Part 11: Pre-Cafe NPC Chatter
Hoo boy. Lots of NPCs to talk to, so let's get started!

: Is that so? Well, when you're done, why don't you help out here? You can at least wash dishes!

: I'll help out next time, OK?
The Seagull is pretty barren at the moment. Out in Parm, though... a lot of NPCs say the same thing they did yesterday. Most of the new quotes are just a continuation of their previous chatter. Great if you talked to absolutely everyone and remembered what they were saying.
Less good if you skipped or forgot them.
Let's start with the woman who was tossing money into the fountain.

: Just the other day, I found 100G! The rumor really is true!

: Wow. I'm jealous. You're really lucky!

: It was really lucky to find all of 100G! It was worth it to believe the rumor and throw all of 1000G into the fountain. Don't you think? ♥

: Now, what do they say about a fool and his money...? Ha ha ha ha!

: Say, Justin, why don't you try it out once? Just pretend you've been fooled.

: Uh, I'll pass. If I go around throwing away money, Mom's gonna chew me out.
Next up, the painter who was looking for a model.

: Mmm, yes, that smiling face! Can you hold still, there Sue? I'll do a quick sketch.

: Is this OK, Mr. painter man? You gotta draw me cute just like the real thing, right. ♥

: If I told Marie or Pippi that I modeled for a painting, wonder what they'd say?

: Now stop that, dear Sue. You're a model, so sit still, OK?

: Ugh, I'm sorry, Mr. painter man! I hope this is good enough. ♥ ... Have you drawn me cute enough? Show me, Mr. painter man!

: Hey, what is this? It doesn't look like me at all!

: Of course it does. See, it has all three eyes, two noses and two mouths.

: Aaargh! How did this happen! Anyway, you gotta do it over. DO IT OVER!

: Ouch. Sue, you have a sharp tongue. I'm just tuckered out.

: Until you can draw me as cute as the real thing, you have to DO IT OVER!

: Puff puff puff puff!
And the soldier who was looking for a place to eat.

: I bet I could go all the way to the "End of the World" and not find a better place than that.

(Requisite Mother's Day-themed screenshot.)

: Ya don't know, eating it every day.

: You're Lilly's son, right, boy? I'm so jealous that you get to eat her food every day.

: Maybe so, but I keep getting whacked over the head with the tray.
I think the inventor is my favorite character so far.

: Mr. Inventor, you're still working at it! Maybe you can show me something!

: But not how to make such a racket! Sir, could you stop working at night? We can even hear it at my house.

: Listen close. An inventor's work, she's 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration!

: But I don't think you should be bothering the neighbors.

: That may be, but an inventor's work is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration!

: Persistent, isn't he? Could he be running on steam power too? Ah hah hah. Naw, couldn't be.
Let's see how the barker at the Blue Marlin is doing.

: Right now, we will even give you your choice of either cold bread OR not very warm bread!

: Wow!? Sounds like a great offer, huh? Maybe we should do it, too.

: Listen close, Justin. All it means is that you only get cold bread.

: Say, how come the Seagull Restaurant is so popular without even having barkers around?

: Try eating Miss Lilly's cooking once and you'll know the reason.
Next up, let's take a closer look at the shed in North Parm.
The camera swoops in... and that's it. There's a few of these scattered about, and they usually give you a better view of an interesting piece of scenery.

: I guess veterans like me wouldn't be called up for excavation duty. But what kind of work is there? Maybe I ought to change jobs. In this turbulent age there must be postitions available.... Steam engineer...? Naw.... Maybe I ought to build a factory, or how about a train engineer?
Huh. Let's go see what Gantz and his crew are up to. Tentz had nothing new to say, but....
Gantz, you are truly an inspiration to us all.
Goose repeats his line about standing up while sleeping, but Kozuru has something new to say.

: Are ya tryin' somethin' funny? Ya can't fool the eyes of Kozuru. I know something's goin' on.

: Asking about it like that means you're gonna try to interfere. Aren't you?

: Nuttin' like that at all. I jus' wanted to help, that's all. Ya can't keep a secret form Kozuru in this town. There's nuttin' I don't know. ♪
Huh. Someone's out in front of the cafe.

: What am I going to do about that one? He took the key with him, AGAIN! He's a good worker, but he's got to fix that habit. AAARRGH!
Hmm. We'll check back with her later. In the meantime, let's see what's going on over by the train station.

