

: If I'd lived then, I could've had adventures in the forest.
Gantz's house is up next.

: Justin, didn't you get whacked by Aunt Lilly with the tray?
It should be noted that Sue is eight.
Justin is fourteen.

: Justin. Let's forget we saw it. ♥
It's like when you are fixing someone's computer and find furry porn in their internet history. You just pretend you saw nothing.
Anyway, next up is the museum.

: Ugh, no one understands me. Just forget it!
If we examine the sun...

: Look, look, Justin! The sun has a face. Pretty funny, huh? ♥

: You're right. If the sun had a face like this, it could talk, huh?

: But, if that were true, this face would be watching us whenever we were outside.

: I like the sun the way it is now. Ha ha, ha ha ha.

Origins of the Baal Museum: General Baal, the Supreme Commander of the Garlyle Forces, has always had a strong interest in archeology. His support was vital to the growth of archeology, particularly in obtaining military cooperation for excavations. He is most famous for his words "History itself provides the greatest lesson to be learned by mankind". Honoring his many contributions to the preservation of historic discoveries, this museum is named for General Baal.

Sult- Historic Discovery on Messina: The Sult Ruins are the largest ruins ever discovered. Their enormity flies in the face of common sense. The ruins discovered below Sult to the northwest of Parm are throught to be the graves of formerly powerful kings.

The Archeological Meaning of "Angelou": "Angelou" in Archeology. Angelou is the name of what we know as a "country" in ancient civilization. Angelounians and Parmians. Angelou culture and Parm culture. Town of Angelou and Town of Parm. Comparing the names like this you can easily see that Angelou is considered the be the name of an ancient country. The Angelou myths now told in Parm may be myths told in the ancient civilization that have survived. An alternate theory holds that the ancient civilization survived to the present in the form of myths. Many mysteries remain, such as how the Spirits and Icarians of myth relate to the ancient Angelou Civilization. Stories that the ancients had a civilization more advanced than ours are probably no more than fairy tales.
Let's peek around in the Curator's office.

: But what kind of flying machine? Id'd be cool if I could make one. It'd be easy to get to the New World.

: Ugh! What junk! I just can't stand these boring books.
Checking it again...

: Garlyle Forces Established by Powerful Man in Joule Foundation.

: Who is this "powerful man"?

: Garlyle Forces have often been operating independently lately, causing problems...?

: The Garlyle Forces must be a bunch of selfish guys like Gantz who got together to make an army.

: What's this? The Garlyle Forces plan to build a base on the New Continent? What's the army doing there?

: The curator broke the statue!
The bookshelf to the south has a few things to read, too.

: "As the small fishing harbor that was Parm grew into today's portal to New Continent, advances in steam engines have also made the factories prosper. Mostly the Joule factory where I work. I say this not because I work there."

: I bet he says that just because he works there.

: "The economic development of Parm is inseparable from the presence of the modern Joule factories. I can feel the prosperity of Parm every time I see the chimneys along the city streets."

: I think they're just a nuisance.
And now to the exhibit hall to see what we skipped in the main update.

: If these things were really portrayed in the statues exactly as they were, it'd be incredible. Now on to the next one. The human-type statues holding feathers were worshipped as gods. They must have admired the ability to fly through the air.

: This produced a theory that Angelou was a very advanced civilization.

: Very interesting.

: Other researchers believe the wings of the ancient Angelou Civilization were no more than dreams of the ancient.

: I'll prove it if I have to dig up all the ruins in the whole world!

: This is thought to mean that the ancients tended to consider the wings themselves to have godlike character. Wings originally symbolizing those in power came to acquire godlike status as wings themselves became worshiped.
Next up, the blue gorilla-thing.

: These humanoid statues with wings attached are typical of those that are called Icarian Statues. This is thought to be a motif of the kings who had nearly a godlike presence to the ancient people.

: These stone statues are thought to have been meant to protect the kings buried there after their death. However, in almost every case, there is no evidence that these kings were actually buried in the ruins.

: The prevailing theiroy holds that the Spirit Stones represent power, but another theory holds that the ancients exchanged other beautiful minerals as money among themselves, giving rise to a monetary economy.
Oh yeah, should also mention that the spirit stone is also an inventory item.
If you try to talk to the Curator without breaking the statue, you get this little scene.

: You said it was something good, so we got our hopes up. But you lost it!?

: Of course not! I haven't lost it, ha ha ha! Just let me remember, so go look at the Icarian statue or something while I look for it. Ha ha ha!
And speaking of the statue, if you examine it again after you break it...

