Part 19: Steamer NPC Chatter 1
Welcome back! Hopefully that last super-long update didn't scare you off, because there's once again a lot of dialog to cover here.
Also, I've cropped the NPC portraits down to the same size as the normal face ones. Hopefully that makes it a bit easier to read.

: Huh!? Passengers! Excuse me. Can I help you? The cabins are just down the stairs. There are two classes of cabins. Your room seems to be a second-class cabin.

: I always get excited at the start of a voyage. What kind of trip will it be?

: I'm looking forward to this voyage.

: But this isn't your first voyage. Why are you so excited?

: Hee hee. No two voyages are ever the same. We might have children like you as passengers. My fondest memory of a voyage was when we saw a white whale. It was as big as this ship.

: Hope we see one on this voyage.

: No, I hope we see something even better!

: My name is Justin.

: By what are the Sea Spirits? And what are you praying for?

: The Sea Spirits are the gods that protect us sailors. Naturally we pray for a safe voyage.

: Hee hee. All right.

: The breeze does feel nice up here on deck.

: Whatcha doin'?

: You keep looking far off. Like you're spacing out.

: Hahaha. You wouldn't know, boy. I'm on lookout duty to make sure the ship is safe!

: Huh! Something wrong with the ship?

: Maybe the start of a great adventure?

: Oh, no, no. Nothing like that. Don't worry. It's just the crane. Nothing wrong with the ship. Rats! Just listen! We even had it repaired by its builder, the inventor of Parm. But he messed it up somehow! He must have damaged my beloved crane "Elizabeth"! And now I can't get "Elizabeth" to recreate her original beautiful smooth movements.

: The inventor must be that guy.

: But if HE couldn't fix it, I guess it can't be fixed.

: (Yawn) I'm spending all my time fixing her so I'm not getting enough sleep! Don't worry, "Elizabeth". I promise to recreate your beautiful smooth movements!

: I like the feel of the breeze blowing across the deck!

: You're a strange one. Most don't like getting their clothes soiled by the sea breeze! I like you, boy. Hang around till we get to New Parm.

: Hmm, COOL. There'd be trouble if this stops.
You can even examine the paddlewheel. Several times. With new text depending on where you are in the plot.
I am dead serious. Every single object that creates a text box has at least two different sets of text based on plot progression. At least two. Most have four or five. This includes the paddlewheel here, the signs downstairs, even the photos and knickknacks on the bridge.
Speaking of...
Guess how many different things there are to examine here. Go ahead, write it down.
Did you guess eight? Because there's eight.
And that's assuming I didn't miss anything. Let's start with the Captain.

: Ah, welcome. I am the captain of this ship. Do you have some business here?

: Hee hee. No business exactly... I'm Justin. Cool ship you got here!

: Ha ha ha! Thank you.

: Could this be the Captain?! A picture of him when he was young.

: He was pretty handsome!

: Hee hee... I have no idea.

: Hmm. It must be quite a ways to New Parm.

: Hmm...? What's this?

: Cssrrhhe sssuupiii (mumble, mumble) Eheh, Captain, all is A-OK... Zzzz... zzzz...

: Yikes. The lookout has fallen asleep. Hey, you! WAKE UP!

: Mmmph, Yes Sir! Captain! All is A-OK!

: Aye-aye Captain, sir. Mr. Justin, right?

: All RIGHT! I'm gonna have a tasty dinner tonight!

: Hee hee hee. I never imagined it'd work so well!

: Adventures awaiting me.... Aw, I can't wait to get to New Parm!
Yep. Boring, which is why I skipped it in the normal update. Some of the things in the first-class section are more interesting, though.

: Hmm, what's this?

: Hmm, is the food on this ship good enough to win first place?

: Aw, I wish I had enough money.
Hoo, boy.

: Oh, my feet are so wobbly. An earthquake, a HUGE earthquake! Everybody, RUN!

: This guy's so jittery - too much coffee?

: Are you all right, Sir? Your feet are so jittery.

: What are you saying? Of course my feet are jittery. I'm dancing the Hi-De-Ho jitterbug. Hi-De-Hi-De Hi-De-Ho! Hi-De-Hi-De Hi-De-Ho! Why don't you dance with me?

: Uh, I think I'll pass.
You get this one by investigating the bar. Yep, in a room full of people, there's still an inanimate object that you can interact with.

: Tee hee! I've always wanted to say that!

: I used to do that when our place was busy. Mom used to chew me out bad. Hahaha!

: Guess it's cooler to snap my fingers too? Here goes. Hmm, sorta hard to do.

: New Parm has an organization called the Adventurers Society that all the first-rate adventurers join. The president of the organization, he is like, REALLY cool, they say. ♥ They say he's really capable and smart and always comes back alive from any peril. It seems all the girls of New Parm have their eyes on the president of the society.

: Oh yeah, Mom's letter was addressed to him.

: Wow, Mom knows a great man.

: But lately, I've grown tired of such tastes. Somehow I feel empty. When I heard that I might find some delicacies I have yet to sample, I decided to head to the New World.

: Off to the New World for food, huh?

: Sir, you really must be a gourmand.

: I heard that in the New World they have a sea urchin called the chestnut sea urchin. It is said to taste exactly like a chestnut. Very expensive. I'd like to try it just once.

: If it tastes just like a chestnut why don't you just eat chestnuts? Chestnuts are cheaper, too.

