Part 170: Alent 3
Glazius posted:
I can understand there probably wasn't time, at the time, but Spirit Stones needed to be stored like long-term nuclear waste.
Though we probably have been walking past the "this place is not a place of honor, no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here" signs, haven't we?
That would explain all the horrifying statues and spikes and stuff. Huh. Never thought of it that way.
Normally I do full-screen gifs at half-resolution to cut down on filesize, but I figured that particular bit deserved to be full-size.
Welcome back!

Alent continues to be a bleak and depressing place.

Alent has basically been a non-stop downer train since we got here. And apparently for several thousand years beforehand, as well.

Liete is easily the

Even amidst all of this, Justin remains optimistic.

Although it is amusing how quickly he goes from "everything is wonderful" to "murderdeathkill" as soon as Baal comes up.

The camera swings out a bit, revealing a few more tablets that were off-screen.
They're all blue, of course.
Like most rooms in the game, this one has a proper name. "Shrine of Alent (Knowledge Room)". Like quite a few others, though, it'll never be shown in-game.
Anyway, we're warped back to the Papal Hall.

There's a long pause.

Another pause. Don't worry, the game will get back to the silly slapstick and Saturday-morning hammy evil soon enough.

Justin has had quite enough of this.

Not only are we done with this cutscene finally, but we're getting Liete into happier surroundings!
Oh, and also, she's our final party member.

Jeez, we haven't even left her room yet and already she's looking way happier than she was before. As you might have been able to guess, Liete is pretty much a dedicated mage.

All of her stats are below par, but at least her wit isn't so bad. Weapon-wise, she's locked to maces, so her HP and vit will catch up pretty quickly. Especially if she holds onto the Astral Miracle for a while.

Magic-wise, like Feena, she's got a unique spell for each level. Magical Art is her level 1 spell. It's a 400-power single-target fire attack.
Yep, 400. Tied with BA-BOOM, and beating out even the level 3 Fireburner. A little weaker than Meteor Strike, but runs off a different MP pool, and so isn't in direct competition with it. Speaking of MP, it only costs 11, so it's easily spammable, and can be hilariously broken if abused.
She's also just three water levels away from her unique level 2 spell, which also can be hilariously broken if abused. I'll go into more detail once we unlock it.
Her level three list is pretty sparse at the moment, but that can change quick enough. She's already got all the earth levels she'll need, and water and wind aren't too far behind. She'll be needing quite a few fire levels to get up to her unique third-level spell, which is hilariously broken if
Skill-wise, Redshock is your bog-standard "hit an enemy" skill. It is technically a ranged attack, so she'll launch it as soon as its done charging.
Oh, it also has a base power of 400, like Ice Slash or Demon Ball. If you give Liete a decent mace, and a few Earth levels, she can easily become an unstoppable wrecking ball.
Speaking of Liete's equipment....

The Sparkling Rod here really can be kept on her all game, if you want to play her as a support caster. If not, the Magic Rod we got from the Tower of Temptation is her best option, as she can only use staff and rod-type maces, not mace or hammer-types. The +2 magic power is essential in some of her more broken setups.
Funnily enough, she can equip the Wooden Pole that Justin starts with.
The Magic Gloves have no special properties, but the Angel's Hat restores ~20% of her max HP every so often in combat.
The Holy Ring is really nifty: it gives +10 defense and +2 against all elements. One of the more solid defensive accessories.
The Rainbow High Heels give a small defense boost, but have a chance to warp her away from attacks, and the Enchantress' Robe completes her loadout with some more defense and another +1 against all magic.
Right out of the gate, Liete takes half damage from magic, has a 25% chance to avoid physical attacks, has auto-regen, and casts all her spells at double-speed.
Sadly, the only effect on her equipment that stacks with itself is the magic resist, so she can't wear our spare Demon Eye Stone to cut all spellcasting times by 100%.
And let's not forget about the XP manuals sitting in the Stashing Place. Like with Milda's, I'll be divvying up Guido's evenly, so Rapp, Justin, and Feena each get a boost.
Anyway, time to get back.

And yeah, Liete gets way more emotive and expressive once she joins the party.

And off we go, zooming away upwards, towards another FMV! Once again, it'll be ending the update. (Polsy link)

See you next time!