Part 189: Farewell, Feena
Black Balloon posted:
I can appreciate the level of effort the team put into all the dialogue for the game, but, come on. Ruining your own pacing, guys.
Oh, it gets better.
One of the rooms in J Base is completely devoid of NPCs. But it still has dialog defined at various plot points for seven or eight of them.
Most of it's the same sort of generic "Raah, Baal is bad" or "Oh no, Leen!" sort of stuff from every other soldier on the base, granted, but it's there.
Which reminds me, I'll need to do another cut content intermission at some point before the end of the game.
Welcome back!
Last time....
Oh. Right.

: I don't understand! Why did she...?

: Feena....

: Justin, please. Would you leave me alone now...?
Feena's taking it pretty hard.

: She's been stuck in that tent since yesterday. I guess it's normal, though. She did lose family. Maybe we'd best leave her alone. But you be sure to go and cheer her up later Juss. Me and Liete wouldn't cut it, you know?

: Maybe we'd best leave Feena alone for now.

: Juss, you be sure to go and cheer her up later, now.
"Hey, Feena's sister died. I wonder why she's so sad?"
Let's go chat with Liete.

It is tragic... the past can never be changed. But the future CAN be changed with the power of will. That's right, Justin. You who are outside the ring of fate, and Feena an Icarian.... It seems that with the will of both of you, the future CAN be changed. Feena's will is still weak, Justin. You must help her make it strong.
Once we talk to both of them, we trigger out next plot point.

: Feena is inside, isn't she? I want to talk to her.

: NO! Not you or ANYONE! Feena doesn't want to see you. And it's your OWN fault!

: There is little time. Stand aside Justin!
Needless to say, Justin is not a fan of this plan.

: At least you could TRY to understand what Feena is going through.

: How DARE you presume to understand! Do you think YOU know the burden that Leen and Feena bear for having been born Icarians!? How could YOU even BEGIN to realize the weight of those wings?!

: Know the shame of your OWN ignorance before you accuse OTHERS!

Mullen continues to one-up his own douchebaggery. Anyway, we've got another voiced scene, here. As usual, skip down to "cutscene ends".
Polsy link)

: ....

: We must invade the interior of its body and crush the Spirit Stone, its power source. To do this, we need you. Because you are the only Icarian left in the world.

: And I will die... just like in the myths. Just like in the mural I once saw.

: You're right. I cannot guarantee that you will live.

: The operation starts tomorrow morning. Feena, you must decide the rest on your own. I will not force you.

: WAIT! MULLEN! Have you forgotten Leen's words?!
Both Mullen and Justin have a new portrait here. I guess it might be an attempt to show both the speaker and listener's faces, but this is the only scene that does it. Also, the last few text boxes have no portraits. I dunno.

: Shut up, Justin! How do you plan to find such a thing? Where is this new path of yours?!

: Well...

: I will FIGHT! Fighting is the only way to open a new path!

: If you think there is another way, then speak up now, Justin!

: ...

: So you have no answer? Are you trying to make Leen's death meaningless!?


: My sister... Leen must be really sad.... Those she left behind to be arguing like this.

: This precious time that we gained in exchange for Leen's life is irreplaceable. Don't forget that.
And with that, he walks out.

: Of course! I'll definitely find it! You'll see!

: If that's so, you should have said so to Mullen, too!

: Why didn't you say anything to him?
None of the following text boxes have portraits.

: Don't give up! We still have time.

: It's so strange. My legs won't stop shaking. I'm scared. I don't want to die! Justin!
And on that note, the cutscene ends. Well, the voices end, anyway. The cutscene goes on.

: So don't worry, OK? Relax! OK, Juss?

: I've never seen Feena act that way. It was shocking.

: Feena.... Leen, help me. Tell me what to do.
Welp, Justin wants advice and the party isn't giving any, so some random NPC should be showing up in three... two...

: Gina!

: What's-a matter you, eh? You make a face like that not handsome!

: Ha, ha! Even with the city in ruins, you Mogay NEVER get down, do you?

: What would Guido say at a time like this?

: That's IT! Guido! What happened to him, anyway? Has he come back from business? Maybe HE can tell me what I should do. Maybe HE knows my next move!

: Mr. Big-shot Elder come back just now! He wants to see you! Say he gotta talk to you.

: OK! Let's go see him then! He'll know SOMETHING. He must!
Bit by bit, the city is getting back to normal. Sure, there are a lot of statues about, and many people who seem fit to join them, but things are getting better.
Guido likes to use the title screen music for a lot of his conversations.
... Or maybe not. There's two versions of this track on the disc, with some very slight differences between the two, and I can't really tell the difference. Anyway.

: Guido! Tell me! Please! Tell me how to save the world without letting Feena die!

: I just can't figure out what Leen meant when she talked about an "answer"! I just can't figure....

: Justin. Gaia is not dead. You still gotta big, big problem. And you, you face a big, big test. You take care of everything, just you? I think it's time for ask help.

: Ask for... help...?

: I'm surprised you no think about it. Anybody fight better when he fight for others and not himself! That makes big power!

: The most... important... person?

: Of course! That's Feena!

: BINGO! NOW you get it! NOW you know what you gotta do! You know? I think if you work TOGETHER with Feena, you gonna do it! Just like we fix up Zil Padon!

: Yeah, that's IT! Me and Feena, together! Thanks Guido! I'm gonna go talk to Feena!
And here's where Guido's character starts to come out in force. That whole greedy merchant thing from earlier was (mostly) just a ruse. He has the wisdom to see to the heart of most matters and know what to do about them.
I, uh... just kinda wish they had picked a different accent for the Mogay, really. Oh well.
Right! Now that we know what we gotta do, it's time to go talk to Fee-

: Hey Juss! She's gone...!

: ...? That's.... Why that's the Hero's Armband. One of the Hero's Armbands Feena and I got in Dight.
Oh. Oh shit.
See you next time!