Part 182: Zil Padon NPC Chatter 10
Welcome back! Zil Padon, true to form, still has a bunch of NPCs to chat with. Yay. We'll be starting during the attack on Zil Padon, before talking to Gina.

: Leen! Leen! Can you hear me?! It's ME... Feena!

: Feena. Careful there. Don't force her to wake up. These people say they'll take care of her. Let's let her rest.

: She doesn't seem to have any external wounds. She has simply fainted. She'll be all right with some rest.

: Thank goodness Leen is all right. Thank you so much for helping.

: It's my job. You don't need to thank me. If you're worried about your sister, she'll be all right. She fainted, that's all. I'll take care of her.

: Thank you. Please watch over her.
Well, at least we have one fan.

: Thanks kid! Just wait. You'll see. We'll stop that thing.
Eesh, calm down, lady. You're acting like the general store doesn't sell resurrection potions or something.
Also, you're a dumb jerk for having a new sprite at this point of the game.

: There are so many things I wanted to DO! Help me, someone! Please HELP me! I don't want to die!

: but many people didn't make it. The Elder TOLD them! But some didn't believe it.

: I can't see anything or feel anything. I have had times in the past when I couldn't foretell things, but never like this! What kind of monster IS Gaia? What does its appearance mean? Hmm. Without my powers to foresee the future, I can do nothing.

: We can't let ANYONE ELSE be turned to stone!

: Juss... listen to me. It doesn't matter WHAT happens to me. DESTROY Gaia! Understand!!?
Of course you can talk to the statues for more text.

: Either we get turned to stone outside or get crushed inside! Ha, ha... we're all DOOMED!! Heh. The ones who got petrified first are the lucky ones. They never knew what hit them!
Presumably, this is a different kid from the one who has the same sprite and similarly has a petrified father.

: Someone HELP him! Someone bring him back! Bring back my Daddy! WAAAAAAH! Daddy...! SAY something!

: Let's see. I'll have to contact my friends in the villages. I mean, really. The Elder would be FURIOUS if we didn't DO something!
Well, at least the cafe owner is safe.

: I guess they can't bear the thought of losing Zil Padon, because they pitched their tents right next to the cityh. The people of Rafane were able to give up things so quickly. But it's hard to give up a city. Even at a time like this, the people can't give up Zil Padon. They pitched their tents next to the city.

: When there's work to be done, we have to cooperate or things get even worse. Right? It's not over. We still have to pull together!

: You're so telling the truth. It's over only if we give up!

: It's OK! Nothing's over yet! If everybody pulls together we can still make it!

: but the Mogay Elder isn't even here, and we'll NEVER win against that beast. It's going to be hard enough just trying to stay away from it. Zil Padon is dead. I don't get it. How does anyone expect to do anything against a monster we know NOTHING about?

: No! You're WRONG! That old man -- Guido is just NOT that kind of person!

: Do you expect me to believe that? Be realistic, will you? The Elder is hiding something. Mogay always do. We have to leave this town behind and get while the getting's good. It's all going to be wiped out!
I know it looks like I'm talking to that Alqada guy there, but I'm talking to the Mogay who usually lives here.

: Are there any wounded outside? If you see any, please bring them here so they can be looked after. We have herbs for disinfecting, pain killing, speeding recovery... but we might not have ENOUGH! I don't mean to complain, but I'm not trained to set broken bones. I can only perform first aid. It will take some time, but I do think I can help this boy get better with my medicines. What am I saying? This is no time for technicalities! Let's just see what I can do for him! I have to see what I can do to help this child.

: So I had to pick the brat up and carry him. I mean my arm was broken! Just made it WORSE! Ow, ow, ow, aaaah! Gimme SOMETHING for my arm. Some kind of pain killer... OUCH!

: When Mom took me to the Rafane doctor, and he gave me a shot, I didn't cry and Mom said I was a BIG boy, so... ow... OW!! Sniff... I WON'T cry... I WON'T!
That's the interiors done, now. Let's see about elsewhere in the city.

: I hope Guido is all right. Justin? Let's go back and talk to her.
Doing so, of course, causes everything to go to shit again.
Leen, oddly enough, has nothing new to say.

: to stone and die! I want to live!

: outside... and that light.... A-are we ALL going to be t-turned to s-stone!? The Elder... he told us how to save ourselves at a time like this. Ooh... what did he SAY?!

: the rest! Ha, ha, hee, hee! We'll ALL be petrified! Ah ha, ha, ha, ha ,ha, ha, haaaaaa! The light! The light! The light! Ah ha, ha, ha, ha, hee, hee!! I'll be petrified! Hee, hee, hee!!

: My powers to foresee are gone. I cannot see or feel anything! Worse! When i try to foretell anything, my head seems to split! What IS that light
that threatens to engulf us? Does this ominous light foretell the END of Zil Padon?
There's no new dialog for talking to Leen, but there is for talking to the statues.
This game.

: Am I going to be turned into stone too like Daddy? Help! Help me! I don't WANT to be turned into stone like Daddy!

: Don't worry! We'll stop it! We'll intercept it at the gate to the Mogay Section!
Even Shia's carrot bed isn't doing so well anymore.
Oh, c'mon, man, you were just taking charge earlier!

: It's terrifying! What can we DO?! Someone HELP us!

: Will we all be swallowed up by it and turned to STONE?! The light... the light will cause the sky itself to fall! We are all doomed!

: to stone! They survived... only to be TURNED TO STONE!!
And on that note, we'll be stopping the update here. Tune in next time where I have to figure out which of the game's fifteen or so ambient wind tracks is the one that plays in Zil Padon.
See you then!