Part 13: Post-Cafe NPC Chatter
Welcome back! Last time, we got the NPC chatter leading up to the underground cafe, so that's where we'll start off!

: Pippi? It's you, Pippi! What are YOU doing here?

: Didn't you know, Justin? Me and my two sisters Farrah and Kirlian run this cafe.

: WOW! Pippi, you're really responsible!

: Justin ought to learn from you.

: Coming UP! Miss Kirlian, two more biscottis!

: Good luck, Pippi! I'll come help you sometime, OK. ♥

: Egads! How ridiculous. I come all the way from the New World but the excavation work is finished. Guess I'll tour the Old World and go home. They don't have tourist traps like the "End of the World".

: The "End of the World' a tourist trap? Have you been there?

: Fool! No one's been there! I just saw it. I SAW it! Many head for the "End of the World" only to lose their lives in the "Misty Forest" before they get there.

: "End of the World"? "Misty Forest"?

: Some day I'll go there.

: Gulp....

: Say, sir, does coffee really taste that good?

: It certainly does. What's terrible is life without coffee! Like a steam engine without coal! Mmm-mmm! DEElicious! This is really the beauty of living!

: Maybe I ought to try a little.

: NO WAY! I haven't even tried drinking coffee!

: Ah, Miss Kirlian is beautiful today. Coffee served by a beauty like her tastes even better.

: Well then, let me serve you instead of Miss Kirlian. ♥ Here you go!

: What do you think? How's the coffee served by me?

: Mmm, not bad at all. Miss Kirlian seems to have some competition now.

: Oh, it's you, Justin! What brings you here? I know! You want to sneak some coffee. No problem! I'll serve you some.

: Hee hee hee. Maybe one cup.

: No, not really! We really came here to meet someone.

: Ah hahaha! I was just kidding you! If you're looking for someone, ask the lady at the counter.

: WOW! This really hits the spot! This Old World coffee isn't bad.

: Sir, you must be from the New Continent.

: Sir, you must be from the New Continent. You come by ship, right?

: That's right. The ship just came into port. Faster 'an I expected. If ya like ships, visit the port. Ya oughta be able to see the shop I came on tied up at the pier. Getting seasick is no fun, but coffee gives me a nice buzz.

: I think he's buzzing quite a bit.
And now we speak to Miss Kirlian.

: The men drinking coffee over there always talk about Java. Go try talking to them.

: If you're looking for Java, the customers know better than me. Go ask around. But stay away from the ones that look dangerous. Who knows what'll happen. ♥

: Hahaha. Don't scare me like that.

: But that Java is SUCH a pain. He'd better pay his tab pretty soon or we'll be out of business.

: I thought it was awful quiet today without Java around. Knowing Java, he must be up at Leck Mines drinkin' coffee with the goblins.

: Maybe I ought to take some coffee beans up to him at Leck Mines.
Now we get the wallet.

: There's nothing in it, but it might be important to Java. I know it's a bother taking the train to Leck Mines just to take it back, but will you do it, Justin?

: Puff! Puff! Puff Puff Pufft!

: Puffy, you're shameless.

: Let's go home, Justin. I'm getting hungry, too.
And we've got a new key item. By now you should know what we do with key items.
Word travels fast, it seems.

: Yessirree! Well, it's sort of a man's thing! But I did drink a little too much.

: You're so full of it.

: Huh? You say you got sick? Hmm. Thought you were still a kid... you all grow up so fast.

: An adventurer's gotta be able to handle his coffee, right?

: Actually, I've been at it a while.

: JUSTIN! Come over here! ♥ What did you just say?

: Not that train again... wait!

: Ow! You don't think I'd really - Mom!? Not the tray chop again...!?

: Ha, ha, ha, ha. Must be tough on Lilly, too. Being your Mom must tire her out.

: C'mon, sir. You don't have to say that.

: Hey, Justin. Hasn't Miss Lilly been a little lonely lately?

: Naw, not at all. With Sue and me around, it's always lively here.

: Justin, you're SOOO dense.

: So what's the Special today? I love it that Lilly has such an expanding repertory.

: Today's Special is the "Full Moon Rabbit Saute". Mmm. Delicious! One Daily Special!

: Coming up! One Daily Special!

: Um, I didn't exactly order yet. Well, everything you have here is delicious, so why not!
Everyone else just repeats an earlier line.
Dinner is dinner, so let's skip to the next day.

