Part 205: Ending
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Gaia has been defeated. All that's left is to destroy the Spirit Stone.

Perhaps across that bridge made of light.

It's no "Discrimination comes from the heart", but "I'll break it all" is silly enough when taken out of context to make me laugh.

And we're given control again. With Rapp and Liete not in the party.
It just feels right to end this whole thing by chatting with NPCs, you know?

They even textured the wall here.

(Polsy link)
It's the ending! Watch it!
... as tempted as I am to cut the update here, I suppose I should transcribe the whole thing.

My first time through the game, Justin barely had any magic, so he wound up using Midair Cut religiously.
I thought it was neat to see him pull it out one final time in the ending here.

Gaia, it seems, is turning to stone. And cracking.

Or not.

Once again, Spirits in a black void.

So, for whatever reason, Justin doesn't seem to have a portrait during the ending.

Whaddaya know. Operation Yggdrasil wound up creating a giant Tree of Life after all.
... Sure, that's not at all what Baal was intending on doing, and Mullen officially canceled the operation during the mutiny, but it's the thought that counts.

Zil Padon has seen better days, true.

But it looks like things are suddenly getting a lot better.

Even Cafu is back to normal.

And it looks like everyone's been putting aside their differences and enjoying the new world.
... Though I do have to wonder how that guy from Luc got all the way out here.

In the end, Justin finally got through to Mullen.

We've seen this before. Back in the Typhoon Tower.

And here we are at the credits. You may wish to click that Tindeck link down there.

Of course, the graphical issues that have plagued this LP return in full force for the credits. Ahh well.
Not quite sure what "sub programmer" means, but it must be a fairly important position to be listed this early in the credits.

It makes sense that a game this pretty would have so many graphics artists. Though only one monster designer? Huh.
Also: Kenichi Niwano and Hiroshi Asano, I'm sorry I wound up undoing so much of your work over the course of this LP so that I could get actual numbers.

I can see why they had so many people writing this thing, with all that dialog and all.

A lot of people involved in the music, too. And even more graphic artists.

Still photography and film developing? Huh, I didn't realize they digitized actual photos for this game.

Quite a fair few CGI artists, too.

And here's all the voice cast that gets credited. According to IMDB, none of them did much more after this.

... And Scott Beers voiced both Baal and Guido? Huh. Dude's got one hell of a range.
For the sake of completion, Wikipedia lists Snazin Smith as Justin's voice actor, but leaves Gadwin's as uncredited.
I'm also not sure who the "etc." refers to in Angela Anderson's credit. The PA on the Grandeur? Probably not Angry Shed Guy.

Fairly small Special Thanks section.
And I have to give the music team here props. A lot of the random crowd murmuring noises are stored as music in the game, and so they had to update them all so the hubhub sounded English instead of Japanese.

And now we're into the Sony credits.

... Y'know, I didn't notice Noriyuki Iwadare in there at all, and he's probably the person most commonly associated with this game.

But with that, finally, we-

Post-credit stingers: not just for Marvel movies!

Parm's certainly looking more vibrant, and with a few people from the other side of the wall, too.

For those not watching the video, Angry Lainian Man is voiced by Angry Shed Guy.

So, a lot of the voices here have no text associated with them.

Parm sure is looking bigger and better.

But as for us? That's where the story ends.
And that's that! I hope you all, whether you participated in the thread, just lurked, or read through this on the archive, had at least half as much fun as I did with this. It's been a wild ride, this past year and a quarter, but it's given me new insight into one of my favorite games. Both in terms of the plot and themes, as well as mechanically. Those of you who have played this game, I hope you learned something new, and for those who haven't, I hope I've piqued your desire to have a go yourself.
Either way, thank you for sticking with me the whole way, and I hope to see you again for my next project, whatever and whenever that may be.