: Don't worry. I know a little about the Angelou Civilization!

: Ugh, aaaah!

: Ha ha, ha ha ha. Gee? Maybe it was the mice?

: I know... those mice just love adventures.
And if we try to walk out the door...

: You always jump straight into it. How strange.
Now that we've broken the statue, a few NPCs have new dialog for us outside.

: Right, Sue?

: Maybe a little.
Gantz's gang is still hanging out by the western bridge.

: Justin, I'm amazed that you don't get bored to death, going to the museum all the time like that. When I go there, it's just soooo boooring. It just puts me to sleep.

: But Goose, you look pretty bored and sleepy no matter where you go.

: Yeah, I've even seen Goose fall asleep standing on his feet.

: I've never fallen asleep standing on my feet. I've stood up while sleeping, though.

: Wait... isn't it the same thing?

: I saw you, saw you, Justin goin' into the museum. Did somthin' interesting happen?

: Maybe you wanna come with me or something.

: No way, Justin! I'd never be caught dead with you, you're way out of fashion! Nobody's gonna need adventurers any more. It's gonna be soldiers or steam engineers!

: Hey, Justin! Heard you went to the museum. What'd ya have to go there for?

: Whatever. Does it matter? What's it to you, Gantz?

: I just went to say hello to the curator there. Ah ha ha ha.

: You guys doin' anything interesting? If so, lemme in on it.

: Naw, we'll keep it a S-E-C-R-E-T. ♥
Tentz, meanwhile, is over by the eastern bridge.

: Aaaw! I'm busted! I shouldn't have let you see me!

: Aha, ha, ha! Sorry, Tentz, but you really don't look like a Sergeant!

: If I don't check on what Justin's doing, Gantz is gonna be angry again.

: Right, Sue?
And back in South Parm....

: Hang on, Theo, the name of that king, could it be Hiking?

: Theo, hiking means to walk to some far place with your friends and eat lunch there.

: Pah, ha, ha, ha. Theo, you just don't get it.
And with that, we are finally done. With Parm. For this update.
By the way, the game doesn't make sure you have key items in your inventory. If you toss them in the stasthing place, they'll still work just as well, and won't take up an inventory slot.
Anyway, next up we'll be tackling the soldiers around the Sult Ruins.
To start with, we'll see what happens if you show up before getting the letter.
Things are a bit more interesting once we can get inside and talk to everyone.

: Just like Justin. Justin couldn't do anything without me around.

: Wow. So is Colonel Mullen such a wonderful man?

: Way different from Justin who couldn't do anything without me.

: If you're just jealous of other people like that, you'll never get ahead.

: That's right, the soldiers in stories are all so cool.

: Right! That's gotta be it! So, what do you think it is?!

: I don't quite think so....

: Wow. So you are a wonderful person, too?
Holy shit, someone with a face portrait!

: Sure, Gontz. Of course I'm good to him! Right! Sue?

: Uh, sure! You're being really good to him! Right, Puffy?

: Puff, Puff-Puff!

: Is that right, I'm glad. Thinking of it, I don't recall Gantz ever being unhappy. He's just fine even when getting whacked with the mop or whacked with a pot lid. Wah hahaha!

: Of the Baal Museum? That guy?

: Your tongue is hanging out, sir!

: "That problem"...? Could that be... athlete's foot?

: Huh. Was it that funny? I didn't exactly say it as a joke.

: How RUDE! How can you call Justin or a beautiful lady like me MONSTERS.

: Hey, just a minute! Listen to me. We're not MONSTERS!

: Army clothes don't suit a beautiful lady, right?

: Sir, don't you get chewed out because of your attitude? You ought to look sharp!
"I even call them "M'lady" and tell them that I won't degrade their dignity by holding open doors for them!"

: Hmm. That may be so, but there's no reason to how someone falls in love.
"I bought a new fedora, even!"

: The curator of the museum gave us a Letter of Introduction. Said we'd "learn something".

: Sir, I think you will understand. I really came here for adventure.

: Sure, I'll try.

: Hmm. Is a person in charge so high ranking?
And now.... the dialog changes after the cutscene with the sergeants.

: Hey, SIR! We're not soldiers. Don't you UNDERSTAND?

: Can you be a "person in charge" by just standing out here? If so, it can't be so important.

: Wow. They say you can't judge a book by its cover. Guess that's right.

: Even if they have pretty faces, with such twisted personalities they are just hopeless!

: Gontz, listen! There were these terrible women who ripped up my letter from the curator!

