Part 135: Cafu NPC Chatter 3
Welcome back!
Been a while since we've had NPCs to chat with.

: Right! You're a good kid, Nicky. You know how strong I really am! I won't let anyone harm my guys!

: Right! You're all strong-- Justin, Feena, and Auntie Milda too!

: Auntie Milda?

: Hey, I'm only 19! Y'all just call me Milda, OK?

: Ouch! OK! Ouch ouch! Stop pulling my ear! Oww! OK, I know! It's "Milda".

: Yeah, Milda! Milda's so strong!

: There you go. The four of us are strong, so don't you worry none. You'd best go hide now.

: We cannot... we cannot let them take it. I wonder how we can protect it...?
Yeah, the only reason this guy's here is to stop us from going to the upper walkway and getting into the houses.

: Let's kill all those creeps! Listen! All of you get going quickly! If not, the guys from the tower...!

: What did you say? You idiots!

: Rapp! Cut it out. We know! We're fighting with you!

: OK, everyone, we're off to battle!
Spoiler warning: we fail.

: Still, no matter how much you battled those people in the tower, I'm gonna keep an eye on you guys. Even if there was no deal, it's still a fact that they're attacking us only because you invaded their tower.

: Well... what he's saying is true.

: Everyone in our village is getting too worked up to think straight. We're not getting anywhere that way. I think you'd better go back to the inn until everyone has cooled down. They remember the Petrified Forest. So they're all rather afraid. You should go back to the inn now. If you stay here, the yelling will just get louder.
Yep, everyone else is gonna be a dickhole at us.

: What?! Why, you...! I dare you to say that again!

: Please stop it, Rapp! These people are plenty mad already.

: What do you think? Are the tower people here 'cuz of these guys? Seriously. No wisecracks. Eh, Rapp?

: What, are you kidding?! It was Justin and his friends who chased them out! So there, you nitwits!

: Hey, calm down now, Rapp! These are your fellow villagers!

: People have been hurt! Rapp, aren't you responsible for it?

: Spooky lady...?

: Are you friends with those people?! Aha, you've got no excuse this time! We've got proof that you are allied with those tower people! So how dare you say that you chased all those people away? What a load of bull!

: If so, I'm gonna make your bill here 100 times more and send you packing! You better remember that!

: Cut that out, honey! We Lainians don't cotton to that!

: Now, I don't think Lainians have enough brains to make friends with those people in the tower. I believe what the beefy broad says, but you short-ear types, it'd be just like you to do such a thing!

: Hmph! Look who's talking!

: Yeah, well, people have been injured here! Why do you suppose it happened?

: It wasn't Juss and his friends who hurt them! So enough bad-mouthing!

: We won't let you make our peaceful village a target anymore! You mean people!

: What?! Don't be an idiot! How dare you insult Justin and my other friends!

: These bad things started happening right after the outsiders got here. It makes perfect sense that they must've called in those invaders from the tower!

: WHAT?! So what if there was a coincidence?! You'd better stop bad-mouthing them or I'll shut your mouth!

: Anyway, we sure can't trust outsiders! We should've obeyed the laws and kept you outside of the village.

: We Cafunians are concerned that outsiders bring calamity upon us. We have laws that protect Cafu. Now we face this disaster because we allowed our laws to be broken. It's not that we think of you as bad people or anything like that. We just need all outsiders to leave.
"What? I'm not racist. I have plenty of friends who are outsiders! Honest!"

: But it seems you've done something to make them attack us. In any case, breaking the laws always brings terrible consequences. We shouldn't have let outsiders in. Sorry, but I must ask you to leave. After all, you are outsiders....

: I didn't do such a great thing. But all y'all Cafunians didn't do nothin. That ain't right, is it?

: Forget it! Who'd want to explain our feelings to a Lainian, anyway! OK, time to leave, and fast! What have we done to get into this horrible situation? What in the world could we have done?
Y'know what? That's fair. Not gonna bother this guy anymore.
Also, he doesn't say anything new after that.

: Oh... you're still yakking, eh? Who do you think chased those people away from the tower?

: Were you asked to do that?! And whose fault was it that they attacked us in the first place? You didn't have to go to the tower. That is, if only we'd obeyed the laws.
At least Nicky's always on our side.

: She got scared of you tough guys, and so she took off! Awesome! That spooky lady gave up and fled!

: Spooky... lady...? My own sister...!
And that's that for the night. Jump to the next morning....

: At that time, your abilities will be put to the test. It will be up to you to forge Cafu's future.

: Ha! I won't even return to this stinkin' village as long as ignorant old fogies like you are here!

: Rapp.... Go ahead. Go travel with them and come back after you've grown.

: Nicky, I reckon you're the first friend I've made here in Cafu, so if you like, I'll visit y'all anytime.
That almost seemed like it was supposed to be tacked on just after Rapp's "don't catch no colds or nothin'" bit, instead of having to come back into the village from the world map to trigger it.

: Hey, Miss MIlda. Can I go see you in Laine?

: Why, sure. Ya just have to wait till y'all get big enough to go traveling. Be glad to have ya!
Finally, let's hit up the Petrified Forest.

: But can't you understand me? Was I wrong? This Juss and this MIlda are truly fine people. It was the village that was mistaken.

: O Villagers, please understand me. Is this not so? There are only good people here!
And that's that!
Yeah, getting banished from a village not long after finding it makes for not an awful lot of dialog. Don't worry, though. The next city more than makes up for it.