Part 185: Luzet Revisit
CmdrKing posted:
Ugh. I'm hoping this is just a minor mistranslation and it's meant to be closer to "those wings are a reminder of humanity's sins", referring to the way the last Icarians were sacrificed to stop Gaia the first time around. Because otherwise that's just needlessly douchey.
Yeah. Mullen's basically white guilting over Leen's wings because of what happened to the Icarians thousands of years ago.
Glazius posted:
Mullen really thinks this whole world is rotten, and so is everyone in it. Maybe someday there will be people who don't suck, but today is not that day.
You just about hit the nail on the head here, with one minor caveat. All humans are horrible, rotten and evil, but Feena and Leen are Icarians, and therefore bastions of purity, righteousness, and just, in general,

I'd go into more detail, but the game will be doing that for us eventually.
Welcome back!

That's a line for the resumé, right there.

We're given a few choices of destination here. The Savanna's still open, in case you need to hit up the Tower of Temptation, as is Brinan Plateau. For some reason.

The Savanna has seen better days, though, what with the pouring rain and Gaiafied enemies and all.

Mostly nothing new. The Gaia Bird can cause paralysis with its normal attack on occasion.
Let's just head for Luzet.

I... I'm pretty sure powering up other monsters doesn't count as "evolving", but I'm no Gaia-ologist.
There's really nothing new to mention about this place. Technically it's a different map from earlier?

The enemies are all Gaiaized?
We've already seen Gaia Horns, but there are a few new guys.

Same shit different day.

Liete learns how to blow shit up good. She's still quite a few levels away from what I'm really after, though.

Closer, but still not quite it.

Howlnado is another spell that I think would be much less useless if it weren't learned so late. Still, it means that Rapp is done with his Wind and Fire levels, and only has Water left.

I've been using so much magic that I need to stop and refill my MP a bit.
Yes, this counts as "exciting".

She's getting very close to her final spell. And this is all in the western area. But we've run out of monsters to kill, so let's head east.

The camera does some sudden cuts here, making it easy to determine where to take the screenshots.

Oh. When Liete said "evolution", she literally meant Pokemon-style "change into something else when you get more powerful".
Anyway, things are looking bad. Gaia is on the move and growing more powerful, and neither Leen nor Feena are willing to follow the ancient myths of Angelou. Mullen is getting desperate. He has only one option left.

... Ahem. Anyway.

But before we can get an answer to that one....

(Acceptable alternate)

Gaia begins to stir.
See you next time!