: This may sound irresponsible as her guardian, but I think Sue is more attached to you than us.

: So you're going to the Leck Mines. It's pretty far, so be careful.

: In spite of how he looks, Justin is pretty reliable. So don't worry about us, OK?

: "In spite of how he looks"...

: That's pretty terrible, Sue. Just how DO I look?

: Justin, and you too, Sue. Don't do anything dangerous, OK?

: Don't worry, I'm sure we'll bring you back some stories of adventure.

: Um, adventure!? Is our dear Sue doing such dangerous things?

: You're SO silly Justin. That just has the opposite effect.

: Please, you two, don't do anything rash that will make me worry, OK?

: Don't worry, Auntie. If Justin tries something stupid, I'll stop him.

: She's awake now, so don't blame be if you get bit. ♥

: Yeow, Teddy's got a bad temper!? Now that I think of it, she has a pretty scary face.

: Betty is bashful with strangers. I'm the only one she takes to.
Next up, let's check out the guy in front of the train station.

: When the Leck Mines were producing lots of coal, the platform was always full of miners.

: Hmm. So there was such a time.

: I remember. When I was little, I used to always go on walks with Dad around here.

: Maybe something will come out of Leck Mines again. This time, we're in the money.

: I'll go and find it for you, OK, sir!

: Now, why would you be going to such a desolate place?

: We're taking Mr. Java's wallet to him. Justin isn't the only forgetful person around here.

: But ya know, that might be one of the conditions for becoming an adventurer!

: Forgetfulness a condition for becoming an adventurer, eh! Just like you, Justin! Ha ha ha!

: Don't praise me so much or I'll get embarrassed. Ha ha ha ha...

: Justin, he's not praising you.

: No, no, children ought to be that perky. Mmm, I'm really impressed.

: See, Sue! He really was praising me! Alright, here goes all!
Over by the museum, we have a chat with another NPC with that sprite.

: Kind of like it is with you and Gantz, Justin.

: Hey, wait a minute there! I don't get into any mischief with that Gantz!

: But to the old guys, Justin and Gantz must look like best friends.

: Say, Sir, what was my Dad like when he was young?

: Hmm, let me see. No matter what, he was always doing rash things. Just like you right now, Justin.
Next up is the soldier hanging out by the bridge.

: But isn't it a great chance, Sir? Don't they send only the best men to the New Continent?

: That may be so, but I wanted to stay on as a soldier to protect the town where I was born and raised. By the time that my duty is over and I come back to Parm, both of you'll be all grown up.

: You know what, Sir? I just might be coming to see you on the New Continent!

: I might just see you on the New Continent, sir. Hee hee hee.

: Hey, Justin! We finally perfected our super special soup! With this I'm sure we can beat the Seagull! Taste a little!

: Wow, let's see.

: ... DEElicious! Maybe ever better than our soup.

: Hah hah hah. Don't you think so? I worked so hard to get it right. This is my masterpiece!

: Hey, sir, tell me how to make this soup. I promise not to tell anyone!

: I guess it can't hurt. Don't even tell Miss Lilly, OK? Take lizard's tail and horse manure...

: It's OK, sir! I shouldn't have asked! G-good bye!

: Listen, Justin. Promise not to tell anyone how to make this soup, OK?

: I'll promise, but....

: You can't really be thinking of serving this soup, right?!
Up past the bridge, let's check in with this brown vest guy.

: Aww, Justin, you're getting into so much mischief that everyone thinks I'm getting into mischief, too.

: Ah ha ha, sorry, Sue. That's right. Sue, you're the one taking care of Justin, aren't you?

: Ah ha ha, not quite, Uncle.

: OK, Sue, I want you to take good care of Justin here, right?

: Of course. Leave it to me.

: Ah ha ha. Wonder what that was.
Over by the port, we find another soldier.

: Huh!? What are you talking about!? I've been helping out my Mom today all day since morning.

: Oh, really? Hmm. If so, then you can go!

: Whew, that was close! If they catch us now, our plan to get to the New Continent'll be ruined.

: They said the boy who threw our soldiers at Sult Ruins into chaos was wearing a blue hat.

: WHOAH! They're still looking! That wasn't me! Gotta go. G'bye!

