Part 167: Rainbow Spring 2
Welcome back!Last time, we dealt with the bureaucratic necessities to open the path to Alent.

Which is simple enough. Of course, there some NPC dialog that is only triggered now.

But enough about that. It's time for Rainbow Mountain!

While an extended loop of the track from the End of the World is neat, I don't quite think it fits this dungeon.

Wait, what happened to all the snow?
Oh well, time to go

These fellows here to greet me are Gill Newts. Notable for being nearly immune to water, resisting sleep, and dropping Scarabs, which give +4 vs. poison, plague, and paralysis, and, more importantly, can be sold for 4500 G a piece.

Crimsonas can cause confusion with their cranial can-can. Other than that, they can drop Resurrection Potions, are pretty solid against physical attacks, but weak to all elements.

Finally, Thud Birds. Tied for the most HP in a random monster with an endgame enemy, Thud Birds are pretty solid despite their weakness to Wind and general non-resistance to physical attacks. No drop from these guys.

And before too long, Feena picks up her final fire spell.
End of the World, according to its description, "reduces all enemies to nothingness". It also costs 33 level 3 MP, so she won't be using it for a while.
... I'm tempted to make a joke about how it really should be "oxidizes all enemies to nothingness", given the fire element.

There's a few stat boosters here, but they're all either HP or vitality.

And here's the last spell that Feena will be learning for a long time.
Tree of Life "restores party to its best condition". It cures all status ailments, restores all HP, resets all debuffed stats back to 0, and leaves any buffs alone.
In short, it's the ultimate panic button, and for only 28 level 2 MP.

Rapp, once again, learns a spell just after it would have been extremely useful.

He does, however, finish off his level 2 spells at a good time.
Meteor Strike is the other level 2 explosion spell. It costs the same 10 MP as BOOM-POW!, but targets only a single enemy. In exchange, though, it's power is second only to GadZap.
Like all of the earth, fire, and explosion spells, we could have gotten a sneak peek at this if we had trained up Gadwin.

Suppose I should spare a few words for the dungeon itself. The main gimmick is these ropes that connect the various patches of land.
.... Yeah, not quite up the same standard as the End of the World.

It does look kinda pretty, though.

+4 water and wind in an accessory slot. Less broken than the Moonlight Shield/Mink Coat combo, but it's also free.

And quite thematically appropriate to be found near Laine.

Once we leave the base map and get to the peak, the dungeon's gimmick changes to.... nothing at all.

It's pretty loaded with enemies, and they're kinda hard to avoid, so I guess that's something.
Certainly great for Rapp's magic XP, at any rate.

Seriously. There are more enemies in the one screenshot than there were throughout the entire End of the World.

Justin gains... a pretty weak level.
Also, despite her commanding lead in total magic levels, and her recent gains, Feena has now fallen behind Rapp in level 3 MP.

See, Justin, even Guido knows how to do a level up better than you.

There is, in fact, a secret behind the waterfall.
It's a monster. And also some gold.

This dungeon has been pretty dangerous on my inventory space. While I'm sure my penchant for Mogay Pickpocket is somewhat responsible, it's still worrying to actually have to use consumable items in order to clear space for things.
Like this fifth Bond of Trust. I think I wound up dumping it for more inventory space.

Anyway, there's not too terribly much to this dungeon.

And, just like that,

We're down to three again.
See you next time!
.... Shit! Forgot to make a joke about "Icarian flight"!