: Guess the person he was waiting for didn't show up. Wonder what he ate at the Blue Marlin.

: Anyway, this proves that the Blue Marlin is not the place to meet someone.

: At the Seagull, you might eat too much and get sick, but here the food is just bad.

: What! A wheel!?

: Hmm. The wheel must have dropped off a car while it was moving.

: That can't be. I'd be terrified to ride in a car that might drop a wheel. Hmm. I can't believe it. The world is getting to be just as careless as Justin.

: Right, just as careless as me....

: Hey! That's not fair!

: I'm a very serious guy!
Next up is little Theo, still excited about his hiking trip.

: But taking their sack lunches is the part that everyone likes the best.

: Tee hee hee. So that's why you thought Hiking was a king who likes to eat. You got something there.
The museum ad in the shop has changed now, too.

: You think this means...?

: Maybe because of the statue? Maybe....
Oh dear. What's going on over at the museum?

: Not at all! It was pretty thrilling and really interesting!
Hmm. Let's try to apologize.

: Huh? The museum's closed. Hey, there's something written here. Let's see....

: Aww, the poor curator....

: It's your fault, Justin. He told you not to touch it.

: He he he. Next time, I'll be more careful when I touch it.
Whew. Off to the port!

: He used to be quite a famous adventurer.

: Say, Mr. Ren, how can I get on a shop to the New World?

: Huh? You mean the Steamer? Ho ho. I think I told you already. The Steamer docks at night. So Justin, you want to go to the New World. I hope you get on that ship some time.

: No Mr. Ren, you got it wrong! Not SOME time, I AM gonna get on it. Adventure awaits me on the New World!

: Justin, I bet what's awaiting you on the New World is mischief, not adventure.

: Wah hah hah! It's good to dream large. Especially when you're young.

: Mr Ren, I'm dead serious. Why don't you take me seriously?
While we're here, let's try and cut out a step of the fetch quest, shall we?
Welp. Okay. Let's talk to Miss Kirlian, and agree to find the key. After that...

: Um, well, not quite. Wait a little longer, Ma'am.

: I see. I'm counting on you! Aaargh, that silly boy. 'Bout this time, he must be at the harbor.
Back at the harbor, now that we know we need a pass to get on the ship...

: Well I'll show you. I'm gonna get a pass to this ship before you know it!
Yadda yadda, get the key...

: If you wanna hire Justin, just forget it! He's better at breaking 'em than washing 'em.
And yep, still getting Key Items in the inventory.
And yep, still able to stash them and still turn them in.
And now we get to the meat of the update. Everyone has something new to say at night.

: Trains carrying coal used to be running constantly, day and night.

: I remember the sound of passing trains as a lullaby putting me to sleep.

: Justin, you couldn't have remembered that. You were too little.

: The only thing that doesn't change is children dreaming of being engineers when they grow up.

: I wanted to be an engineer, but I REALLY want to be an adventurer!

: Even as the times change children's dreams are still as exciting as ever.

: With the steam engine, the industrial revolution will sweep the world. It will be more and more convenient. Our Joule Foundation is making a great contribution in this direction. Hmmm. It makes me proud. By the time you grow up, what will the world be like? Bet you just can't wait, right?
Hmm. Let's pop on inside, see if we can sneak onto a train.

: It's late, so let's come back tomorrow. If we sneak in at this hour, we'll get chewed out again.
How about the notice board?

: No notes today. Bet the stationmaster erased 'em now there are no more trains.
Over by the museum there's a few more people.

: Hee hee. Sort of! Ma'am, how are you getting along with Marie?

: Fine, thanks to you.
Too much coffee.

: What's with this old guy!? Yelling like that at night.

: I know this old man! He's really sleepwalking while dreaming of being unable to sleep.

: So this old guy must be up all day.

: He must get REALLY tired.
Talking to him again...

: Is this old guy REALLY sleeping? Let's try this, Sue. Koochie-koochie-koo....

: You're looking for trouble!

: Hmm. But...

: it does look like fun. ♥

: Ugh, can't sleep! Can't sleep! How can I get to sleep!?

: Hey, Justin. What are you doing at this hour? The museum's closed. The curator's gone home. Said he was tired from repairing the Icarian Statue all day.

: Wow, it really takes time. I thought it'd be easy to stick those wings on.

: The repair of the Icarian Statue will take a little longer. The museum won't open for a while.
And when trying to walk into the museum...

: How should I apologize for breaking the Icarian Statue?

