Part 194: Welcome back!
Welcome back!
Things may still look bad, but at least it's playing the city's proper music again. That bodes well, for once.
And the people are starting to regain hope and trust each other.

For the rest of the NPC chatter,
click here.
Speaking of the Mogay....
Like Rapp and Liete, Gina is a bit upset to see Justin so down in the dumps.
Unlike those two, though, she hangs around and tries to get him to cheer up.
Anyway, let's go meet with Guido, shall we?

: I'm ashamed of the things I used to say about you. I never understood what you were preparing for.

: Yeah!
Yep, all of Guido's
money grubbing savvy mercantile ways were just him preparing for Zil Padon's reconstruction.

: So THAT's what you were doing Guido?! You Mogay knew all the time this would be needed?

: That's awesome! Wow. That's so totally not like me. I NEVER think ahead. I kind of wish I knew what to do like YOU all do. I want to be useful too.

: OH! I know! Guido! I can help you! Right? Let me help, Guido!

: That's no good, Justin. I think you're not cut out for this kind of work.
Poor Justin. Even here, in the new hopeful Zil Padon he can't find his path.

: What? Kiss you OFF? You not understand Mogay thinking Justin. Mogay NEVER kiss off NOTHING! You know why? 'Cause even something looks worthless, it's got SPIRIT inside! So people can use somehow. We Mogay... we use EVERYTHING!
... Perhaps a bit poorly-worded, but that's par for the course with Guido, really.

: But Guido... please. Let me help somehow, OK? I can't DO anything else.

: Justin... you STILL no listen to me. Everybody got his OWN role.

: But I blew it! I'm useless! What can I do!? Nothing!

: That's what YOU think. Justin... look at THAT!

: Back in the times of the myths, people and Spirits... they lived together. Until Gaia broke the people's hearts! And no one tried to put the hearts together. No one could do it. But Justin! You made it this far! I knew you would!

: ME!? What do you mean I made it? It was NEVER me!

: It was FEENA who saved Zil Padon! It was LEEN who stopped Gaia! And MULLEN who'll fight the last battle!

: Not me! I'm not good for anything!

: Justin... maybe you want to be a HERO. But tell me, what can just one person do?

: One person? Alone? NOTHING! And me... I'm alone. That's why....
Guido is really enjoying his chance to simultaneously be a jackass and give Justin a much-needed pep talk.

: Justin... you STILL don't see?
And we get ourselves yet another voiced scene. You should probably watch this one. If not, as always, skip down to "cutscene ends". (
Polsy link)

There's a face I wasn't expecting to see again.

: Sue?! What are you doing here?
Oh hey, even Rapp and Liete came back.

: Ehe, hee, hee. We're here! ♥

: Everybody... why...?

: Justin! Your hard work here'll prove you're a real man.

: Women dream of being saved by the man they love!

: Of course, that goes for Feena, too.

: That's right, Justin! It's not like you to get so down like this, Justin!

: Besides, aren't you breaking your promise? You said you would explore the world with Feena together forever!

: But Feena must face her fate as an Icarian. There's no way of escaping that.

: Li-Liete...?

: That's why you must create a new path! You're the only one who can break open doors shut tight against all reason!

: Exactly!
Once again,

courtesy of Liete.

: Rather than thinkin' too hard, let's just do it, OK! It'll work out somehow. I just know it!

: Rapp... Liete....

: Hmmm! I, Gadwin, certainly see your greatness as a warrior and as a man!

: You have good friends, Justin.

: Everyone... everyone...!
Justin's starting to get choked up here.

: Look, you can see that you are not alone. This is your true power!
And, with Guido's line there, the cutscene ends.
The music doesn't stop, though.

: All this is your power. So use your power to save the world! It's your job, no?

: Justin! Come on! Get off your duff! Aren't you going to save Feena?

: Right! And you promised to avenge the petrified forest, right?

: The chains of fate are breaking. I think I'll be able to color my tablet by myself.

: All I had to do is work together with everyone! Why didn't I think of it?!

: I'm NOT alone! You're all with me! Spirits! Here I come!
Looks like the Spirits have something to say in response.

; HUH!? What IS that!?

: That is the Gate of the Spirits! It is the same as the portal that opened to the one who embodied the truth in the beginning of the Angelou Civilization. I thought the Embodied One only appeared at the beginning of the world but now another is about to be born.

: To create a new world.

: The Spirits? Me...?

: You have been chosen to possess the new Spirit Stone. Let us go, Justin, to the Sanctuary of the Spirits. Rise to the will of the Spirits. If you rise to their bidding, they are certain to lend you their powers.

: Yes, I will.

Speaking of the Spirit Sanctuary, who's ready for a flashback? All the way back to Parm?
Although some facts are slightly distorted, there's still enough truth in these legends to recognize them when we see them. It's not exactly the most useful or important bit of foreshadowing, but it's there, and I find it neat.
Another thing: this is the final chance we get to chat with the NPCs. Click on that screenshot of Gina for the final NPC chatter update.
Also, once you step through the gate, there's no turning back. You're on a one-way path leading to the end of the game. There's no more stores, so be sure to do all your buying and selling now.
And make sure you have enough room in your inventory for the loot you'll be picking up.
But anyway, let's not keep the Spirits waiting.
Next time: There's no turning back.