Part 152: Laine NPC Chatter 3
Welcome back!
I'm not gonna lie, this is gonna be a big one. We've got three passes through Laine and two through Zil Padon to cover.

: Sorry to say you're right. Them folks is still petrified.

: But we DID get old Master Dorlin's horn back, so there's still hope!

: With his horn back Dorlin might think of a way to return to the Lower Village.

: What? I gotta have your permission, or something?!

: And I got the horns back no problem. What, did you think a few monsterettes would get in my way?

: Ah... you angry or something? OK, OK, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, OK? Sheesh, I came back safely didn't I?

: You didn't say a word about going to the Lower Village. I was SO worried...!

: But I knew you would come back safely, you know? I can tell about these things.

: See? There's no reason to worry! I got the old geezer's horn, and here I am!

: Rapp, you're so strong. You got Dorlin's horns abll by yourself! What a MAN!
Every time I ask myself why I keep on transcribing all this text, a conversation like this comes along to remind me.

: Hey there, Cafu boy! Y'all eat well now and get plenty of sleep so y'all can grow up, y'hear?

: Right... eat, sleep... and grow up to be a bull?

: Used to be there wasn't no lake near Laine, and we didn't eat no fish like we do now. Darlin set fishin' lines like Derlin told him. We catch them fish, and now Lainians can eat plenty of fish. We catch 'em, dry 'em and eat 'em.

: And our Spirits give the women lots of strength so the men can study all the time. Daddy told all about it, so I know EVERYTHING there is to know!

: Your eyes are sharp as ever. We went down to the Lower Village and got it back, we did!

: Well I'll be. That means old Master Dorlin will be his old self again! Ever since we moved up from the old place Master Dorlin has been, well... a little unique you might say.

: Unique...? That's an understatement.

: Well, it sure will be good to have the old Dorlin back. Well, what you waitin' for? Get on up to Dorlin's tower and give it to him!
Why, no, there is nothing wrong with this screenshot.

: Sorry to say, but even though we fought Gaia and beat him, the village didn't change at all.

: Is that so? It figures. We done our share of fightin' too. But it don't bring back nothin'. There's got to be SOMETHING we can do. I LOVED that village something POWERFUL!

: He's supposed to be the Boss of the Village. He keeps watch over us all the time, no matter if it's raining or snowing. Mama says that his father did the same thing. He's supposed to be the Boss of the Village. He keeps watch over us every day, no matter the weather!

: Um... I think Darlin called 'em "alpine plants" or something. Anyway, I don't know what it means. But I do know when it happens, the flowers make everything so beautiful! In the summer, the village is covered with flowers. It's beautiful!

: We just follow his advice exactly and there's a bumper crop every time! Dorlin sure knows how to explain useful stuff for everyday life just right to us womenfolk.

: So don't think Lainian men never do anything, OK? Well, the men do mostly just sit and think about stuff. But we're REALLY strong! Even a little boy like me can cut ALL these logs for firewood! It's true, Lainian men do mostly just sit and think about stuff, but we're REALLY strong too!

: All the menfolk in Laine are like this, Justin boy. They come of age like a house on fire!

: Thanks to you, I've come of age. I should be choosing my thesis. What should it be?

: Hey Milda... do all the men in Laine get so weird when they come of age?

: Ha, ha. I see I am bothering our guest from Cafu. If I have made you uncomfortable, please forgive me. Ha, ha. I had no idea I would come of age so soon. It's fascinating, truly fascinating.

: Say, Madam Milda, did you realize how cathartic it is to come of age? Both my brothers.... Lirden yells all the time, and Linden keeps on talking about all sorts of weird things.

: Coming of age is WEIRD. It's probably really HARD, too.

: Um... ah... do you think I'll be OK when I come of age?
Jesus, every kid in this village is hitting puberty at the same time.

: (Yawn...) I hope I can keep studying even after I come of age. I sure do like it.... (yawn...)

: With all this yawning I can't keep studying no matter what anyone says.

: (Yawn...) I'll keep studying even after I come of age.... (yawn)

: Ha ha. I'm getting sleepy just LISTENING!
fucker, Darlin has a third portrait?!