: Maybe he'll laugh and forgive me.

: You have to apologize formally. The world isn't as forgiving as you seem to think.
Fascinating. Let's see what the inventor's up to at this time of night.

: I know! The steam engine is so loud you can't hear the music, right?

: Nay, nay. The coal burns so hot that ye can't hold it in yer hand. But och, I didn't think about the noise o' the steam engine either.

: Justin's no good at playing the flute, so this way might be better.

: Aye, I invented a steam pencil also, but she too 'as just one drawback.

: I know! The coal burns so hot that you can't hold it in your hand.

: Nay, nay. When ye burn coal, ye burn up the paper and notebook too. She's quite a problem.

: If the paper and notebook burn up, you couldn't study with that pencil even if you wanted to.

: Justin, you really want a pencil like that, don't you? I can see right through you!
Aww, look! The Blue Marlin has doubled the number of customers!

: If you're gonna eat out, you might as well go to the Seagull Restaurant. The food is much better there.

: Justin, you're going to get chewed out by the manager for "interfering with business".

: My, my Sue! I'm amazed you know such difficult words as "interfering with business".

: Eh he he. Aunt Lilly just taught me.

: She said, "Justin doesn't help at all, always interfering with business".

: Yikes! Did Mom really say that!? Couldn't be! Ha ha ha!

: Well then, next time I'll go to the Seagull. Say "Hi" to Lilly for me.
This conversation.

: ......??? What's this guy talking about?

: Have you forgotten, Justin? Java goes to the cafe in the north of town.

: Quick, let's go there.

: We don't have any java here. If you want java, go to the cafe in the north of town.

: They're talking right past each other but it still makes sense.

: Tee hee hee. That's funny!

: Wow. You're pretty serious about this.

: I'm not going to let the Seagull Restaurant lose out!

: Puff puff puff!

: Tee hee. Puffy, you're getting into it, too.

: In order to make delicious dishes like Lilly, I know! I'll apprentice to Miss Lilly!

: I think you should forget about it. My Mom's pretty tough.

: Excuse me, Ma'am! Why don't you come to our place? The Seagull Restaurant. ♪

: Hmm. Good idea! Miss Lilly's food is delicious. ♪ OK! We'll eat dinner at the Seagull! Now that that's decided, I don't have to hurry. I don't have to make dinner.

: But, isn't your family still waiting? Like "I'm so hungry". ♪
Coming back around, let's see how Sue's Aunt and Uncle are doing.

: Going out to play at this hour? Well, I'm relieved that you're with Justin. Pretty soon, Justin, you're gonna be drinking coffee with me.

: I've never had any coffee, though. I think it might taste pretty good once I'm a grown-up, though.

: It's getting late, so come back quick.

: Don't worry, we're not going far.

: But I am worried. Please promise me that you won't go outside of town.

: OK, I promise. We won't go outside of town. And I'll take care of Sue.

: Justin, and you too, Sue. Don't do anything dangerous, OK?
Hmm. Let's see how Betty's doing.

: Huh, you sure she's sleeping!?

: Her eyes are open, so I can't tell if she's asleep or awake. She always sleeps with her eyes open. Isn't it too bright to sleep?
And continuing our tour of South Parm back at the Seagull...

: OK, OK. I guess it's no use. Come back before the stew gets cold, OK.
Everyone else has the same dialog as last time. On to House 1!

: And I've decided that a prince on a white horse would be just right for me!

: Ummmm, huh? A prince!?

: Someday a prince on a white horse will come for me. Ohh, that would be wonderful. ♥

: She seems to be completely lost in her own world.

: Ah hah hah, she's hopeless.
The mother has no new dialog, so let's check upstairs!

: Puffy gets all puffed up if you praise him.

: Just like you, Justin!

: Puffy makes such a cute pet but not much of a watchdog.

: He'd probably try to make friends with a robber breaking in.
Hmm. I know we promised that we wouldn't leave Parm, but I wanna see Marna Road at night.
Dangit. Oh well. To North Parm!

: Oh no! Not this guy again!

: Actually, I'm doing social studies.

: Don't give me silly excuses! If you keep playing "Adventurer" you'll be left behind the times. The times keep moving on! The virtues of the past are useless now. You must cultivate yourself. Listening, Justin? There's no need for adventurers! Use that passion in another way!
Hmm. The old guy who tells stories is in that house there...

: Hee hee hee. Actually, we have to go to the cafe, not Gramps' house.
Here in house 2, the sailor husband/father is home!

