Part 173: Zil Padon NPC Chatter 9
Welcome back!

: How do you like the style and meter? A new composition from the pride of the Rafane. Do you like the tune?

: If memory serves me...

: it sounds like a Spirit prayer song at the end of the Angelou Civilization.

: Since there was too much water before, I couldn't explore the waterway. I took this chance to explore it. But when I told my mother I did such a dangerous thing, she got really mad. I made a man's promise to my father who was turned to stone, but I made my mother worry. Therefore, from now on, I won't do any exploring that will make my mother worry.

: What makes them so happy about smoke coming from their mouths? Are they chimneys?
I can't tell if she's complaining about them smoking, or about their food. Could go either way, with this game.

: The villagers scattered as they fled. What are they doing now? I hope they didn't go through great hardships. Since we are able to somehow get by in this city, I suppose we are still happy.

Seven Lietes leaping!

Six Feenas fighting!

Fiiiive Spirit Stoooones!

: A true mademoiselle shows that she understands the arts. Oh ho ho!

: This is terribly wrong. Things are coming to the worst!

: At any rate, practicality is no good. What's good are things that can't be understood, like strange patterns and funny shapes. Therefore, such things must be art. Don't you think? It's no good doing business with the Rafane if you don't understand art. But that is difficult for me.

: Really? Are you talking about me?

: Especially the hairpiece! It is so spellbinding. It's great, just great. That hair ornament is on the leading edge of fashion. It's wonderful, so new.

: Yes, it was just 400 years ago when I changed it. It's the same as new.

: Two lovers who overcome opposition to come together in the end. Oh, it was so romantic. ♥ Somewhere there must be Mr. Right who will bowl me over. I want passionate love too! I wonder where my partner is.

: It is bitter, don't you think? But I do like the aroma. For me, the atmosphere at this shop is tops, and the only drawback was this coffee. I think I'll come again.

: are hiring those Alqada guys. And the way they treat customers recently even the Mogay have been coming to this cafe. Ah, what is happening? I liked the relaxed atmosphere of this cafe, but being with those guys is a bit much.

: flavorful than Alqada-style and comes with a slightly sour snack. Would you like to try it? Rafane dishes aren't the only tasty food. Why not try a variety? Let me know when you've decided on your order. Take your time. ♪

: person I am. I don't care about being Rafane-raised Alqada. It's stupid. I'm no different than anyone born and raised in Zil Padon.

: Recently, no one feels there's any margins. It just can't be helped. There's no reason for it, but it's like everyone one the street is unsociable. Something is wrong. When there are no margins, people can't be kind to others. You have to be careful that doesn't happen.

: They should have enough medicine for this child to get better, but... Yes, the Mogay will surely find some stock from somewhere. It will be all right!

: In particular, recently I have often been able to go outside. The doctor says that eventually I won't need the medicine anymore.
At least we get to finish up the Rafane section on a happy note.
Lastly, the Mogay section is pretty small, so let's wrap that up while we're here.

: He didn't say where they were going, but I wonder if he will buy me a present. When my brother travels on business, occasionally he'll buy me a present. Occasionally.

: And he is really young. It's amazing that he was chosen to be the Elder when he was only around 20. Someday I'd like to be a splendid businessman like the Elder. I wonder if there's any chance of it?
Uh-oh, Shia's gonna be piiiiiiiiissed.

: I haven't told the Elder this secret yet. When I show him out of the blue, he'll be surprised. Since the Elder does not know about the carrots, he'll be pleased.

: The Elder said that if he were I, he could do it alone! I must try hard! But what will he do with a tree?

: It's a diet pill made from a medicinal plant from that village. This will absolutely be the in thing from now on! Cafu diet pills will be the new rage! But they say that it will be hard to get a hold of them in the future.

: The Elder has always said that it's best not to hold so much in inventory. The Elder is thinking about this, so it must be significant. Well, it's not my job to think about it.
And that's it for now!