Part 134: Return to Cafu 2
Glazius posted:
I suppose there are really more Garlyle Forces than we can really stop from taking revenge.
There are quite a lot of them, yes.
Plus, every time we try to fight Mullen, we wind up getting our asses beaten.
Welcome back!
In preparation for the upcoming fights, Feena takes the Chain of Gems. Because the teleporting knifemaster build is just missing something without the extra attacks.
The Black Berets here aren't much different from their red cousins back in the tower, with the notable exception that they don't drop Miracle Drinks or Ultra Potions. Same attacks, similar HP totals.
Doppelganger is a technique that Rapp can only use when armed with a melee weapon. It hits decently hard, but is short-range and single-target.
Unlike Justin, most of the other characters only show their weapon when they're actively attacking. In Milda's case, her combo attacks and techs are all unarmed attacks, so she only shows her weapon when doing a critical.
These guys don't last long, though.
Also, we can talk to Nicky here, and he just reiterates that the Garlyle Forces are attacking.
It does lead to one interesting tidbit, though. You know how Milda has mostly been mild-mannered, and the wise, older character archetype?
Everyone in this game is much younger than they should be.
Anyway, more troops show up when you head over to the elder.
They don't pose any more of a threat than the last group did.

: Phew... this area seems secure now.

: Come on, you've gotta let us go there! Otherwise, it'll be a catastrophe!

: Don't gimme nothin' 'bout yer laws!

: ... I'm afraid I'm just too old. I'm nearly blind and I'm pretty deaf. I can't see anything in this light.

: Hey, he wants to turn a blind eye....

: So let's go kick some butt!

: Thanks, Elder!

: Be careful out there....
Most of the city is sealed off, and the only place available is this little spot in the corner.
I'll never get tired of that.
Justin gets better at everything just by watching Feena shank a few people.
Dammit, Justin, you gotta spoiler-tag that shit, she isn't on-screen yet!

: Sis! How...? What's going on?

: Gaia is being confiscated by the Garlyle Forces. We will use our full forces against anyone who interferes.
Oh yeah, Baal was probably pretty pissed that we murdered Gaia and stole the sprout, huh?

: Just listen to her! They think they can go around killing people and destroying villages!

: Y'all done turned one village into stone! Ain't that enough?


: Sis, I'm asking you. Please stop all this. Why? Why are you doing it, Sis? You're making innocent people suffer. Is that really OK with you?! I... I thought there must be a good reason why you joined the military. Now I wonder....
The sad part is, this is still fewer ellipses than the Japanese script uses.

: What are you doing?! Get Gaia out of here, quickly!

: Sis!

: Feena... I would like you to live your life as you wish. Free as the wind.

: However...

: I've no choice but to live this way!
Ahh, right. ~Mysterious past~ means that Leen has to be on Team Asshole, for reasons.

: But Leen...!

: What the heck is she trying to say?! Step aside, Feena.
Uh-oh, the dramatic lightning's back.
Oh, goodie, one of those monsters that don't stay dead.

: ...!

: She's gotta be kidding! Hey...!

: Look, she's got... wings?!

: Maybe now you'll understand, Feena. As long as I've got these wings, I cannot fly freely.

: The Leen you knew... she doesn't exist any more!

: Wh-what...?!
Dun dun dun?

: Justin, I thought you had a very high regard for Icarians.

: So now I'll have to offer some proof!

: Leen!
And, in a flash, Leen, Gaia, and the soldiers are all gone.

: Leen...
Welp, better get back to the Elder. Last time this happened, we fucked up and they still forgave us for giving a solid effort. Maybe the Cafunians won't be dickpricks about i-

: What do you mean?! Look, we just destroyed the Tower of Doom!

: YOU are the one who doesn't understand! You worthless old fogey!

: Y'all should never talk to yer own grandpa that way, Rapp! This mess has been my fault.

: Forget it! All he ever talks about is laws, laws, laws! As if the laws could save our village!

: Juss and Milda, they're my guests! Any compaints? Let's hear 'em now!

: You've said more than enough, Rapp. Our laws may not be able to save our village but they've prevented trouble. I am indeed thankful to your guests for their actions at the Tower of Doom. But tonight we've seen people get hurt and much misery has arisen in the wake of the tower. For tonight, please return quietly to the inn.
Welp, there goes that plan.

: As a token of our gratitude, please accept room and board at our inn.
one Cafunian isn't a dickprick.

: OK! I'm gonna fix an even bigger and better feast than the last one!
All right, time to do everything but that.

: Dang that girl with the wings! She's made a mess of my village. Next time I see her, she's gonna die!

: Rapp! Y'all ever hear of tact or delicacy? Think about poor Feena 'fore ya speak!

: Feena... that must've been a big shock, seeing your sister's an Icarian. I wanna see Darlin's face when he hears that Icarians really do exist.
All right, let's go.

: And my sister... it can't really be her! How could she...?

: Look, I'm sure there's some good reason why Leen's doing all that. Consider this as evidence: even though we were unconscious, Leen didn't take our Spirit Stone.

: My dear sister... what is she up to? I want so much to trust her. But...!

: Yeah, well... I reckon we best get to sleep soon.
Welp, guess we ought to go talk to the Elder.

: ... And after that, the whole village met and decided... we must ask not only Milda but also Justin and Feena to leave the village. It's only for the sake of protecting the village.

: What! Hey, old fogey! You got any idea what yer talkin' about?!

: Stop it, Rapp.

: I reckon we got here a mite too early, didn't we?

: Everybody'll understand sometime. I mean, y'all understood, didn't ya?

: I understood.

: Thanks for all you've done, Rapp.

: I guess we'll be back after you become an elder.

: When you do, we'll celebrate for ya!
Welp, sucks if you gave him a Mana Egg, guess all those spells and skills he hadn't learned were just for show.

: I'm going too! It'd be way too dangerous for ya if ya went without me!

: Huh? But I thought you were going to stay at the village.

: I told you I don't like formality! We're too cool for that! Ain't that right, Juss?!

: Hee hee! Haw haw haw! That's just what I'd expected to hear from y'all!

: OK, we've decided. Let's blow off this lousy village as soon as we can, eh?!

: What's the matter, Nicky? Why're you lookin' so bummed? We'll be back sometime, for sure!

Every time your dialog changes, for instance!

: Really? Like REALLY really? OK, you promised me, Rapp!

: Please don't think badly of the elder. He's very grateful to you guys. He's got his position to think of.

: Well, I can tell by his eyes that he must've been up all night worrying.

: By the time this kid grows up, I think Cafu will be quite different. It'll be a free village, not penned in by a bunch of silly laws and customs.

: Right! I bet, if it weren't for those stupid laws, I woulda had more chances to talk with Milda!

: Oh! My, what a sweet thing to say!

: Well, of course! This kid's my best right-hand man, you know!

: Bye, Nicky! You'd better get stronger by the time I come back!

: See, Justin. Some folks here understand. So don't you go wearin' that long face forever!

: Ah! OK, I understand, Milda!

: It's fine with me to be leaving this place. So where're we going next?

: Hmm, good question.

: I got it! Let's all mosey on over to Laine! I'll introduce ya to my dear ol' Darlin.

: Ol' Darlin knows a lot of stuff. He'd have stuff to tell us about Alent, and also about them Icarians.

: Thanks, Milda.

: But I reckon it's a fair distance from here.

: Yep, first we'll hafta cross the Zil Desert and get over to Zil Padon! They got everything in that town!

: Ah! Well, stay healthy, Nicky! Don't catch no colds or nothin'!
And with that, we're done with Cafu forever.
Next time: