Part 112: Orb of Teleportation
Glazius posted:
Wait, was... was Dr. Alma expecting Sue to choke down a lizard?
Well, she is used to treating People of the Flying Dragon.
Alternate punchline: Yeah, Sue is more likely to choke out a lizard.
Speaking of Sue....
Welcome back!

: Hey, this is a medical clinic. Could you please keep the noise down? Sue has been anxiously awaiting you. Justin.... She wants to talk to you privately.

: Don't worry! We've got the Teleportation Orb! Let's all cross the Sea of Mermaids!
I can't help but feel that the animation here would have a bit more punch if Justin's sprite wasn't clearly holding the Spirit Stone.
I think the most surprising thing here isn't what she's saying, it's that a JRPG character is deciding to do something rational.

: Sue, what are you saying?! Didn't you get all better here? Are you still sick with something?

: You don't get the point. Physically, Sue has made a very good recovery. But... if she continues with the adventuring she'll just become exhausted again.

: Even if you take it easy on her, she'd still get worn out eventually.

: Yes... she seems well again now. But she must still be frail.

: Yes, that's right. It's like Dr. Alma said.

: Sue is our friend and companion.

: Right, Sue? You're feeling fine again, huh Sue?

: Sue...?

: ... OK, here's what we'll do!

: I will stay here with Sue until she's fully ready to go with us.

: You said it, Sue, "Justin, you can't do anything without me". Remember? I'll put my adventures on hold, too!
At least Justin seems to have learned his lesson from back when he tried to leave Sue in Parm.

: No way! Uh-uh, Justin! You have to continue! I say so, OK? OK?!

: Justin, you're a true adventurer! No matter how hard I push myself, I just can't keep up with you.

: Don't you understand that? Justin, it should be obvious to you.

: Bu-but, we can't just leave you here all by yourself!

: Hmm. In Dight, we believe it's best if those who are sick go back to their home town.

: To Parm...?
Hands up, anyone who didn't see this coming.

: What?!

: This orb... we can use it to go anywhere we want in an instant. So, we should have Sue use it!
I just love the implication that Sue's idea of "not adventuring anymore" involves walking through two different impenetrable death forests and climbing the End of the World again. Solo.

: Are you sure, Justin? This orb can only be used once, right?

: That's right. We can only use it once, so we must use it for the best reason!
I've said it before and I'll say it again. When push comes to shove, the boy's got his head on straight.

: Justin....

: Look, we'll be fine, OK? Difficult crossing are just what an adventurer should expect! And, like you said Sue, I'm a true adventurer!

: Justin....

: OK, you're right. Thank you. OK, let's do it.

: OK! So, we're off to Mysterious Vanishing Hill!

: Excuse me, but I should say my good-byes here, Sue.
What? No! This is Sue's big farewell cutscene! You don't get to piggyback in on it!

: Huh? You can't go to see me off, Gadwin?

: Well, it's... it's just that I have another matter to attend to.

: We'll meet again, Sue. I'm looking forward to when you become a "very pretty lady" yourself!

: Hee hee.... sure I will! And then... I'll be sure to come visit you, Gadwin!

: Justin... I must ask you to see her off for me. I'll wait at the inn here in Dight.

Say, Gadwin....

Just this once.


Disco is dead.
Anyway, we're given control back here.
And Sue is back, just as she left. Well, she's been healed, but you know.
Before we split, though, we should probably check in with Gadwin and Alma.

: Sue, next time I see you, I guess you'll be one of those "very pretty ladies" you mentioned before.

: You bet! That's a promise. ♥ I'm gonna be a very pretty lady!

: Really, I should insist that you stay in bed and get more rest.

: I'm fine, Dr. Alma! ♥ Remember, I can go anywhere in a flash when I use the Teleportation Orb! ♪

: So, don't worry about me! Also, I wanted to say... thank you!
If, for some reason, you've decided that Sue needs to grind some more, the whole map is still open. While I suppose I could do so and show off all the level 3 spells she gets, that'll be a waste of time. There are no spells that are unique to Sue, and I've shown off all her techs.
But enough fooling around. (
Polsy link)
If at all possible, you really should watch the video. And, as is the case when I don't forget, skip down to "cutscene ends".

: Wow! It's Parm! It's been a while. ♥

: Incredible...! You really CAN go where you want.

: Justin, don't be selfish and cause Feena too much trouble. ♥ Understand? Now, let's see. Your handkerchief is in your pocket as always, your toothbrush....

: Well, Justin... you'll be all right even without me! Justin, Feena...

: I guess it's farewell.

: Be well, you two!

: But Sue... will you really be OK alone? I... I could go back with you.

: No way! You promised, didn't you? You know, to continue your adventure.

: I'm ready to go.

: When we get back, we'll eat lots of Aunt Lilly's cooking, right Puffy?

: Puffty puff!

: Sue... you act... like nothing's wrong.... But me, I'm... I'm....

: Justin. It's not...

: like that at all!

: It's OK, Sue!

: It's... it's OK, Sue.... Don't be silly. Don't try so hard...!

: I guess... you see right through me, Feena.

: But... but... I didn't... wanna... be... crying the last time you saw my face....

: I didn't wanna!!

: Don't worry, Sue. You don't have to hold it in.

: You were going to go back to Parm... and cry alone, right?

: ... Right?

: Fee-Fee-... Feena! Always... always, always...

: I want to be with you all! Always!!

: Feena can go on walking by Justin's side. But I wish I could go, too....

: You will!

: No matter how far apart we are, your spirit will be with us all the time. Isn't that right?

: ... Right!

: I promise, Sue. We will meet again. Justin, you and I will be together again.

: Thank you, Feena! You just HAVE to come see me! Until then, you two have to continue on with the adventure. It's a promise! ♥

: Oh! This is it!

: Say.... Look, look!

: Well? I want you to remember me as I am now. OK? Both of you?

: If you don't remember me well now, you won't recognize me at all when I'm a beautiful lady. ♥

: Sue...!

: Bye-bye! Hang in there! Be sure to follow your dream, Justin. You will find Angelou!

: Sue... thanks!

: Justin... we came to see off Sue, and yet it's like she's seeing us off.

: Yeah, I know. Sue....

: I promise, Sue!
And, with that, the cutscene ends.
Wow, it sure is dusty in here.
Of course Grandia, being the game that it is, allows us to examine the teleportation gizmo for some more text.
Anyway, we should head back to Dight and see Gadwin.

: She can come again as a grownup. Oh, that reminds me. Gadwin left. He said he'd wait for you at the inn.
Oh, hey, an important conversation at the inn? Seriously, I can't even remember the last time we had din-
Goddammit, Gadwin.

: Gadwin.... Yes, I saw her off.

: Yeah, well... a man must learn to handle good-byes. When you can handle hard stuff like that, then you're a real man.

: By the way, Justin. I've been thinking about crossing the Sea of Mermaids with you.

Please tell me that's not a euphemism.
Gadwin... Gadwin what are you doing. Why are you eating dinner on the floor. Gadwin.

: Oh yeah! Really?!

: Yes. When you finish getting ready, once you've had enough rest, come see me. I'll be waiting for you!
And with that, he just gets up and leaves.

: Yesss! Feena! We're gonna cross the Sea of Mermaids!

: Gadwin... he's been very thoughtful of us.

: We'll have to thank him!
And prepare we shall, for next time.
See you then!