Part 184: Zil Padon NPC Chatter 11
Welcome back!
Now that the pressing Gaia issue has been dealt with, Zil Padon is back to its usual chatty self.

: The Mogay NEVER forsake life! We will revive Zil Padon. You'll see! All life is precious! Zil Padon is still ALIVE!
It's really weird to have a game about goofy lighthearted adventure also feature a lot of dead kids.

: No one knew that it would come so quickly! Some just wouldn't LISTEN! Wait.... No, that's wrong. I didn't mean to speak ill. Don't tell anyone that I spoke ill of people, OK? The Elder would have my hide!

: no signs of returning. Oh well, what good are powers that didn't fortell the coming of that beast? When I think that I might have been able to help prepare for the onslaught, I feel so frustrated. With that power, even an old man like me could be of help.

: Grandpa, Poppa, and me. All that work... gone. Who would have thought? It CAN'T be! The shop CAN'T be gone! It's just too... too terrible. But it's true.

: The time has come for the Mogay to play their new role! The time has finally come! The time for revival! Not everyone in Zil Padon is dead. Come on now! It's do or die! There's NO reason to give up. There's still PLENTY we can do!

: were turned to STONE! I just don't GET it! You know? I mean they're still KIDS! Why does that gotta happen to THEM? Hope they're OK. Guess I'll take some food over later on. You know... I couldn't STAND that Rafane bunch. I hated their guts, you know? But now people are turning to stone. Rafane... Alqada.... It all seems so stupid.
At least there's still some good news.
It's pretty well drowned out with all the sorrow, though.

: It's none of your business wheter I live or die, anyway. OK?

: there was an announcement about that. The last thing we need NOW is a FIRE...! That's what the Elder said.
Hang on, weren't you just outside...?
In fairness, though, with so many different trigger points, it's impressive that there's only two situations where the game accidentally clones an NPC.
At least Shia's still around.

: Poor things. They were the best carrots I had ever seen. But it couldn't be helped. We had to warn everyone about the monster and there wasn't any time to save the carrots. I feel sorry for them. But they know it was for the sake of others. They'll forgive us.
Poor Übercarrots. Grown to be tasty and nutritious, but died in the panic surrounding Gaia's attack.
Or that's where the story would end if Shia didn't have, like, three times as much dialog as the other NPCs in this area.

: carrots will feel better, don't you think? Because all life is precious. And these carrots are alive too, so the least we can do is give them a chance to serve their purpose. Grandma always said good carrots bring happiness! So feed these to everyone and make them feel better!

: Just before the monster came, some young Mogay were running around trying to warn everybody. But the Rafane and Alqada didn't take it seriously. It was too sudden. We couldn't save them all. Even those who were able to get here look like ghosts.

: We're going to have to pull together in order to revive this town. The Mogay alone cannot do it. Alqada, Rafane, AND Mogay are what make up Zil Padon. If one is missing there is no city. For now, the most important things are food and water. We have to eat to get strength!

: soon. Hmm, so not even the Elder was able to stop it. I guess no one could, really.

: coming of the beast. But it came before I could complete it. It was all too sudden. If I had only been able to get it out in time more people would have escaped! If only.... If I had only known how soon it would attack, I could have saved so many lives.

: The Elder sure gets into detail. I can't keep up with his directions... Let's see, first there's medicines... food... and be sure that the clothing is warm... and, what's this? Counter... mats...? Huh? OH! Construction Materials! Sheesh! The Elder sure gets into detail. I can't keep up with him!

: And I thought the Mogay were only interested in making money. How wrong I was. I used to think that the Alqada had so much chutzpah NOTHING would bother them. So when Gaia hit I thought they would just come out and do business as usual. But look, they're all so downhearted. I'm ashamed to say I misjudged the Alqada AND the Mogay, too. I'd like to pay back the Mogay, and help cheer up the Alqada. I'd better find something to do!

: married, become a father. THAT's what should have happened. Why him? Why did he have to be turned to stone? Cold... stone.... He was only 8... YEARS... OLD! Please forgive me. When I see you I remember my son. So please... stay away. Please...?

: It's the same with us humans. And our role has not been completed yet. So we must fulfill it! We must keep trying until we do! Our role has only begun!
At least the cafe owner is still alive.

: But... I guess that's not really important. There are so many people who have lost much greater things. My next-door neighbor lost his little sister... forever.

: She was always so cheerful no matter what things were said about her. She worked hard because she said that the owner was such a nice person and she wanted to pay him back for his kindness. Why her? Why her...? Why my little sister? She was the sweetest person anywhere.

: But that we would always be friends even when we became famous. Why...? WHY!? Why did she have to be turned to stone? Why HER...? We were childhood friends. She always said that she would become a famous musician. I wanted to be a painter, and so we moved here together to be in the big city. It was so much fun... the girl talk, the meals together... and now she's stone. What... what do I do now? What am I supposed to do now?

: the girl had just gotten better. I really shouldn't be so morbid when everyone else is trying so hard to move on. It's selfish. I'll be OK, I'll cheer up. But right now....

See you next time, where hopefully things will be less depressing.