Part 190: Zil Padon NPC Chatter 12
Welcome back! We've got some more Zil Padon for you today.
We'll start just after Mullen walks into the tent with Feena, but before following him.

: Juss! Go in that tent and straighten him out. I'll back you up if you need it.

: Justin, aren't you going to go after her? Feena is now about to follow her true path as an Icarian.

: NO! It CAN'T be! How can we allow Feena to face that?!
And after the cutscene, Feena has a few more things to say.

: But I can't! What must I do!? Leen! Please TELL me!

: Feena....

: I... I don't know what to do. I don't want to die... I.... ...
Well, that was certainly fruitful.
Gina also has a minor addition. And with all that out of the way, we can get around to talking to the rest of the people. Yay.

: A city has life too! It doesn't die that easily. Look, Zil Padon is still living! We must allow Zil Padon to fulfill its role! Its life is precious, too!

: I know he's right. I should be thinking of the living. Here I am, a Mogay, and I'm looking back like that... I should know better.

: Our art was different, but we were such good friends. We had such fun together. The girl talk, meals together... I can't understand why. Why did she have to be turned to stone?! I... I don't know what to do. What... what do I do NOW!?

: But what about the other things? What else did the Cafe have? Hard-working waitresses, old customers.... What about those smiling faces? We've lost such precious things, and they'll never come back.

: us and made trouble. But we always had each other. Now she is turned to stone. Just when we had found work at this Cafe and were gaining happiness. We always had each other. And now I have nothing.

: away. But we HAVE to try and start OVER! We have to LIVE for the sake of the petrified ones. How strange. I NEVER thought I would be eating together with the Mogay, much less the Alqada! And now we sleep in the SAME TENTS! I never imagined anything like this would happen, but yet, it all seems so natural. Mogay... Alqada... Rafane... how meaningless it was to classify people like that. I never would have realized it if something like this hadn't happened.
Some people are taking this whole thing harder than others.

: My house, my money.... I've lost every valuable thing I owned! Now I'll never be able to survive here in this wasted city. It doesn't matter. I'll die together with this city... with my lost possessions.

: The Mogay can't do everything. EVERYONE has to pull TOGETHER, or we won't make it! Don't you see? EVERYONE must pull TOGETHER or we won't make it! So come ON, then... TOGETHER!

: Nice, warm soup. Not like my girlfriend. She's stone cold....

: Live is more powerful than that! It's not over, not at all! Zil Padon is far from dead! It's just lost a little, that's all. Revival is one of the roles the Mogay have been given. We'll DO it too!

: I'm on my way to see those two brats I took over to the Mogay. Gonna see how they're doin'. They were pretty down about their parents turning to stone, you know? But the other day, they smiled! My broken arm is better, but I bet those kids who's parents were petrified are still feeling down.

: That shop was the result of the work of our family! Grandpa, Poppa, and me, we built it with our BARE HANDS, you understand? Some new building ain't gonna bring that back. I'm finished. Grandpa, Poppa, and me. We BUILT that business! WHo'd have thought it would end like this?

: We do have to keep living, and think about the future!

: powerlessness like when that monster attacked. It was as if my energy were all being sucked out of me. What could it be? It was different from what I had foreseen. It was.... Yes, it was very, very sad.

: And Zil Padon is still alive! All life is precious!

: But I just can't figure out what she meant! What "answer"?
Examining the pointy bits of any of the Gaia tentacles around here will give you this text.

: asked for... OK! Looks like things are going to get busy around here. It's going to be a lot of work to get Zil Padon rebuilt! It may not look like much is happening yet, but we're getting things ready. We have to work together with the Alqada and the Rafane to get this city rebuilt as soon as possible!

: All the Rafane and the Alqada were standing in a daze, you know? I understand how they must have felt, but they looked more like stone than the petrified ones.

: If only I could put the paper out, at least I could help to cheer up everyone who's so discouraged. The Elder said that what the city needs more than anything else to rebuild is only found in people's hearts. If I could only publish the paper, maybe I could encourage people to find it in themselves. Even if buildings get rebuilt, it's people's HEARTS that need rebuilding the most.

: Some are even half petrified! Can you believe it?! Even those are sprouting! Isn't life amazing? Everything tries to be re-born! Even these old carrots are starting to sprout! Isn't life amazing?!

: what the Mogay Elder said. Even if the buildings get rebuilt, the most important thing is the rebuilding of people's HEARTS. That's our real task. We have to help the Alqada and Rafane recover. But I have faith in the strength of human will. I think they'll do all right.

: But that Alqada that brought him here when the monster attacked has been visiting him, and... bit by bit... he has started to talk again! It's WONDERFUL! That Alqada may look tough, but he has a heart of gold.

: stuff to eat too! Oh yeah, and, and, he tell Alqada jokes too! He's so FUNNY! I HATED it when I found my Mom and Dad turned to stone. But then I liked it when he cheered me up! Ha, ha. I don't want to be quiet all the time anymore.
Bit by bit, the city's starting to pull itself back together.
See you next time!