Part 114: Duel with Gadwin 2
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We've prepared for our journey across the Sea of Mermaids, so now it's time to visit Gadwin at his house.

It's been a while since we've been back here.

The enemies haven't gotten any stronger. I wind up fleeing from them because...
... it seemed like a good idea at the time? I guess?

Anyway, this rock blocks the path back to Gadwin's place. Might as well get this over with.

Well. That escalated quickly.

As you've probably guessed, this isn't one of those "you have to lose" fights. In fact, you do have to win to advance.
I mean, losing doesn't give you a Game Over or anything, you just get a chance to re-prepare and challenge him again.

But, seeing as you have to actually beat him to advance, he's not a difficult fight.

Gadwin is slow and he gets knocked down easily, making him take longer to recover from your attacks. He has no elemental resistances to speak of.

While this looks impressive, damage-wise, this is a counter attack on unarmored Justin.

So this "sacred man-to-man ritual" just winds up being two dudes beating each other with swords.
... which, on second thought, I wholeheartedly endorse as a sacred man-to-man ritual.

Oh yes, he still has this.

Significantly less impressive, though.
On the other hand, it apparently either counts as magic or is coded to ignore defense, as the only way to reduce the damage is to resist explosion, which is only possible at this point via a combination of the Dragon Vest and the Forest Charm.

His speed is so tanked in this fight that Flying Dragon Cut has a charge time. The whole thing about this move while he's a party member is that it's weak, but charges instantly.

It does physical damage here, so most people will be seeing far smaller numbers out of it.

The situation might look hairy, but, barring a tactical mistake, I can't lose here. The combo here softens him up...

... and Justin laps him in the turn order to bring it on home with Midair Cut.

Really, the whole purpose of this fight is to give Justin some weapon/magic training, and 4000 exp.

This, here? This was simultaneously the most exciting and disappointing moment for ten-year-old me my first time through. I was terrible at finding Mana Eggs, and Justin wound up never learning Earth magic.

... He also had, like, four levels of sword by the midpoint of disc 2. I was pretty dumb as a kid.

Y'know, maybe that's why Feena is so awkward around Justin. She's good at seeing through intentional evasiveness, but Justin's just perpetually clueless.

And so Gadwin's arc wraps itself up where it began.

Dammit, I used my Backstroke of the West reference too early.

Before we head back to Dight, though, I think we can give Gadwin a better send-off.
First up is the video of the first fight. (Polsy link)
But that hardly seems fair, does it? With Justin wearing the kitchen gear?

There. Much better! In fact, Midair Cut was also too useful, so let's avoid any skills and beat Gadwin to death with normal attacks. (Polsy link)
Also: I'm sure you've noticed some of the... more tactical items in my inventory. Let's let Justin borrow Feena's armor for a bit to see how well those items work. (Polsy link)
Okay, I'm done humiliating the poor guy.
For now. Until I find another interesting thing to do with that fight.

See you next time!