: I-I guess that was a real ghost, huh!?

: Wow, that's the spirit. ♥ Justin, you ought to take lessons!

: Don't give me that, Sue! I'm in top form all the time. ♪

: Parm keeps getting bigger and bigger. The work of the Young Men's Club too. Yup, gotta put my heart into it.
At the port...

: Aaah.... Be the port for my heart! Hah. That was my best line ever! I finally proposed to my girl! She said YES!

: You're right. C'mon, wait for ME! I'll came back with pass in hand. Then I'll jump on board you, so take me to the New World. ♪

: Hah hah hah. Justin, your'e always full of energy. Maybe I should try doing something.
Same view, just brighter. Let's check up on the hide-and-seek game next.

: That might be true. Joel, you're always the first one to be found, huh. ♪

: I'd rather play something else, but this is fun as it is. Hope it all goes as planned.

: Weren't you playing hide-and-seek? Did you find everyone?

: No, I didn't find anyone at all. So everyone got sick of it. So now everyone is looking for something that I hid. Everyone's searching. ♥ I'm terrible at searching, but I"m pretty good at hiding things. ♪
Next up, House 3.

: We don't see them any more, but they say you can still see orcs up at Leck Mines.

: WOW! Orcs?

: Guess we oughta watch out at Leck Mines.

: To tell the truth, I too wanted to be an adventurer when I was your age. I only gave up on being an adventurer when I lost a fight to a girl. That's Gram here.

: WOW. Cool!

: She musta been strong like my Mom.

: I still regret losing to Gram even now.

: But that's how you got to be friends with Gram, right?
House 4 is next, where the wife has issues with her husband stealing money to gamble.

: No, he didn't say anything. Nothing at all about a "monster"....

: OOPS! I didn't mean that!

: A MONSTER!? He'll get his when he gets home! How could he call such a cute ♥ girl like me a MONSTER? He'll get it when he gets home!

: Uh, oh... I feel bad for her husband. Ah hahaha.
Next is House 2, with the sailor husband.

: He he, I understand the feeling. I felt the same way when my Dad came home.

: You know I'm gonna play with Daddy today and tomorrow and the day after that, and then the day after that!

: That's right, your Dad's been away for a long time while he was at sea. Play with him to your heart's content.

: We haven't played for six months. Where should I take you today? To the Port? Or maybe the Museum?

: Y-You ought forget about the Museum. Right, Sue?

: Yup, 'cus Justin broke the Icarian....

: Eh, he, he. Uh, nevermind.

: I plan to go down to the port and relax with a little ocean fishing!
Let's see how Gantz's gang is going.

: Justin and Sue. If you know what makes a steam engine run, let me know, OK?

: That much I know. It's coal, right? Coal!

: Hmm, maybe if I eat coal, I could run as fast as a steam engine, ya think so?

: Tee hee.... Sounds just like you, Goose.

: If you just want to run away, why don't you have Justin train you?

: I saw you, saw you, Justin goin' into the cafe. Kids ain't supposed to go in.

: That much I know. But ya know the girl at the cafe sure was pretty.

: Hey, Justin. Wipe that smirk off of your face.

: Justin, you've really got quite a nerve, goin' into a cafe even though yer still a kid.

: He he he, that's nothin' compared to some of my Dad's adventures!

: At home, no matter what happens, Gantz is always jabbering about you. Justin this, Justin that. Big brother Gantz is never happy unless you're around, Justin. So he wants you to be a soldier too.

: D'ya think that maybe Gantz might like you, Justin?

: Naw, that couldn't be.

: Stupid IDIOT! You talk too much! Take THAT!

: Waah, waah, waah! Big Brother Gantz hit me!

: Why'd you have to do that, Gantz? Poor little Tentz....

: Shaddup! Keep that up and I'll beat you up, too! Hey, Tentz! How much longer you gonna cry? Quitcher cryin' or I'll hit ya again!

: You do that and I'll go tell your Mom!

: Justin, why don't you just give up on your dream of bein' an adventurer? How 'bout becomin' a soldier like me? The "End of the World" has put the adventurers out of business!

: Out of business? No way! What's this "End of the World"!?

: You know... the End of the World. There's this giant wall.... Anyway, it's where the world ends! There's nowhere left to explore! That's what my big brother Gontz says so it's gotta be right! If you become a great soldier like Gontz, I'll take you on any time.

