Part 193: Zil Padon NPC Chatter 13
Welcome back!

: My husband and I have to keep a place ready so that our boy can come back and live here with us again any time.
Zil Padon's looking quite a bit cheerier since last time.

: What is lost will never return. And that's the truth. So then, we'll just have to make something new! You know? It'll be as happy as it ws. No, we'll be even MORE happy! You'll see! We'll do it!

: like I used to love to do when I was little. And I'm strong enough to handle it too! I really think I would be good at doing business. I like to travel. I'm strong enough to do it. And I LOVE people!
Even this guy is optimistic about the future now.
And they've removed the Gaia tentacles. Somehow.

: but now, in different places all over the continent, groups of people are forming to stop Gaia!

: All over the continent? Wow! People are really DOING it.

: People and things all over the continent are now coming together in a way never achieved in the past! It just goes to show that we are NOT ALONE!

: I don't know when, but at this rate it'll soon be back to normal! Zil Padon was completely destroyed, but even so, we'll fix it up again!

: His wounds have almost healed and now he can go outside. This is where we have lunch. I tell him stories about the tricks I used to play when I was a little punk, and make him laugh. His wounds have almost healed but the Doctor says he can't stay out too long so before we know it, it's time to stop eating and take him back to the Mogay.

: itself. Everyone is caring for it now. That's why it came back to life. And the same goes for the people. They've come back to life too! All life is precious. Just follow that, and we'll be OK!

: My job is to take inventory and see that it's delivered correctly. I'm working day and night. Man, am I tired. But the more tired I am, the more Zil Padon gets rebuilt. That's good! Wow, am I ever going to be tired today! But the more tired I get the more the rebuilding! Great!

: 'Cause we don't want to see what happened to Zil Padon be repeated! So it seems all the villages are making preparations for Gaia's attack. That ought to help prevent a lot of people from being petrified.

: Where's all your friends? You gotta speak UP, eh? Come on! Cheer up! Hey. What's-a REALLY matter you? You not like always. Come on... show Gina that faccia bella! I gotta big shock, eh? I never seen adventurer boy like this.

: All that rubble has been changing thanks to everyone's hard work. People who used to hate each other are now all working for the same goal of rebuilding Zil Padon!

: Right. With the same goal!

: Hm? What's wrong, young man? Why the long face? Take a look at the rebuilding, you'll feel a LOT better, eh?

: people aren't dead, you know. If we work hard, and protect the city, some day the girl with the wings will.... Say, where IS she? Where IS the girl with the wings?

: that no matter how big any shop might get, it had to start from noting. You know? And then I thought about how Grandpa and Poppa had built the shop up from nothing in the beginning. If Grandpa and Poppa were able to build that big of a business in only two generations, then it stands to reason that my boy and I can do the same! I could only think of how much I had lost, but you know, it's just a matter of starting over! I don't know why I couldn't see it before.

: of Gaia. And other Mogay associates are doing the same thing all over the continent. It's preventing a lot of people from getting petrified.

: right? So we ain't gonna let it just die! No way! It's just like the Mogay say: All life is precious! OK, let's see if I can do some more♪
I was wondering where she had gone.

: I would look at her, there, and it was as if she was telling me to look ahead, not behind. So I've changed my mind. I'm going to live for both me AND her.

: was crying the other day, as if to say to me "Don't give up".... It's probably just my imagination, but I decided then and there to keep going. Because... I'm living for the BOTH of us. I'll bring back that Cafe that she loved so much. I will! I've made a promise to her.

: That's far. But the Elder said not to haggle over money. That time is of the essence. So why am I waiting!? Let's go!

: It was terrible at first. We kept telling people that they had to eat to recover, but neither Rafane nor Alqada would even try to eat. Now the food we prepare is all eaten up by the end of the day. And there's energy in the city now.

: But... I don't CARE! I don't need any special powers to live my life! It was foolish to be discouraged over something like that. I have a place. I have a purpose to fulfill! Maybe I can't foretell the future, but I CAN build it! There's hope, still. Right?

: All around Guido the Elder. Look! Over on that hill! Zil Padon is sure to be reborn! How about it? Wanna help?
Sadly, we can't get past him into the Mogay section.
Guess I'll have to delve into the map file to figure out what that person says at this point. Oh well.
See you next time, for the grand finale!