: Hahaha. The big shots in the army would never do something like that. They may be strict, but they always have a reason for getting angry. Did you do some mischief again? The army is strict, so mischief that might be overlooked in Parm won't be taken so lightly, OK?

: This time, at least.

: Hee hee hee. My rule is to always do my utmost no matter what trial or adventure!

: Rather than a good guy, isn't he a convenient guy for you?

: You must mean the three women who tore up our precious letter? That's a really useless perk.
Whew. Nearly four hundred screenshots in. Now we just need to go over the text in Parm that's changed
Starting with the poster for the museum in the general store.
Next up, the museum itself.

: You're right. You think we did something really bad?

: Hang on, Justin. Not "we". I didn't do anything.
And now we can finally wrap up with the optional dinner conversations.
The first happens if we eat dinner before speaking to the Curator.

: What do you think? It's my new dish. Both of you, tell me what you think of the taste. What do you say? If you like it, maybe I'll put it on the menu.

: Be strict in your evaluation, OK?

It's really great! Can I have seconds?

: Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha! OK, seconds! If my gourmand son says so, then there's no doubt about it!

: "Tomato Soup a la Justin"!

: I know it'll sell like crazy! The name is just so cool!

: Anyone who has it once is sure to turn into a gourmand like Justin. Tee hee.

There isn't quite enough salt.

: Thanks! You've helped a lot!

: Hee, hee, hee. Any time. Just leave it to me!

: I don't know about other things, but you certainly are a genius about food!
The other conversation here varies slightly depending on whether you talk to Lilly or Sue first. We'll start with Sue.

: Say, Justin, didn't the curator ask you to come? Don't we have to go talk to him?

: Aw, rats! I completely forgot! We definitely have to go tomorrow! Remind me, OK, Sue!

: Don't forget to go talk to the curator tomorrow. Didn't he ask you to come?

: Even if I forget, Sue will remind me.
If we talk to Lilly before Sue, however...

: That's right, Justin. Have you finished your business? Didn't the curator ask you to come?

: Aw, rats! I completely forgot! We definitely have to go tomorrow! Remind me, OK, Sue!

: Say, Justin, tomorrow don't forget to go talk to the curator.

: Oh, 'course! Remind me, OK, Sue!
The "go to bed" dialog is the same as last night's dinner.

: Huh? Don't you want to eat any more? If you want seconds, we have plenty left.

OK, can I have seconds?
Including the part where Lilly tells Justin to chew his tomato soup well.

That was delicious. I'm full!

: Say, Justin. I'll come by tomorrow morning. Let's go to the museum, OK!
The next meal is after you get the letter, but before you lose it.

: It's dinnertime. Justin and Sue, have you washed your hands?
Thankfully, this time the two conversations are completely independent of each other.

: Did you ahve the curator tell you if your Spirit Stone is real or not? What did he say? What's the result?

: Hmm, the curator said that even he didn't know.

: But you know what, I'm gonna prove it! That this Spirit Stone is real!

: That's the spirit! You are really starting to remind me of your late Father.

: Just like you right now!

: With that Letter of Introduction, we can go to the Sult Ruins, right? I can't wait, Justin!

: You betcha! There's gotta be lots of stuff there just waiting to be found. I get excited just thinking about it!

: Tomorrow you have to remember to get up early. Oversleep and you'll be left behind. Anyway, Justin. Did you tell Aunt Lilly about breaking the Icarian statue?

: Yikes! Ssshhh! Ssshhh! Keep that a secret from Mom! Please! Promise! Promise!

: Let me in on it, too.

: No, no, don't tell! Say that we're having a meeting about the adventure tomorrow! Right, Sue!

: Well, Justin, maybe you can buy me some ice cream next time, OK? Then I won't tell about the statue. ♥

: Hmmm, ice cream, huh? OK, it's a deal. But you have to keep quiet!
And when we go to bed....

: Don't lose the Letter of Introduction. Without it, they won't let us into the Sult Ruins.
Our third dinner happens if we go to eat again after the last one without having gone to the ruins yet.

: Say, weren't we going to go to the Sult Ruins today?

: I know, I know! We're definitely going tomorrow!

: Too bad, Justin. So you didn't find out after all? If that Spirit Stone is real or not.

: But you know what, I'm gonna prove it! That this Spirit Stone is real.
The fourth and final dinner is what you get after you lose the letter, but before you finish the Sult Ruins.

: Giving up already, Justin? We haven't even seen all of the Sult Ruins yet.

: I'm not gonna give up so easily! Tomorrow we'll search for places that we haven't yet found!
Lilly's conversation is the same as last time.
And on that note....
See you next time!