Part 103: Twin Towers 4
Welcome back!
Oh dear. That's not a good way to land from a big fall.

: Aaaahhh! That was a shock! Hey, Leen! Are you OK over there?
Uh-oh. This is gonna be awkward to explain to Feena and Mullen.

: Oh...?

: Whew! Don't scare me like that! You'll be OK. Just a little water.
And, y'know, the probable concussion.

: I was wondering how we'd escape after being surrounded by those frogs. We're lucky that the bridge broke!

: Hee hee.

: What are you giggling about, Leen?

: It's just that, Justin... we just fell a long way from that bridge... and you say we're lucky! Hee hee... isn't that a little weird?

: What, you think we fell a long way? Ha! After falling from the top of the End of the World, this is nothing!

: A ha ha ha ha! Only you would think like that! Me, I was scared out of my wits. ♪

: Oh, you were, were you...?

: I'm an adventurer! I'm never afraid!

: Well, no one has fallen from as many places as you have! It's what makes you a great adventurer.

: Anyway, before we leave we should try to dry out these clothes. Come on, Leen, help me find something to burn!

: It's a statue of an Icarian! Hmm... Why such a huge statue...?

: I never saw a female Icarian statue before. Those blue wings make her look like an angel with four arms....

: In the ancient Angelou Civilization, four-arm female statues were ofgen used to depict Icarians. The old myths and legends say that the Spirits and the Icarians were able to understand each other. They even say that the Spirits' energy was what fueled the prosperity of the ancient Angelou Civilization.

: But the Spirit energy was somehow lost and today the Angelounians survive only in myths and legends.

: Now the Spirits have turned their backs on mankind and no longer help us.

: And why is that?
Uh, Mullen? A-are you implying that
you caused that?

: Anyway, we're talking when we should be walking. We've still got some distance to cover. Let's go, Feena.
Really? They didn't see the fire, or hear Justin or Leen at all?

: Justin, that was pretty cool the way you got a fire going without even any matches.
I'm sure that would seem more impressive if we hadn't just picked up Burnflame.

: Ha ha. What do you expect? I'm an adventurer. Feena's even better at that than I am.

: Feena? Well... that's good....

: So Feena's become a true adventurer.

: Hey...! You're smiling again.
Y'know, Justin, I don't think Feena'd take it so well if she found out you were hitting on her sister.

: Huh?!? Jus-Justin, what did you just say?!

: I mean, whenever I've seen you, you've always given us such a menacing look.

: Now, when I see you smiling, I can tell you're pretty normal after all.

: I'm... I'm sorry... I just....

: Just what? Come on, tell me.

: I feel happy for once, after hearing you speak of me that way.

: I'm not quite sure what to say at a time like this....

: Hmm... I wonder.... Are all military people like you?

: Which reminds me, Leen. Can I ask you something?

: Sure. What is it, Justin?

: Why do the Garlyle Forces want the Spirit Stones so badly?

: ...!

: That's a military secret... I'm sorry, Justin... I can't tell even you about that....

: Don't look so apologetic. At least I'm not asking for my Spirit Stone back.

: You can't help having to keep secrets. You belong to the Garlyle Forces.
Somehow, I don't quite think that's what she wanted to hear, Justin.

: Our clothes are dry now.... Time to go, Justin.

: What?! But my stuff's still wet. Oh, never mind.... I've got to go find Feena, Sue, and the others.

: This is the lowest level in the Twin Towers. Mio's report said that the exit is at the highest level.

: The highest level... that's the top of the towers! We'd better get going!
And with that we're given control again. Leen, much like Rem did back in the military base, follows us around, but presumably wouldn't participate in combat.
I say presumably because those three toads from last time were the last enemies we face here.
This room has some really unsettling scenery.
So far, Justin's two for two on breaking statues. Can he make it a hat trick?

: It's an Icarian statue... a relic from the Angelou Civilization.

: Look! That's weird! It's got four arms!

: I've seen Icarian statues before. But they were always kinda abstract. This one looks a lot like a human.

: The real Icarians weren't this big, were they? This big one is like some kind of monster, eh Leen?

: I suppose so....

: Well... let's hurry out of here, Justin.

: Huh...? Oh, all right.
And thus the statue escaped unharmed. For now.
And here we are in the Hall of Murals. Still with the creepy eyes everywhere.
Hmm. We've seen this one before.

: I wonder.... Are these murals of the Icarians?

: These murals.... Why did they draw such sad-looking scenes?

: That's just too weird! I mean, the Angelou Civilization was a wonderful and awesome world, right?

: Justin, do you really think that a past civilization could have been so wonderful?

: Huh? What do you mean?

: If it was such a great civilization, then it wouldn't have perished. Don't you think, Justin? Also... why do you suppose they built that huge wall at the End of the World, dividing the continent in two? Perhaps the world of the Icarians and the Spirit Stones was really awful.

: Maybe it's not a world that we would want to live in....

: Don't imagine such awful things. Why would your Forces be interested in an awful world?

: Oh, sorry... I'm not supposed to ask. I promised.

: I'm so... sorry. I, uh... I was....

: Hey, no problem! Don't worry about it. Let's go, Leen.
And, of course, we manage to miss each other again. (
Polsy link)
(We get voices again!)
As always, skip down to "Cutscene ends" to bypass the transcription.

: But... I wonder.... It's such a sad painting....

: Hmm.... This is a mural of the fall of ancient Angelou.
I guess the spiky, tentacled, beehive-shaped eye thing explains all the spiky tentacles, spiky beehives, and eyes down below.

: Is that... an Icarian...?

: In fact, that was the greatest error of the ancient Angelou Civilization. Only Icarians can use the Spirit Stone.... That was the law of nature. But humans forgot this and tried to create prosperity with their own hands. They began to reach for things they shouldn't touch.

: As a result, just as they reached the height of prosperity, they vanished. The Icarians, too....

: You... why do you know that?

: Among the humanoids, hers was a very ancient and gentle race.

: My father, General Baal, married my mother in order to obtain the secrets of the ancient Angelou Civilization.
Wait a second....
Oh. Oh my.

: Mullen....

: I love this land that my mother loved.

: Hmph... there must be something wrong with me, too. Telling this story to you, a complete stranger. It must be because of your eyes. I feel like I'm talking to Leen.... You look a lot like her.

: Come, let's go. The exit is at the top of the tower.
And the cutscene ends. Along with the update.
Tune in next time, where we'll be... watching more cutscenes. It'll be thrilling.