Part 133: Return to Cafu 1
Welcome back!

: And not only that, my opinion of Lainians has changed for good. Because of you, Milda. You're OK!
Yeah, I wasn't joking earlier about how we cured Rapp's racism forever.

: And I used to think that Cafu was filled with a bunch a' yellow bellies till I met YOU, Rapp boy!

: With two of the best adventurers, Rapp and Milda... together we're totally INVINCIBLE!
Psh, way to kill the mood, Feena.

: Gaia thing...?

: Heh, heh. Doesn't look like much all shriveled up, eh?

: But I still don't get it. Why would Garlyle try to raise something like THIS?

: I GOT it! Rapp boy, this here critter's what turned the old Cafu to stone, right? Well then, if y'all figure out what makes it tick, y'all might find out how to bring the village BACK too!

: You GOT something thre! Hey Juss, let's take this back. We can always chuck it if it's no good, right?

: Yeah. Let's go back to Cafu where we can have your grandfather look at it.

: ...
As usual, the new key item has its own unique icon. Description's a little lackluster, though.

: I don't get it. Why would they do research on something that turns THEM to stone?

: Y'all saw it up there, didn't you? These folks don't realize WHAT they're holding on to here.

: Idiots...! Complete and total IDIOTS!

: What does the army plan to do with this Gaia thing?
The sergeants seem to have made it out okay. Which is impressive, considering that they split just before Gaia started turning everyone else to stone, and every soldier that was in the tower got hit.

: Uh... Rapp...? Y'all know I'm from Laine, right? Ain't there a problem with me going to Cafu?

: Huh?! Whaddaya mean? WHAT problem!? We're on the same side! C'mon! Let's go!

: Well... if y'all say so. Thanks Rapp.
I'm really glad y'all Cafunians ain't all racist fucksticks anymore.

Ahh, right. THAT problem.
Before we head back to Cafu, though, let's stop by the Petrified Forest.

: Ah cain't believe it. That must've been really tough on you.

: Don't look so sad, Milda. We pounded our enemies. My parents must be smiling in heaven!

: Father and Mother, listen to me! I've made a friend from Laine. Her name is Milda!

: I am not here to speak of enemies and tragedy. She is a good person. Do you understand me?
If we examine them again....

: Let's return to the village and tell them! that cursed tower has been destroyed. Will everyone be happy?

: Well, let us make amends. If we can make amends....

: Exactly. Like y'all said, ya cain't make amends for this.
Having peeked at some of the other dialog with the other temporary members here, I really get the impression that it didn't really get looked over particularly well.

: Sometime they will be restored from stone! I promise!
All right, enough NPC chatter for a normal update. Let's get back to Cafu.
Technically it's a step down in attack power, but I feel that, if Milda were to use a sword, the one that causes instant death would be the one.
We also give her a Black Belt, to boost her tech attacks.
All right, time to go advance the plot.

: The people at the tower said they're raising some monster named Gaia. But we attacked it!

: There ain't much left of that Gaia. Seems like Gaia has something to do with your village turning to stone. Maybe there's a way to restore it.

: Oh, introductions! This here's Milda. She helped us at the Tower of Doom.

: Man, is she strong! Heh heh!

: Rapp... don't you know the laws here? "No outsiders allowed in the village".

: Huh? What?! But!

: Since Justin and Feena are your guests, they get special permission to enter the village. But Lainians are a different story. They cannot enter for any reason.

: You stupid fool! What's it matter if she's a Lainian? Milda is our friend!
Yep, that's still Rapp's thing.

: Hmph! The law's the law!
"I don't like your law. It sucks."

: Hey. Hey, listen. It's OK, Rapp.

: No, it's not OK! I'm ready to punch that old fool! This really makes me mad!

: Sir, are y'all an elder of Cafu? I'll respect the laws of this village. I should just leave, right?
I really like this exchange here. It really shows how far Rapp's come in such a short time, and lets us know that there's more to Milda than just angry, crazy, tower-destroying monster.
Personality-wise, anyway.

: Milda!

: Dang it! Old man! Will you still complain if she only comes as far as this?!

: If she stays outside of this gate, then I don't mind.

: If Milda's not allowed into the village, then I won't go in either! I'll just stay out here tonight!

