Part 8: Sult Ruins
Welcome back! Today, we will be exploring the Sult Ruins.
(Polsy link)
... And immediately run into a cutscene. As usual, skip down to "cutscene ends" to skip the transcription.

: Face... forward!

: Sergeant Nana, leader of the Bloody Rose Squad reporting!

: Sergeant Saki, leader of the Lightning Star Squad all men accounted for!

: Sergeant Mio, leader of the Desert Moon Squad all men present!

: Colonel Mullen will now address the troops before deployment. All soldiers, listen carefully!
Yyyep, we can fit three portraits on-screen.

: Operation Yggdrassil is entering the final stage! Now we only have to find the last remaining piece!

: However! This is our time! You, the honorable Garlyle Forces, will bring a great boon to humanity! Go! You, the elite of Garlyle, will open the door to the wisdom of the ancient Angelou Civilization!

: I am counting on every one of you!

: Yes Sir!

: Bloody Rose Squad, you take the east. Lightning Star Squad has the west. Desert Moon Squad, take the south. You have your assignments. We're counting on you. Good luck.

: Yes, Lieutenant.
And the troops depart, leaving us with Mullen and Leen.

: The time is 15:06 hours. All squads have begun operations.

: Mmm...

: Leen, you've also become quite an able aide-de-camp.

: Huh...?

: Oh... thank you, Herr Mullen.

: Ha, ha...

: Well... let's get to work ourselves. Let's go, Leen!

: Yes, sir!
And the cutscene ends with Mullen and Leen walking off.

: Justin, you hear that?

: Sure. Sounds like something's here. Let's go, Sue!
Hey, look! A thing!
And a quick shot of our current weapon XP and stats.
Some interesting scenery in here.
And soldiers excavating.
Some of those stones will fall when you approach them.
Nearby, we find 10 gold.
Scattered throughout the dungeons are these blue "DungeonScope Icons". When you examine one...
... You get an overhead view of the area, helpful for navigating. If you look carefully, you can see the red bag of coins in the lower right, and another treasure in the lower left. The red square marks our current position.
So let's climb these stairs, after grabbing the 30 gold in the alcove, to get at that shiny!
An accessory! +1 defense and it reduces the power of delay effects.
Let's give it to Sue. She loses a point of defense, but she gets stunned whenever she gets hit and needs all the help she can get to avoid losing turns.
And showing here that you can fall off ledges, as long as there's no impassible terrain in the way.
And near the staircase, we find another 10 gold.
South of the stairs, we find another DungeonScope.
And just to the east, there's a small passage that gets blocked off by a boulder.
On the other side of which, we find a shiny pair of shoes.
And off to the south, we find another 30 gold.
And just to the east, we find a gap through the rubble and head north.
And we circle around to the shoes!
Shiny shoes! These also go on Sue, boosting her move by 5. Justin's shoes already give +35 move.
And across from them, there's 30 gold guarded by bats.
And Justin gains a sword level. Also, my HP is looking a bit low.
Which I am not fixing at the save point, in an attempt to make things a little more interesting.
The hint here is basically "Yo, different attacks take different amounts of time to execute and stun enemies for different amounts of time. Pick what's gonna work best for the current situation."
I've heard it's possible for these stones to fall on you, dealing damage. I wasn't able to make it happen this time.
And we enter the second part of the ruins.
To the east of the pathway, we find 10 gold.
Using those pads, we jump across a gap to grab this treasure chest.
It contains an old suit of armor, which immediately goes on Sue.
I briefly considered putting Sue's dress on Justin.
Off the path to the east, we find another item.
TNT! It's dynamite! We'll be saving this one for later.
And, in regards to the HP issue, Sue's got a solution.
Rah-Rah Cheer restores 25 HP to the whole party for 18 SP. Handy in a pinch.
And while mopping up the enemies, Sue gains a bow level.
As well as an experience level!
Justin hits level 3 in the next fight.
Hey, an axe!
Unfortunately, the path collapses on the way to it.
Had you guys voted axes for Justin, I'd have to wait until now for him to actually do anything in combat. Its attack is one higher than the Wooden Sword's... and four less than the ceramic sword for sale back in town. We keep it for now.
Next fight, Sue and Justin both hit level 3 with their weapons.
The nearby DungeonScope is... less useful. The dark triangles up in the upper-right are the eventual destination, though.
And another blocked passageway.
And we find a potion!
Oh, just a phoenix down.
Oh god, so many of them!
Down the path, we find this weird head.
Which rises to meet us.
Anyway, we grab the 30 gold from up here.
This icon here is an Action Icon. Think of it as a context-sensitive button.
In this case, it knocks the pillar over.
And the final item of the dungeon, 30 more gold.
When we reach the end, though, some text appears.
Some Garlyle soldiers checking out a statue.
The hint at that Save Point, by the way, is that you get weapon XP for using weapons and skills.
Approaching the statue leads to another discussion.

