Part 144: Tower of Temptation 1
Welcome back!

We start off with a smattering of weapons. We'll be ignoring these for now, but don't worry. They'll be picked up before we leave.

Dragon Knights are immune to most elements that matter, and have a huge AoE paralysis attack.
Needless to say, this is now a sneaking mission. The use of stealth will be required.

There are four doors into the tower itself. They're even helpfully color-coded.

On the inside, there are many alcoves like these.
Dashing past them is not recommended.

Brain Bats like to ambush you from these.

Brain Bats, for the most part, are just there as cannon fodder, more annoying than threatening. Stram, the spell this one here is casting, debuffs attack. They resist fire and wind, so Milda's Lightning Sword doesn't do much to them, but earth and water still hit for full damage.
That said, you'll never want to let these guys ambush you.

With proper non-elemental weapons, and perhaps also waiting until later in the plot, it takes less effort to kill these guys than it does to avoid them. Unfortunately, we're chock-full of elemental weapons and limited in our healing supplies.

Jackals, like their palette-swapped cousins in the Soldier's Graveyard, can mess us up with their AoE firebreath skill. They're also immune to fire and wind.

Deathsword is great against the Dragon Knights, though. 25 SP for a 100% chance of instantly murdering them, regardless of what Rapp's got equipped.
It's pretty handy.

Oh yes, the enemies here can drop stat boosters. Just, y'know, as their random drop.

The door that leads into the heart of the tower is the one opposite this staircase here. I guess that's how people got in and out of here before the teleporter was built. But we're not going in just yet.

Blue Potions are great. 20 MP for all levels for the whole party is too good to ignore.

Through the teal door, we find these Dragon Knights patrolling a hallway. The cracked walls opposite us lead to alcoves with some goodies, such as...

Yeah, the first floor area definitely seems like they intended you to raid it around now-ish. The loot higher up, though, is some of the best in the game.

This particular design marks the way to the next floor.

There's not much to this part of the second floor, aside from a door to the lower rampart. Yeah, they're numbered backwards.

There's not much to the ramparts, either, aside from Brain Bats.

Now, when I said these guys were harmless "for the most part", this is the exception. BA-BOOM! is the third-level explosion spell. If you see one of these guys charging that up, stop it ASAP. Do not let them cast that spell.

Because, unless you've got shit-tons of HP, and/or good explosion resistance, it's going to one-shot the whole party.

Tune in next time, where we climb the tower for real!