: Still the same stubborn Rapp, eh? You sure have your father's blood. It's inevitable. You can use the Inn to stay overnight. I will take care of the Gaia sprout.
Holy crap, a dinner?

: OK! Well, looks like I finally get to show off my cooking skills. I'll whip up a feast!
As usual, let's start by trying to quit.

: Whoa! What's your hurry? I ain't done eatin' yet.
All right. Let's start with Milda and work our way back towards Feena.

: Mmm... (munch munch)... this here... (chomp chomp) this here's some good grub.

: Hey, what's wrong, Feena? Y'all are just pondering away there.

: My dumb ol' grandpa, you gotta pound stuff into his head before he understands it. Dang! Sometimes it's like breaking rocks!

: What's wrong, Feena? You seem bummed out.

: ... Well, Justin, it's about the monsters we saw at the Tower of Doom. Oh... never mind. Gaia.... What in the world are the Garlyle Forces using it for?
Once we talk to Feena, the conversations change.

: By the way, y'all said you're adventurers. So where're all y'all heading to, anyway?

: We are trying to get to Alent. I think it's somewhere on this continent.

: My husband Darlin, he's one of the Three Wise Men of Laine. He knows a whole lotta stuff.

: Anyway, I've often heard him mention some place called Alent.

: Really?! All right, then we should be able to find out stuff from him! Especially since he's a "Wise Man"!

: Well there you go! There ain't nothin' that my dear Darlin don't understand.
Next up, for Rapp's....

: Rapp! Y'all shouldn't talk like that while folks are eatin'!

: It's just that if she's all stopped up, she can cure it by shaving her head and thumping her rump three times.

: What? That's weird! It's totally different from what we do in Laine!
It's not often I feel the need to screenshot dialog to prove that I'm not making it up.

: That stuff you Lainians do makes no sense to me. How you gonna cure constipation with sit-ups?!

: Well, y'all got a strange cure, too. I mean, shaving your head? How's that gonna get things moving?
All right, enough of that.

: Yeah, you bet it does! I wonder if they even got food this yummy in Laine.

: Don't be silly. Of course Laine's got food this good.

: Hey! Here's an idea! Why don't y'all come to Laine sometime. I can show you some good eatin'!

: Go to Lai-Laine? I've never even thought of that.

: OK, you betcha! We'd love to go along with you, eh Feena?

: Huh? Oh, yeah... sure....

: ... Listen, I... I need to go out for a bit.

: Huh? What's botherin' Feena?

: Feena...?
Hmm. Let's check in with the others, see what they think.

: What's wrong with Feena, guys? Did you notice? She hardly said a word when we were eating.

: When a girl sports a face like that y'all can bet something's bugging her. That's an old truth, older than dirt.

: It's clear as day to me. That girl's hankerin' for some support from y'all right now, ya hear?

: So get on over to her, Justin.
What? No, dude, you were
right there. You heard everything.
Well, the only place we're allowed to go is the little plaza out behind the inn.
Hey, there she is.

: Oh, there you are, Feena. What's the matter? You're suddenly not feeling too well, are you?

: ...

: Well, anyway, things are OK now, huh? I was wondering how those two would get along, but they're good friends.

: I'm sorry, I uh... I've been thinking about my sister.

: About Leen?

: It looks like the Garlyle Forces have raised some kind of monster called Gaia, there in the Tower of Doom. If they plan to use that monster's power for evil purposes, then my sister must have something to do with that plan.

: Feena....

: Justin, I'm afraid. I've got a feeling that something really terrible is going to happen.

Like a standard JRPG plot?!

Worse. Sidequests.

: Hey, everything's gonna be OK. Leen can't be such a bad person. I mean, she's your sister, right?

: Still....

: Anyway, that expression doesn't suit you. What really looks great on you is your smile!

: Justin....
Yep, that's their flirty faces. Not them reacting to the sound of an airship engine or anything like that.

: Those guys, the ones from the Tower of Doom. They're coming to get us!

: The Garlyle Forces?! Oh no! The village is in danger! Let's get back there, quick!
Hmm. We busted our way out of a Garlyle base, took refuge in a village of humanoids, and now they're deploying the Grandeur to drop troops on us.
This really is starting to be a Thing, isn't it?
See you next time!