: Justin! What was that? Justin, your bottom is shining!
"Your bottom is shining!" was briefly considered as a thread title.

: The Spirit Stone is...!? I've never seen this before!

: Wow! Is it hot!? Justin!
After this, things start shaking.

: So this statue was a door. It seems like we can go further down here.

: But... why did it open? Was it the light of the Spirit Stone?

: That's got to be it, Sue! This Spirit Stone is related to the ancient civilization!

: Hee hee, hee hee hee!
Interesting that the inside of the statue is (within artistic license) anatomically correct. And that the brain is a logarithmic spiral.
Hmm... green path or blue path?
Either way, they both lead to a button and a sealed doorway.
A doorway which leads to... this room.
Pressing the button in the middle causes the room to rotate.
These heads tilt upright as we enter.

: I'm sure great discoveries of the Angelou Civilization lie ahead! Right, Sue?!

: Justin! The Spirit Stone is shining again!

: Welcome, he who holds the Spirit Stone.

: Did you say something, Sue?

: Uh-uh! I didn't say anything.
After a bright flash, an orb appears. When we investigate...
(Polsy link)
... We get another voiced cutscene. As usual, skip down to "cutscene ends" to skip the transcription.

: Who... who are you!?

: I am Liete of Alent. I have lived through and inherited the history of Angelou.

: Aaaaah! We're gonna faaall!

: Don't be scared. This is the land you live in when seen from the height of the stars.

: Gee... you're sorta putting me on the spot.

: Hey! How did you know that I have a Spirit Stone!?

: All power is born from the light of the Spirit Stone. Without it, the Door of Angelou does not open.
Well, that saves a few steps from needing the Spirit Stone, the Garlyle Ruby, and Lilly's Sapphire, then picking up the Flute of Angelou and playing the Song of Angelou before the door will open.

: But Angelou is just a mythical world.

: It is no myth. The Stone that you hold is the ancient symbol of the promise between the Humans and Spirits. Look.
And we cut to an FMV. A rather familiar-looking one.

: A world created by an eternal promise

: Between the light of the Spirits and the wings of the Icarians.

: This is the world of Angelou.

: The light of the Icarians and the grace of the Spirits will not wane, lest all of the stars sparkling in the sky turn to embers.

: Ever since receiving the blessing of the Spirits, the people unyoked themselves of the original restrictions, and began to walk along the path of evolution.

: The light of the Icarians, and that of the Spirit Stones, are the symbols of peace in this world.
And, with a fade to black, the cutscene ends.

: Say, Justin. Doesn't that sound a lot like what's written in the myths of Angelou?

: I thought so too! If so, then how are the myths related to the Angelou Civilization?!

: Please tell me! Are those myths true?!

: ...

: Please tell me, Liete! Are the myths of Angelou true?

: ... One who desires one answer to one question... or many answers... must head for Alent. Do you desire
the power many answers?

Umm... what should I do?

: Well, then I have no more to say. The door to Alent opens only for one who desires many answers.
The second option just brings us back around to this text box again.

That's right! So please tell me! or
I've got LOTS of questions!

: If you desire many answers, then you must leave on a long, long journey toward Alent, ever toward the east. In your long journey, you may lose your way. However, the light of the Spirit Stone is sure to lead you to the right way. As long as you have the Spirit Stone. He who has the Spirit Stone... if you desire many answers, head for Alent.

: Toward the east? Alent...? Could that mean...?

: Liete! Is Alent...!? Will I be able to meet you in the New World, Liete!? If I go to the New World, can I meet the real Liete and real Icarians? WAIT, Liete!

: Don't forget... the light of the Spirit Stone will lead you to Alent.

: Ah...

: We saw lots of things, but... it almost feels like it was all a dream.

: Uh, huh... that WAS really like a dream.

