Part 17: Onboard the Steamer 1
Surprise! Update wound up being too long and had to be split, so even the plot update is all NPC chatter!
Welcome back! Last time, we boarded the Steamer heading across the sea, leaving Sue behind in Parm.
The soothing sound of the waves.
And the seagulls. Can't forget the seagulls.
There's plenty to do up on deck, but it's not important for now. Instead, let's go belowdecks.
Before we go to our quarters, let's read the signs.

: But at twenty he went down with the ship in a huge storm and died. That's why he's young in the picture.

: "Young Platz" was just so cool.

: He thinks he's so great.

: I'm a passenger too!
Let's go see how the fancy rooms are.
Oh well. I'm sure there's someone to mingle with in the lounge.

: What's wrong? You there!

: Well, um, this cute girl was just sitting right over there. A girl with a big ribbon in her hair. The girl with the big ribbon. Wonder what her name is?
... Hmm. Well, whatever. We have more to explore!

: I can understand pets, but why pigs?

: Maybe someone might have brought one on before.
Sounds like a fun place to explore.
I am getting some serious Space Station 13 vibes from the captain's posters.

: A female reporter, gambler, pirate, mama's boy, and a girl with charming freckles and a huge ribbon. And even you, a boy traveling alone. Regardless of the passengers, we'll make it to New Parm fine as long as they don't anger the Sea Spirits.
Huge ribbon and freckles? Oh, no...

: Huh? Why? Why would Puffy be here!?

: I can't believe it... could she...?
Dammit, Sue.

: So it is Sue!

: Oh! Justin!

: Sue! Why'd you have to come!?

: Parm's no fun without you around, Justin!

: I want to go on adventures with you, Justin! And you just can't do anything without me. Right, Justin!?

: Are you Justin? You've really given us trouble. Such a wee little girl. The punishment for stowaways is being thrown overboard in a barrel! This is the divine rule of the sea.
Fun fact: Because Justin's inventory was full after the Leck Mines, but Sue had a free space, she's the one holding the steamer pass right now. Figured that was the best way to keep up the theme of "Key Items don't really matter" that I've been doing for no adequately-explained reason.

: Please forgive her, Sue's just a kid! I'll make sure she never does something like this ever again.

: NO! Breaking the rules of the sea brings the curse of the Spirits! Come! Pick up the barrel! Toss it into the sea!

: Yikes! Wait a SECOND!

: Throwing such a small kid into the sea in a barrel is just too cruel! Please, PLEASE spare her!

: Well, there is one way. The girl told me you want to be an adventurer, yes?

: Yes, that's right! I'm gonna be the greatest adventurer in the world!

: Me too! Me too!

: Hmm. Adventurers are something a kindred to us sailors. The Spirits may not curse us. ... All right! You can become sailors on this ship!

: Huh!?

: If you were passengers you'd be stowaways but if you're sailors then you can't be stowaways.
No points for guessing that the "Why should I trust you" option just leads back to the choice again.

I accept. We'll become sailors.

: Well, that settles it. From now on, you two are apprentice sailors. Understand!?

: I understand!

: I...

: I'll be a sailor as long as I'm with Justin. ♥

: Good. Take them to the sailor's quarters.

: You two get plenty of rest. Starting tomorrow, you'll work hard.

: (Yaaawn!) I didn't sleep very well. That teeth-grinding and snoring kept me up.

: I'm still sleepy, too....

: The bed was stinky and damp. It made me sick! And...

: Well, let's go.

: Don't forget that!

: You two are in charge of swabbing the deck. You'll get instructions on deck.
Aww jeez. First game and they both rolled Janitor.

: Now I'll give this to you.

: Remember to provide service if a passenger asks you do do so.
And if anyone says "AI door", feel free to ignore them Understood? Good. Now go on deck!

: I bet you already know, but newbies always start by swabbing the deck. Ready? I'm gonna have you wax every nook and cranny of the entire deck. When you're ready, come to me.

I already know, so let's start.

Polsy link)
So. Minigame. Hold X to build up the power gauge.
The longer the power gauge is full, the higher the speed gauge will go. The higher the speed gauge, the faster Justin will move, and the lower your time will be.
However, if the power gauge ever fills completely, it'll immediately empty, setting your speed back down to 0 again. Simply release X to let the power gauge empty.
Naturally, doing so will tank your time. If you don't mop your whole area before Sue finishes her line, at about 35 seconds, it's an automatic failure.
Do it in under 25 seconds and you'll earn a reward of 25 G. If you're good at it, it's not a terrible way to earn some spare cash.
I... am not good at it.

: Whew. This is pretty hard work. Do we gotta do this every day?

: Cleaning is part of training! Well, enough for today. Go back to your quarters and rest.
That sounds like a good idea.
C'mon, Sue, with your strength score you should be able to bench-press that sailor over there!

: Your muscles are just sore, Sue. You'll get used to it!

: I'll do more than my share of work today!

: Thank you, Justin!
Over in the First Class Lounge, one of the passengers has some important info.

: Don't know the details, only that he's an authentic veteran. You in the crew know anything?

: Nothin' at all.

: But I'd like to meet a great adventurer like yesterday.

: I don't know much about the adventurers in the New World. Only about the Adventurers Society.
Anyway, back up on the deck...
I continue to not be good at minigames.

: Are we going to do this all the way to New Parm?

: Ugh! Sue, it's all your fault!

: Don't blame me! It was your fault, Justin, for trying to leave me behind!
On the way back to the quarters, we run into this guy.

: Say, what do they use that huge light for!?

: Don't you know even that? For signals. Sailors and adventurers use lights to signal each other. Our guest will be onboard soon, so we have to signal to send a boat.

: A guest?! In the middle of the ocean!?

: Of course! Don't look surprised. Our guest is the greatest adventurer in New Parm.

: An adventurer!?

: There are a few desert islands in these parts. Our guest has been searching for old treasure there. We're getting ready for the guest starting early in the morning tomorrow, so don't sleep late!

: Cool! The greatest adventurer in New Parm!

: Think he might be a giant man with a shaggy beard and bulging muscles?

: (Mumble, mumble...) Yeah, yeah, he's gotta have about five arms.... (Mumble, mumble....)

: Ugh! She's half-asleep....

: Wonder what I'll learn at the Adventurers Society. How to disarm traps? Tips for fighting monsters...?

: Rats! Can't get to sleep tonight!

: Mmmm mmmm. Just a little more. Lemme just count to ten....

: Don't give me that! Didn't they say not to sleep late 'cause the adventurer is coming!

: Aggh, I was waiting for you.
What the fuck is that guy doing?

: That guy, what's he doing?

: That's silly. He looks like a fool.

: Hey there, what are you doing?

: Oh, this? This is the greeting of cool sailors and adventurers. Ya gotta learn it to be full-fledged.

: Ya don't say. I've gotta master it, too.

: No, no! You scoop your hand up like this!

: Li-like this? Mmm, cool!

: Oh, brother. Now YOU look like a fool.

: YESS! Hey, you're pretty good at it.
And that's where we'll leave off for today. See you next time, folks!