: Y'all need to get that horn to ol' Dorlin. He'll talk to you as soon as you do.

I bet he never uses that portrait again, either.

: But as soon as I start studying I get sleepy. Dad says it's normal, but they say the Wise Men studied even when they were little. I want to be a great Wise Man. But I get sleepy when I start to study, you know?

: I don't care HOW many professors come from Laine. It's just not normal for a child to study so. My husband used to play with me when we were little all the time. We'd go fishing, and play tag... I never should have told the boy about Derlin when he was a little boy.
"No, Bobby! Don't study, you'll grow up to be a nerd!"

: I heard you young folks went to the lower village of Laine for Master Dorlin. Thank you. It will be a great help to the master in his research of Alent. You really have helped a great deal. But please be more careful. There is nothing in this world that is as important as life.
Poor Derlin. The neglected middle child of the Wise Men, forever doomed to be "that one what is neither Milda's husband nor the crazy one".
Speaking of the crazy one....

: The door to the Shrine is in the center of Zil Padon. Make haste and obtain the Medal of Knowledge! Only then will the way to Alent from the Rainbow Spring be opened unto you!
Whew. Next up, all of the dialog between when Milda leaves and Guido joins.

: Make sure y'all get a souvenir of Alent for Darlin. It'll make him jump for joy!

: I'm sure it will!

: All right! I'll make it to Alent, FOR SURE!

: THAT's the spirit! Take care, y'all!

: It was short but sweet.

Aside from that bit where we decided to go everywhere except for Laine.

: I sure did enjoy travelin' with y'all, Justin, Feena, Rapp.

Say, before you leave, is there any chance we could get that gear you're wearing? Y'know, that we picked up in the Tower of Temptation?

Y'all wanna try an' TAKE it, boy?!


: Well, he sure was an odd one before. But I think he's gotten even worse! He'll just break out laughing all to himself, and he won't pay no attention to nothing but his research. Day in, day out! Old Master Dorlin was odd before, but you know? I think he's gotten even worse!

: YOUNG'UN? I happen to be an adult!
Man, how long has it been since Feena gave someone a good burn?
... A verbal burn, not an actual "I just killed you with fire magic" burn.

: I THOUGHT so! Y'all have seen Darlin ain't you? Now THAT's an adult for you! Hey there Cafu boy. Y'all better hope you look like Darlin when y'all come of age. He's a DREAM!

: Why would I wanna grow up and get eaten as somebody's steak?

: Now he'll act like the Wise Man he's supposed to be!

: A Wise Man? I don't know about that. He's still an old geezer to me.

: It was just AWFUL before. Am I me...? Are you you...? Day in, day out.
Laine really is a nice place.

: Y'all was with Milda, wasn't you? It's lucky she didn't get her dander up. Y'all don't wanna be there if she does. When she loses her temper, ain't a blade of grass what's left!

: Well, when we met her first she pretty much lost it.

: Well tan my hide and hang me to dry. Y'all fought with Milda and come back to tell the tale? Never thought I'd see the day.

: get fat and strong for the winter.

: Look, could you find another name for those animals? "Rapp eats rapps...." It just isn't PLEASANT!

: Knowledge is stored in the horns. They make Lainian men very good at learning. Very interesting. I must learn about the horns and the coming of age process. Hmm... luckily, my little brother has just begun to come of age. I shall observe him first!
That's... that's certainly helpful, there, kid.
Once you enter and leave a building, his sprite will refresh.
Oh dear. Hopefully they can work that out.

: Se we're busy as bees in the summer gatherin' food from the few plants we can grow. Y'all see both the men and womenfolk are purty hefty, so we need plenty of food. Can't be loafin' no more. Winter stockin' work calls!

: Now if he can think of a way to bring the Lower Village back to normal that'd be great. At least for now Master Dorlin has his horn back. That's better than nothing.

: Then y'all need to go on and git, Justin boy. Liete's awaitin' for sure. Waitin' for the chosen one.

: I suppose y'all headin' out for Zil Padon to get the key to Alent. Good luck boy!

So are you ever going to be relevant to the plot again?

Ha ha ha! Of course not!
Whew. And with that, we're done with Laine. For now.
Next up, Zil Padon! Twice!