: Hey there, Justin. Didn't you play with my boy all the time? In gratitude, today I'll tell you some stories from my ocean voyages.

: All RIGHT! I've been waiting! Tell me some stories that will help me on my adventures!

: The worst danger we faced on this voyage was being surrounded by sharks as we were landing on a small island.

: Sh-Sharks, you say!?

: Then what happened!?

: The instant I saw the shark's teeth, I jumped onto the back of the shark! And hop, skip and jumped to the shore!

: Didja hear that, Sue? Wow, that is a real adventure! Now that's what I call a man's man! Just a second while I write it down. Surrounded by sharks, used his back and hop, skip and jumped....

: You're so silly, Justin. No way you can do it.

: Another day, I was blinded by the wind, so I had to steer by instinct to keep from dashing on the rocks.

: Um, just don't get Justin too excited, OK?

: He always gets carried away.

: I can't keep from getting excited hearing this! Oh, I wanna go on an adventure!

: So Justin, you want to become an adventurer, huh? Maybe because of your Dad?

: Of course that's it! Becoming an adventurer greater than my Dad is my dream!

: Look, look! This is my Daddy! He's home from "New Parm". Whadda ya think? Cool, huh!?

: You're right. Sea adventurers are pretty neat, too.

: As long as you have an adventure, whether it's on sea or land doesn't matter, does it, Justin?

: When I grow up, I wanna be a strong, handsome sailor just like my Daddy!

: Me too. I'm gonna become a strong, handsome adventurer just like Dad! He he he!
Even the violin has a new quote associated with it.

: I wonder if the people who live here play the violin at night?

: Oh, that would be wonderful. ♥

: Playing that thing at night would bother the neighbors!

: If you want to be popular with the girls, you ought to learn an instrument!

: That husband of mine seems to have become much stronger in the six months since I last saw him. Maybe this is what they mean by "falling in love all over again" Tee hee hee. ♥
Outside, we see something... suspicious.

: HEY, you're a THIEF!

: No, no, no! This is my own house!

: Oh, it's you, Mr. Dolan. What are you doing here? Why doncha go into your house?

: Actually, a terrible monster has taken over my house.

: There's a monster in your house?

: Hee hee hee. If so then, I'll get him for you!

: Justin' you're so cool!
Given the way their stats are at the moment, Justin would be running interference while Sue did all the heavy lifting.

: Do-do-don't do that! Take my advice and don't do it! That monster has arms and legs thick as logs, steam coming out of its ears.

: I'm sorry! I won't do it again, so please don't punish me!

: So the monster is your WIFE?

: I was hoping to get to slay a monster.
Hmm. Speaking of monsters, let's go check up on Gantz.

: Kids shouldn't be out walking around at this time of night. It's late so go home and get to bed.

: Hee hee. I told Mom I'd be back soon and I don't want her to worry, so I'll see you later.

: Thanks for not telling Gantz about me losing the key. Gantz always beats me up when he gets mad.

: Being able to keep a secret is one of Justin's virtues.

: He might not have any others.

: Being able to keep a secret is one of the marks of an adventurer.

: Justin, let's play hide-and-seek tomorrow. Gantz won't get mad that way.

: Hey, Justin. Gimme back da Spirit Sword I lent ya.

: The Spirit Sword?

: Da wooden sword. It's mine.

: Hee hee. No way. I worked so hard to find it, so I should be able to keep it.

: Ugh. Whatever. I guess ya can keep it. You're a pretty tough bargainer.
Yes, this game is still going on.

: Yup! They still haven't found me! Cool, huh? Hee hee hee.
Moving on....

: Hoo hoo hoo. Justin, you really are as mischievous as rumored. With you out playing at this time of night, won't Lilly worry?

: Justin's Mom would keel over if she had to worry each time this happened.

: Yes, that's exactly it.

: Hey, what are you making me say, Sue?!

: It must be really hard being Justin's parent. It must give her gray hairs.

: Ah haha. Actually, I sorta think so, too.

: Lately the town is just as light at night as during the day. Is this a scientific advance? When I was a child, it really was dangerous for children to be out at night.

: It might be dangerous, but you can't be a great adventurer if you're afraid of the dark!

: I'm glad you're so full of energy, but it really is dangerous at night. You two be careful.
Down to the port!

: Who's voice is that? Could it be the ghost?

: You're such a chicken.

: Let's just leave Justin. Let's go, Puffy!