: OR, you gonna run away...?

: Don't give me that! If you become an adventurer,

: I'll take YOU on any time!
Hmm. Let's hit the house across from the cafe.

: That's right! Didn't you ever dream of becoming a Princess?

: Wow, when they said that the customers come at night, they weren't lying.
Sue stops us from walking into the cafe again.

: What're you doing, Justin? Aren't we going to see Mr. Java? To get to the Leck Mines, we take the train from the station, right?
Before we get on the train, let's check out the Sult Ruins again. Mullen's gone, so...

: Aw, what a drag.
Fascinating. All right, enough beating around the bush.
Time to get caught up on the next chapter of George's Attempt to Meet Whoever.

: Looks like this guy's still waiting.

: Maybe he's waiting at the wrong place.

: Maybe he should check on the place to meet.
Next up, the train guy has more to say.

: Hey, Justin. Shouldn't you get a haircut pretty soon?

: I like it like this! An adventurer can't be worrying about his hair!

: Tee hee. Justin just hates getting his hair cut.

: With scruffy hair like that, you won't be popular with the girls!
Inside the station, we find a bunch more NPCs.

: The reunion of separated lovers. How romantic!

: Isn't adventure exciting enough? Sue, how do you know anything about love, anyway?

; How rude to say such a thing to a charming lady!

: Is he back yet? I'm so excited. ♥

: Time spent waiting for her lover strengthens a girl's love.

: All ABOARD! Please board now. The train is about to leave!

: I came to Parm to get to New Parm on business. The ship must be in port pretty soon.

: Sir, what kind of business?

: I will serve in the New Parm Church. Despite my looks, I'm a minister.

: Wonderful. Father, would you please preach to this mischievous boy Justin.

: Oh! So Justin is mischievous. Well, don't forget the Spirits are always watching you!

: SUE! Don't go meddling.

: If you want to cure your mischief, stand on your hands at breakfast and pray to the Spirits.

: Huh!? How could that cure his mischief?

: Say what you will, but handstands and praying are our sect's way of curing mischief.

: Wow! Is that right!? I've never heard that before.

: He's gotta be joking! You're so silly, Justin.

: Wah hah hah. Justin, you ought to be more moderate in your mischief.

: I know, but I can't help it.

: Hey there, boy. Have you heard of the steamer that goes to the New Continent? Soon this station too will be thronged with immigrants and people buying goods from the New Continent. 'Cause the Port of Parm is the only gateway to the New Continent.

: I can't be dawdling. I have to get that pass quick.
Down at the other end of the station...

No thank you.

: The Steam Engine Lunch is bad enough, but a Spotted Poison Slug Lunch?

: But, munch, munch.... It's so delicious.

: HEY, eat that and you'll keel right over!

One Parm Spotted Poison Slug Lunch.

: Since when is Parm famous for that? Eew! For-forget it! I told you! Forget about it already!

: But, munch, munch.... It's so delicious. OOOHH! Oh, my stomach hurts.

: HELP! We've gotta get a doctor, QUICK!

: Wait, wait a second, Justin. I know my body better than anyone. I just ate too much.

: Ate too much poison slug...? EEWW!

I'll have a Parm Steam Engine Lunch. A Steam Engine? What's in it?

: The wheels are black rye bread, the engine oil is butter, the coal is chocolate, and...

: Puff Puff Puff. Puff Puff!

: Oh, Puffy you! We know you love chocolate, but stop that, it's embarrassing.
Skipping ahead until we have our task...

Of course, I defeated him.

: Don't be RIDICULOUS! You'll never become an adventurer telling transparent lies like that!

: Yikes! Just joking, OK! I'll be off again!
And finally, we wrap up with the single alternate dinner scene.

: I heard you guys took Mr. Java's wallet back to him, right? You did good. I'm impressed.

: As your reward, you can have as many helpings as you want. Just don't eat yourselves sick.

: Puff Puff Puff!

: That Java was pretty strange, huh?

: When he thought we were thieves, I didn't know what to do.

: Yeah, he certainly was quite scatterbrained.
And when quitting...

: Now tomorrow we definitely have to go see Mr. Java at the Leck Mines!
And one final thing. During this week's main update, I forgot to bring the dynamite to clear out the orcs.
Here's what happens when I remember. (
polsy link)