: And this chestnut sea urchin lives not in the ocean but in trees. Doesn't it sound so very unusual?!

: Wow! A sea urchin that lives in trees and tastes like a chestnut.

: Isn't that an ordinary chestnut?
Look at this. Four NPCs with the same sprite on one screen.

: I am a wandering gambler. I have never lost, so I am off to the New World to seek a worthy opponent.

: Wow. Sorta like me.

: I too am off to the New World in search of adventure!

: My, my... you are wise for your years. In the daily grind of everyday living, thrills alone are the spice of life. A day without a thrill is like bathing in lukewarm water. It's worthless.
We'll start with the dark-haired woman on the far left.

: Awww. Boring, boring, boring. Parm was boring too, but this voyage is boring me to death. On ship I thought I'd meet a handsome man with a nice smile but with just a hint of mystery. Aww, where is that handsome man with a nice smile but with just a hint of mystery!?
Thrilling. Next!

: My, my, where are your parents?

: Not here. I'm alone!

: I'm on an adventure to the New World!

: Oh, I'm going on assignment. I'm a newspaper reporter covering the New World for a special edition. If you hear anything interesting, tell me. A newspaper reporter can't let any story get away.

: The New Continent, Elencia.... End of the World, countless ruins and mysteries in an expanse of nature. YEAH! My photographer's soul sheds tears of joy. I'm gonna photograph it!
Okay, so now we've got Peter Parker and Lois Lane. Marginally more interesting.

: We're on an ocean cruise!

: I-I look sad? Waah! So you think I'm ugly? I'm ugly, ugly, ugly. Waaah!
A little far from the bar to be this tired and emotional, don't you think?

: Hey, hang on. What exactly is wrong?

: I have too many freckles so he thought I was ugly. That's why he dumped me. That's it! That's gotta be it!

: Don't go running around like that. You're bothering people. This ship is too small for kids.

: Ah haha. I can't sit still thinking of the adventures I'll have when we get to the New World.
Whew. And with that, we've finished the first-class lounge. For now.

: Huh? Are you lost? The ship is so big it's hard to get used to it. The cabins are down the stairs. The deck and lounge are around the corner. Boy, where's your mommy's room? If you don't know I'll take you there.

: I'm not a boy! I'm traveling alone.

: Oh, is that right? Sorry, sorry. You're traveling alone at YOUR age? Terrific. This ship rides pretty well, right? Do you like it?

: Of course I do! I've never been on a ship this big. I'm just dying to look around.

: Boy, is the Steamer fun? If you have any trouble just come right to me.

: I have had no trouble at all. Nothing but fun.

: It's pretty exciting. I wonder what kind of town New Parm is.

: The New World is a land of adventure awaiting us. New Parm is its entrance. I'm sure it'll be a fun town!

: A land of adventure awaiting us....

: Sir, what are you worried about?

: If you want, I'll give you some advice.

: Actually, my daughter is bugging me about gifts. What should I get her? Food is inexpensive but it might spoil on the ship home. What is New Parm famous for?

: I know, New Parm is famous for adventure!

: But that's not a gift.

: Ma-mama?

: Excuse me, but I'm traveling alone. I'm an adventurer, too!

: Huh!? Don't be ridiculous!? A little boy like you ought to be with your mama. Are you teasing me? I really should be on my own without my mama, but I'm so worried I can't sleep.

: Do you don't get any sleep at all? How can you be a sailor?

: No, no. Of course I sleep just fine every night. My mama always travels with me. My mama is back over there. I think everyone should have a reliable mama!

: Ah haha. Sorry, sorry. I've never been on a Steamer before. Everything is so new.

: I was like that before, so I know what you mean, but you're not the only one on the ship. I'm glad you're spirited but still, you run around too much and you'll fall off the ship.

: Boy, where's your mama?

: Hey, hey, just a second, Ma'am!

: I am an adventurer! Don't treat me as a child.

: I see, you're playing "adventurer". But just don't go out of sight of your mama.
Not many people down here, and we already talked to one in the normal update, as he's required to advance the plot.

: Mr. passenger, this is the crew's quarters. Please return to your cabin. If you are bored, why don't you visit the lounge or go up on deck?

: Boy, don't be wandering around the ship. The deck and engine room are particularly dangerous. Spirited boys like you keep falling into the sea and getting caught in the gears.

: Really!? The Steamer does have scary places.

: Hahaha. Actually, we're here to make sure passengers don't fall into the sea or get caught in the gears.

: Aww, you really had me going there.
Hmm, engine room, you say?

: Cool! Will you let me look around?

: I don't mind, but it's dangerous so don't go touching anything. Don't want you to get burned. Hey boy, ain't it hot in here? We're always burning coal, ya see.

: Wow, it really is hot.

: Sir, I guess you work here all the time.

: Gotta push the button. Just a little won't hurt!


: Ugh. No fun. It's too hot, so I can't push it.

: I'll just push it and see.

: Ouch! Ouch-ouch-ouch! YIKES. That was HOT!

: Aw, I just wanted to try it. So this controls the engine. Hmm, I'd like to try moving it.

: I'm not the kind of passenger who'd worry about that.

: That's it. Look down from the railing over there and see our "latest technology".
And finally, let's hit up the second-class cabin.

M-maybe next time. See you then!