: Wait up, Sue! I'm coming too!
Huh. Let's go talk to that girl in red there.

: (sniff, sniff)...

: She-she's not a ghost.

: You there, why are you crying? I've never seen you before.
I do love the way this is handled. Parm is full of reused sprites, to make the player as familiar with them as Justin and Sue would be. They pull out a new sprite for this girl here, and justify it with Justin and Sue never having seen her before. Small, subtle, and out of the way, but a very nifty thing.

: My Dad got rid of my cute pet cat. He said it meowed too much.

: Poor thing. Is there anything we can do?

: I know! I'll lend you Puffy! Give him a big hug!

: He's so fluffy and so cute! Thank you! Hugging him made me feel much better. I think I'll go home now!

: Huh? Do you live in Parm?

: That's odd. I know all the kids who live in Parm. Know what? When I was little I once cried when they got rid of a pet of mine, too.

: Justin, did you have a pet?

: Hee hee hee. Sure, I kept three cockroaches behind Mom's back.

: Cockroaches are not pets! And your Mom runs a restaurant so of course she'd get rid of them!

: Thank you, you two! I can finally go home. Let me hug Puffy again sometime!

: Any time! Right, Puffy? ♥

: Puff Pufft!
Hey, the Young Men's Club guy is still around.

: We're in the Young Men's Club. You could say we're like the "Defenders of Justice". But ya know what? When we stopped some soldiers from bothering a girl, we really got thrashed. Ugh, I feel so hopeless. Guess the Young Men's Club can't meddle with army soldiers.
Let's go down to the port.

: What is it with you? Bashful? If you have something to say, then just say it.

: Umm... well, I, um... (gulp) I... I had been a foundering ship. But I have finally found... a port for my heart in you! Please! Be the port for my heart!

: Please let me dock in your port!

: Wwwhhhhheeeww, I finally said it! P-p-p-p-please give me an answer!

: Your voice is betraying you.

: Justin! Don't get in the way.

: Ohh.... Me, a port for you...? Of course...? The tide rises in my port with love for you... my port is open. Tee hee. Only you can dock. ♥ Hee hee. You're cute when you cry. ♥ You must be so much in love with me. (Blushes!)

: YESS, HOORAY! Ohhh, th-th-th-thank you! Ohhhhh.

: Congratulations! Didn't we come at a good time? Right, Justin?
Sappy, corny, and holy hell did they abuse the "port" metaphor to slip things past the ESRB, but its sequences like this that really flesh out the game.

: You're right! It IS huge! It'd be SOOO cool if I could travel around the world on that ship.

: My dream is to sail around the world as a merchant. I'm gonna make my dream come true.

: Naw... I can see it just fine.

: That will take me to the New World! I'm definitely getting on the ship!

: Hah hah hah hah. That's the spirit! You can do anything if you try hard. I'm sure you'll board that ship. Justin... hope you can go sometime. At that time, I'll light up your way from the lighthouse.
Hmm. Let's see if the the view spot still works.
Whew. Okay, let's head over to the cafe. First up is the "vomit here" sign.

: That's right, to see who could break more signboards with his bare hands!

: Why are boys so intent on competing against each other like that?

: Hey! It's not stupid! The instinct to try not to lose makes a man stronger.

: Anyway, go in and ask and we'll find out! C'mon, let's go, Justin!
Let's go talk to the dru... err, "mopey" guy.

: Aw, argh! Hey, it's you, Justin. Wanna mope with me?

: No thanks.

: Why don't you tell me the story you always do, sir?

: My story of the Parm of old? OK, why not! Where was I? At that time, Parm was still rural. The men were all rough and rowdy. No civilization or steam engines, but it was a good life. There were pirates and adventurers.

: Wow, there were PIRATES?

: Sir, you were an adventurer, right? Were you ever attacked by pirates?

: Of course I was attacked. That "Lilly the Skull" was dreaded by all adventurers.

: L-Lilly the Skull? Could that be...?

: Aw, argh! Aaaah. That was a good time. Wish I could go back, argh!

: Oh well, he's mumbling again. I don't think he ever gets to the end of his story.
And that's where I'm splitting this update. Tune in next week for the other half of the

All right, poll is closed, as well. The results:
Sword: I
Axe: II
Mace: III
Bow: III
Mace: II
So we'll be going with
maces on Justin and keeping Sue with
bows. Next time, things're gonna be a little more interesting, so stick around!