Part 118: Pirate Island 2/End of Disc 1
Welcome back!

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There's cutscenes coming up after the battle, so there's a "fight ends" for the video-watchers to skip to.
Or the people who don't care about the boss fights. They can skip there, too.

The first thing to note is that the boss has two independent parts: Grinwhale itself, and the Lure. Under most conditions, going all-out on the Grinwhale to end the fight ASAP is a valid option, with the Lure being an extra target to farm for XP. Here, though, that fucker needs to die as soon as I can manage it.

With Midair Cut, we're off to a good start. The boss is weak against fire, so Dragon Cut or Justin's fire technique can both really bring the pain. If you have them.

Entice is the only thing the Lure will do in this fight. It will also always target Justin, unless he's dead.

First, it'll lure Justin to right in front of it...

... whereupon it'll bite him for a hefty chunk of damage.
If Justin's dead, it'll target Feena, but skip the "luring over" step, so it'll only hurt her if she's standing in range anyway.

WOW! does some amazing things for Justin.

Grinwhale, meanwhile, has three attacks. Body Blow, here, hits a small radius around the boss, which just so happens to include the space where Entice lures Justin. The damage is manageable, even for our Justin, though.

Its next attack is Spew. It sucks in the party...

Then spits them out for some damage.

Finally, Electric Shock. As the name implies, it's lightning-elemental magic damage, so armor doesn't reduce the damage taken.
Which, in our case, is a benefit, as having no armor doesn't increase the damage, either.
And yes, the animation is just those two frames cycling at 30hz.

Anyway, the fight ends with the focused assault having gone off without a hitch.

Both Justin and Feena gain a level from this, with Feena once again prioritizing her important stats.

C'mon, Justin, this happens almost every time you fight a boss.

Hey, this map is a liar! I totally killed that frog back there!

Oh. I guess it was just the boss's lair that collapsed?

This looks kinda familiar.

According to your portrait, you are currently "wistful".

For you, maybe. I can't just have my portraits named "Feena01" through "Feena35".
... Actually, I could. Nevermind.

I didn't cut out anything. That's literally how Justin responds to Feena's line there.

Ahh, one of the game's infamous "really too-damn long zoom shots".

Too far! You zoomed out too far!
And with that....

Next time:
crap, where did I put that disc...?