: Justin! That light! Did you just see a light!?

: Wha-what's that!?

: The Spirit Stone... it's shining!

: Incredible! That's incredible, Justin!

: That's right! This IS a real Spirit Stone! Liete and everything we've seen is no fairy tale! It's all REAL!

: You're right, Justin!

:: I'm going to discover the Angelou Civilization and surprise everyone! And then... and then...

: The only one who can do it is me... the adventurer Justin!
Justin, having skipped lunch, has to chew the scenery to keep his stomach satisfied.
Anyway, time to head out. Gotta head east, after all.

: Who goes there!?

: Yikes! We're busted!

: Yes sir, Colonel Mullen.

: Wha-wha-what do we do!? Justiiiin!

: I'll figure out something!
I mean, he's a single target in a Grandia battle, so really we should have no problems...

: Know that your life is in jeopardy.

: Col... Colonel Mullen, they're just children -- please nothing rash.
So... drawing his sword and threatening to kill them
doesn't count as rash?

: But one who makes a fool of me, even a child...

: Thi-this man... He's serious, Justin. His eyes are not smiling.
"Ahh, so your name is DONGS. Now, are you a boy or a girl?"
We'll go over the wrong answers in the NPC chatter update.

My name is... Justin.

: So you decided to answer truthfully.

: That girl there has been calling out your name. NOW, be prepared before you answer. Continue your foolish obstinacy...

: and that girl will die, too.

: Colonel Mullen!

: It's unavoidable, in the line of duty. My boy, remember that this girl's life is in your hands.

I guess I did open it, huh?

: But neither the adventurers nor our men could open it until now. Now I shall ask you another question.
Hmm. Two of these are correct, but Justin seemed to care more about Liete than the FMV, so...

I saw a mysterious, pretty girl!

: Liete of Alent!

: Liete... really exists....

: Colonel Mullen, what will you do with these two? You can't be thinking of....

: Whaaaaat! Are you going to take us away?

: I thought I could go home already.

: My dear... sorry, but you will never see your family again.

: Huh? NOOO! You mean we're trapped for life!?


: My, my... but even if you escape here, there is still one trap ahead. You'll never escape Sult Ruins! He, he, he. So how do you plan to escape from me?

: Ooooooooh! Justin... um... (whisper, whisper)...

: Here goes! It's sink or swim! Sue, let's go!

: Come back here!
See you later, nerds!

(Polsy Link)
The Rock Bird attacks us! Skip to "fight ends" to skip the transcription.
We start off with Sue getting the initiative. She queues up a combo...
... while Justin starts up a critical, hoping to delay the boss's turn enough to keep it stunlocked.
Things... don't exactly go as planned.
Just a frame shy. Justin eats the boss's tech attack.
Yes, Sue's normal attack is dealing twice as much damage as the boss's special tech does on a counter. Rock bird is extremely forgiving.
Also, Sue is a shitwrecker when she focuses on bows.
Justin goes in for another cancel...
... and pays the price for his hubris.
Two combos of 30 damage each from Justin and Sue bring the Rock Bird's HP down.
Down to where he could be finished off right here. Can Sue do it?
A good start...
And she does it!
When the battle ends, the boss has a fancy explosion effect...
And drops a big bag of gold.
A big bag.
And both of them gain an XP level. Sue in particular appreciates that +3 Wit, as she can't boost it through weapons.

: Yeah... that guy named Mullen said there was a trap. Think that was it?

: It doesn't matter. Anyway, let's get out of here!

: Haaaah hah hah!

: Col.... Colonel Mullen!?

: Those guys are amazing! They managed to even escape me!

: Colonel Mullen...? Um... Shouldn't we chase them?
Clearly the stress of his job has gotten to him.

: Having a little information about the Angelou Civilization get out will not undermine our plans. Let him go. I respect his recklessness. What was the name of that boy?

: He said it was Justin.

: Justin... Quite a character he is. I had fun, for the first time in a while!

: Haah, hahaha!

: Hee hee. It wasn't a dream!

: I did have a great adventure.

: Just wait a second! Isn't it too soon to run away?
Good idea.
Next time: Dinner again! Talking to more citizens of Parm! Maybe even... coffee!?
Oh, yes, and voting again.
Same choices as last time, those being
Swords, Maces, or Axes for Justin and
Swords or Bows for Sue.